The Jesuit relations and allied documents

발행: 1896년

분량: 313페이지


분류: 미분류


thither, Wit a viem to lacing our Chape there in the inius o more than te different Nations, hocin furnis us ver nee thousano ouis to e instructed in the truth of Christianity.'There ather Claude Ailoue an Louis Andr6have' enimineis abole for the purpos of 1ah ingrio sine ali inose eoplean and for their greater convenieno in his ursuit, the have divide themork,- one devotin himself to the more remote Nations in the forests, and the the to thos gathere in the inores of themandes mans.

mahe their usua abodein the river emptying intothis fame banfrom themori, and ait achnowledge various oris of divinities, to hom the offer frequent sacrifices These eople have Gods, achadine rigans of old,-haring them in the Mies, in theair, o the arth, in the oods, in the mater, and even in he11. no a there have been Theologians Who place specia intelligences no oni in the heavent hodies, ut also on the earth, for the preservationis ach species of an creatures, o thos ofour Savages horum regardeo as intelligent among

thei fellom hol the belles that hesides the Sun


dea fouris, fi qu'un meis si extraordiniarem'incommode pM ma fille. Ilo a certain animaux, aux genies derivet ita rendent beaucou plus de respectisu'aux utres, parce qu'ils leur soni plus utiles : Omne Rauroit croirela veneration qu'il ont ou l'Oura car quan iis

en on tu quelm'uno la chasse, iis en fontχ'ordinaire u festi solenne ave des eremontes fori particulieres iis conservent pretieusemen ta teste de cet animal, iis la eignent de plus belles couleur qu'ils euvent trouver, pendant te festin iis 1 placent danain ite eminent, an mellea reςoiveles adorations de tous es conrieg, Qtes tollanges.'ils tu donnent les una pres le autres par leum plus belles inans-S.

gar de intres Divinitex mais our se les renore


far more respect than to thers, hecause the aremore Aeful to them I passes helie What veneratio the have so the Bearn or after hilling one in hunting the are Wondito holo a solemn east ove it With ver specia ceremontes Carefult saring the animat's head the piant i Wit the fines colorsine in find and during the east the place it in an elevate position to receive the morshi os auth guest and the praises that the beato upon it,one aster another, in thei choleest songS.

fi 37 The follo a some hat similis usu in regar to the ther Divinities; ut to secure their favor the practio devotion o various hines, of Whic the folioWin is the mos customary and the mos important. The pas four orisve Mysmithout eating, in orde that haring thei headsmeahened by this ast the ma se in their rems some ne of thos Divinities, o Whom, thenthink, dependa est thei mellarae ano, a the helieve that


cher, His s'imaginent que labest sera fi 38yprise, si


ine cannot e successsu in hunting the Sta orine Bear, Mesa the have fidit sein these in adream, their hole anxiet is, fore Oincto seehines animias, to se in thei flee the animal uponwhichahe have designS. Accordingly the prepare for thei huncin excursion by long asta, --ic the somelimes protractisven to ten Mys, ascis mos commoni done by those of the utamini Nation They doriar more for hil in me armat in hunt, thecliui chilerenare obligeo toriast that the mamoream of the Bear, of hic thei relatives are in quest and theyimagine that the animal millie fi 38J caught initie

Onc Aeen in Ddream, even hy these Gildren. The have many more superstitions, hic it mouidie tiresomerio describe here, ut Which cause much tro 1 to a Missionary,--ho has an thesemonsterso Combat at the fame time. Such hasbeen the experience of ather Andr6, of Whose 1 ors, undergone for the sine of reeing thos poor

on account of thei vices, and speciali their superstitions during severa montha hiis herapent mit them las Summer: ut mishincto devote themhole Winter to the mois, he et out o the Isth of December, to repat thitheri a rout equaliTroughan clangerous. For, si ting ut o the ice thalcovere in My. an destring to mine hori culatro mini to Oint, o facilitate and horte his


mulat gagner terre, que te passage en estoit ferm6 pardes montagnes de laces entames 1es unes surcles autres, qui falsolent commeon ampari, qu'il estoit


1sa LES RELA NON DES IMUITES VOL. Mn' pas clemeMer. l cha --nmoina se trainanta mille de oes precipices, continuaria mute aveolea mesmea periis, Me mesmes fatimes, juriu' cem'il se rendit a lieu oti tolent les Savvages, doniun de principaua, pou te bie regale apes tant de ine tu fit offre 'un ac plei de gland quin'estes paso refuser, a ce 'est pas 1 u petit presentiam ce peumes, qui n'on mini, pendant ΓΗΠer, de meis plus delicieux, quandria chasse ou 1 pesche ne relississent pas. La premiere application dulere fui h visiter touteste cabannes, censet errae enfans, is expliquerpa tout les mystere de nostre religiona es ouraestolent tro couris pou contenter 1 saint curiosita de Dudice pinple, qui ne fI41 Ilumdonnoitias mesmel loisi de prenore se repas que hien aro, ni de satisfaireo se devotion que dans queique lieuocarisi, o 1'o ne laissottias de 1'alter trouver. La cause pou laquellem te recherchoit aveo tanto'empressement, estolent certains Cantiques spiritueis, qu'il falsoit inanter aux enfans fur des ira Fran- scis, qui plaisolent extremement Dcea Muvages de sorte que, dans les ruta, dans les abanes, nos mysteres se publiolant , estolent receus me amaudissement, 'imprimoient insensibiement, par esCantiques, dans te espritS.Ce succe donna e murage in ere, Qtu fit prenore resolution 'altaque les homines par esensans, de combattre 1'idolatri par de ames bieninnocentes. En esset, it compos de Cantiques contremes superstitions doni noua avons pariε, contre lea vices le plus oppose a Christianisme, te ayant enseigne aux enfans a son 'une flute


tis his meias unti ver late oro perform his devotions excepi in Some remote spol, Whither theypersiste in follo inchim. The reason hy e mas so ageri Sought Wasfound in certain spiritua Song that he mas mont tohave the initore sing to French aira, hic pleased thos Savages extremeir so that our mysteries merepublished in the street ano cabins, and mere received mith applause, impressing themselves insensibi onpeople' minos inrouo thes Sono. This successisnooummo the Father, and made him resolve to assai the men through in chiloren, andio combat idolato mith souis of extrem innoeenoe. In hori, he composed Some Sono against the superstitions that e have mentioned, and against thevices mos opposed to Christianityn and after temhing the children to sing them to the accompanimento a meet-tone flute, he ment verymhere Withthese litile Savage musicians, o declare War onJugners, ineamera, and thos Whodi aDhad severiamives And, a the Savages are passionalel fondo thei children, and mill enore anythin atriheirhanos, tho accepte the reproaches, uter thoughthes mere, that mere made them throuo the Songa, since the came diom thel Gildren' mout .