The Jesuit relations and allied documents

발행: 1896년

분량: 313페이지


분류: 미분류


vian. Calling theatri into in Chapes, Phatheo herey an inee Wit the mater Hready mentionea and with the fidit application, ah mas entireircumdo her aliment.' Such, m Reverend ather, is a par of What occurred durin m Winter campiam os more inansi months, occupie in visitin themission of tho Norta, arotin Lahe uron, from aint Mari GSaul in Nipissing that is more than a hundredlea es. 4m yo is hei me give inanis to ur es for the goodnes that he has ahown during alltha period, to the floch an to the Pastor.


DIE a continuε ses misericordes surcette Mission.

qui conte deputara an plus de cent quarantectaq personnes baptis sies dans une belle Eglis ebasti depuis eu en e pays-la, qui attire 1'admiration, non seulement de SauVages, mala aussi es Franςois, qui la considerent commeone hos assogsu renante, stant Manc6e comme elle est plus de matre cent lieuEs claniles forets. Nostre- igneu qui a Vovi jette les premiers fondemens de ce Christianisme par des signes extraordiniares, a Eucla bonisi de 1'amplifier par te mesmes moyens, par tesquet i luna donn naissancea Illa opere des merueilles en ous es ages, ou fairevoi que ous estolen apellega son Royaumen nousn'en apporteron que deua de chaque age, qui suffrontiou faire es quo te misericordes de Dieus'estendent usque i . fieta Danil'aage te plus tenore 1 premiere mer- veille qui arriva te 29. Octobre. 67 I. ut telle.


GOD has continuod his mercies tomaro his


Father Gabriel Druillettes, ho has charge of this


The Father entered, an rebuked hi Juggle forno heeping the promise he had made, after heing himself cured by pinyer notri emplo Superstitious rites of that ori an longer He made him leaveth cabin, Wit ali his suile: and gathering the initore tori e the place of thos minister of hell, he cause them to unite in prayer ita the sich

one' expectation. Nor id he die untit he had toto hom sh thought that ine mas horne to Paraclis


nite me la Luneis le Iouisoni re ex de maladie, Pendant que eo, qui ne reconoissent que leor Dieu, ollissent 'une sant paritate: Enfin nremarque que te Christianisme 'est lit ic malogiout 1'enser, qui ne manque paco' fia7J metue biendes oppositions mais elles ne servisontriu' renore cetis Eglise, Mutant plus floris ante, qu'elle a plus de persecutionsa ouflair.


nig only the true God enjo perfeci health. eaee, in fine, Christianit hecomin est 1ished here despite ait holi, hic fiat notrio Iar place numerous obstacies in iis Wayn ut the mili ni serve toronde this Chure the more nourishing, in proportion to the number of persecutions that it has to