장음표시 사용
the Sacrament of Confirmation, hich he had receivedat in hanes of Monset eurmur minop. avin Maeninuto November th, and Minguetaino a Gys on a rockn in by head--nda, atias I reachel in place here I IIaJ macto passthe,inter Wit the Amico a the Savages no nas the Beaver Nation Phemithis Mission by B-tigin icliui chiloren, o the da of the Prosentationi in Nessed Virgin, o hom offere th efiis fruit of mymission. Mur liui Chapei, Ἀω erected, and ma thenconsecrateo in a certain sense by the Baptismis apo ild momam heiath of hod mas restoreo to hermith life of the ovi, by the merit of the Nesseo Virgin and of sain Francis arier, to Whom in hae commende herself. 'oon aftermata, in the fame place five litu chil- ore received hol Baptism mith ali in ceremoni of the Churin. hemerit, enutous of the good that thismissionmas heglaning o do, and of the honor Phao causodour Savages t pay to Jesus Christis Christinas night atrove to disturb the solemnit of that occasionis certain superstitious eremontes hic me calijugglery, and Whic these barbarians emplo formatoring the sic to health. ne of ou good Christians ein reduce to a critica state by a verydangerous illnem, II 3 a large number of infideis assemNed in his carin, an employed ali the superstitious rites known to them, to restore him to health. in informe of this I repatre at once to thate in Where I found the entire company very intenton this actis impiety. I approache the sic man, mro h his reconciliation it God by the Sacra-
ment of enance, in the midat of that crowd, and remalneo constanti at his fide, resolve to sufferanything, ather than auom the shee toleranatineolaom his Pastor' arma. hos barbarians seeing
a thendio, of the o fel by the postles henthe mere found morth of suffering ignominyrior Jesus Christ' Sahe. 'The succes that God grante me in the case of Jurater a stili more signia. I mento assailhim a night Wheno male it a tant to performhis superstitisus rites in orde to divine the cause of the deat of two initore recently deceased Nom So
nou elevames me grande eremonie, ou estre
baptis par fit 7 m6garde, non pas ave de 'eau
malade melque pris de Theriaque je demandande Peau 'erable qui stant naturellement sucree est plus propreis et effet, o me presenta de Ia mesmeliqueu donicie 'estois sero our te baptiser, equi 'obligea Drepare cerie laute heureusementieu
Sauli, nos Chrestiens se voviant consoler de mon senoe, firent une grande mic me prierent deles assister lorinu'ilita planterolent au milieu de leura Champs, e qui ut ait ave hie de la devotion, chantans e leur langue te exiva, pendant que cebois adorabie 'silevolt en haut xiis me promirentque tous lectoum iis ne manqueroientias de venir
HMeen, si lacla rom tmesis toriourteen years id, and imo ido a the foremost momen of the entire Nation. Such mas m choice rom among the Catechumens, admittin to this Sacrament only the mos fervent, the est instructed, and the most constant in the practice of Virine. out in fame time, I made Various excursionSon the ice in quest os stra ineep,- finding Vechildremto Baptize, and a sicli mung man, for,hose salvation Providence a more Walchfui thano.
For, harin inadvertenti baptized him, II J not
it natura mater, ut it a certain liquor that runs hom in troes tomaro the en o Winter, and whichris known as , le-mater,' hic I too fornatural mater, I discovered, misi e When, ---incto give this patient a dos of heriac Pasked for
thin a ut closing m minter' mor an returningto the Sauli. Our Christiana, Mehin consolationsor, absenoe, made a large rosa, and egged me
dassy, Without ait, an pay thei homage to this triumphant Standar of the in sit 8J of eaven
pe de temps queri'avolsis rester arm eux, me leput permetire. Avant que de fini ce recit, te clois ceu recon-noissance Di memoire o Per Jean de Brebeus, quia utrefois consaces une parti de ce ac par estrauaux,, qui a donn sa Vie our Jesus-Christ, paria plus horribi de toute les cruaute de Iroquois, i tu dois, dis-ie, ceu reconnois ance, de publierqueique merueilles que Die a vovi opere enueranos Muvam par se merites; iei'en oportera quetrois qui me paroissent considerabies. Un entant se trouvant si malade que ous es remedes estolent sans effet, se parens 'aviserent d'yemployestes Jongleurs mais,oyant que te mal alloittouiours 'augmentant, iis urent une meilleure fi I9Jpens6e, qui ut de me presente leur entant: e levis, mala it estoit si mal que e ne crus pas qu'aucunremede humata pust te desiiser; e recommandaydon aux parens 'mola recoursis Nostre-Sei eur, qui se laissemit nechir par te intercessionid'un de se serviteum, que la plus pari des Muvages avolentve dans te pala de Hurons, cie leur ordomayensuit cl'apporterit 'ensant e la Chapelle trois oum de initis, our lumfaire prendreon peid 'eau dans
good Neophytes, after baptizing many of thei chi1 en an noto maste, time on m retum, Icalled a Miscisis, here I conferre nine Baptisms, an disinarge a Missionary' ducies a far a maspossibi in the ahori time I could remain there. fore concludin the present account, I o ethis tribute to the memor of ather Jean de re-Muf,--Ο years ago consecrate a par of this Laheb his labors, an gave his life o Jesus Christ, suffering the mos horrible of a11 the crueities praeticed by the Iroquois, Pomerat as a tributerio his