장음표시 사용
to Savages issesare abundant at ali Masons, and the soli is very productive 'here is excellent hunting, Mars deer, and Wilocaran ano furthermore, it is thegreat resorti H Nations cincto or comin homine North o the outh. Therefore last ear, clearly foreseein What has occurred, me recte a Chape there, to receive thepasserA-b an to train themurons ho have theret en up thei abode. Father acques armette, ho follome themfrom ointrat Esprit, continue in charge of them. Athe has no furnishedrus an speciat account of the occurrenoes a that ission ali that an e salo out it is that this Nation i3oyhaving been traineo in Christianit years ago before themurons destruction, hos Who have continue in the ait nom
118 LES RELATRONS DES MUTTES et L. Mautrefois est elevsi clans le Christianisme avant ladestinctio des urons, ceu qui se soni conservegdans 1 Foy sonta present dans ne grande ferveur: iis remplissent tous les our la Chapelle, pendant lejour iis 1 visitent ouvent, iis y chantenta Iollanges de ineu, aveo une devotion, qui en a beaumumdonMaux Franςois, qui en on est les 6molns: les adultes non est baptiseet, te vieillaro donnent
1671-72 RELA NON OF - - s Ismitnessse it There the romn eople have been baptized, and the old eopla et in chilore an example in thei assiduous attendano at myers. In a moro, the observe a11 the exercise of pietythat canie expected homin Christian Moy organized more than o years ago, although it has Men, mosto that time, mithout murin, Without astor, and without other incher inan themoly Ghost.
THE a commoni calle des uans receives ariver in hices iid om an fis are caught both together of this practice in Savagesare the inventorsa for perceiring that Ducks, eat, and ther hiros of that hin diverint in mater inques of the grain o mile rice to e found there tomaro the Autumn eason, the sueto nes forthem With suces ill that, Without counting the fish, thensomelimes catch in ne night a mannas a hundred Mid foml. his fishincis emany ple an ano profit te Morrit is a measum to See in amet, henit is oram out of the mater, a Duc cauot side byside it a pike, an Car entangle in the samemeshes mith Teia The Ida Savages subsist on this manna nearly three months in theaea . Nature ano necessity, Which have tauot them inis mode of fishing, have prompte them to invent stulanother o the fame river, imo leapsae hom ita
It is a device that is omemtat rude, ut excellenti adapte to thei purpose, an it enabies achii to fish Wit great success. The construct itin suo a manne acto bar in entire rive homineban to the other, mising a sordio palisad os stines,mhic the plant in the mater in a strato 1ine,
1 plante qui te porte tire unae sumta fougere. L' rs, cle Chat sauvage, qui est grand commeun hien, 'une mediocre hauteur, remplissent lepala, comm lesboisa est fori clair, 1'on volt des grandes miries dans es foresta, qui rendent cesviour agre te; 'estis es sortes 'animaux, umbie qu'au eri, doni 1 inasse se ait ess6ment, tantclans te bois qui n'est pas pias, que sumta iriere, dans lamelle it se eiteriouventis courant, Moli 1'onvade prenore san Peine.
helmeen certain Moles, hic sto the large fish. Along this barrier thenarrange cassolds,in hiis the place themselves in ambus an a ait heir pre With impatience. When the fish, follo ing the current, reac this arrier, the fifher planges in apochet-sh ed et into hic he easit coaxes
124 LES RELA NON DES OVITES Nota ε tous te avantages de ce lieu, nseu fI34J aj-ter qu'il est 1'unique cle grano passage de inutes lea Nations circonvolsines, qui ontis commero continuet entre elles, o de visite, o de trafic c'est coqui nous a fait eueriles eu sur et endroit oura placer nostre Chapelle, comme a centre de plus dedi Nation differentes, qui nous euvent foumirmus de quinge mille ames pou estre instruites des verite o Christianisme. C'exlh oh le Pere laude A11ollea cle Pere Lollia Andre se sont arrestet ou travaille a salut detous cesseuples istour te faire plus commodement, ita se soni partageg 1'un 'appliquant in Nationaqui soni plus reculses dans les bola, q'autrea cellas qui soni surcle horo declamaye destuans.
QUATRE Peuples differens soni plac6s verile sono
de la baye, o Vivent en partie de ceriu'iis reclleillent de la terre, en parti de lasesches dela chasse rit 3s Deucauu on e plus lovin6sion leur demeure ordiniare su les rivieres qui sedclinargent dans cette mesme baye, dicosis dumord; toutes reconnoissent diverses sortes de divinitog, ausquiales elles font ouvent de sacrifices C Peuples on des Dieux comm avolent a refotiles Payens, iis en on dans le Ciel, dans l'air, sur laterre, dans lea bois, dans les aux, mesme dansl'enfer: commerit4'est trouis des Theologiens qui mettolent des intelligenoes particulieres, non seulement dans las astres, mais encore su la terre mur laconservation e cham 'spece de novies choses;