장음표시 사용
haste, for in has nina litue longerrio live Nomone had Umine his proposition in him theseare the ather' Wores tha that genuine Christian, ho possesses no attribute of the Iromois Savage ut his iri an name, men to visit her; and Wrought on heris admirabimby his eat that shomas thereupo sussiciently instructe in receive holyBaptism- to the great satisfactionis ali the family. ''Τhe Father mas stili unabie is gain acces to another
io her conoemincher salvation, hecause he Ahomedan intense raram for Such themes, a mellissim incredibi attachmen to the native superstitions. In this climeaety, he had recoured lo a moma Whowas a frieno of that familr Ahe was notoet a Catechumen, an die no even atten prayers, ut she had some knowledge of ur mysteries and was etl- intentioned. he et it suo succes diom thevery firat time hen in spolie to the sic momana ut ecomin a Christian, and leveri contriveolo predispos the lalter o favor lyrio ard in Fa-ther, that he mas made mos melcome in her cabin, and he neve refused hi a earing thereaster. Being the sussicienti instructed, he was baptized ano Aoon after her Baptism, he die a very Christian death. hus it is ' say the ather in clos- in his letter that in spite os intemperance, whic reims here to the reates excess, and theother obstacles that hellcis constanti opposing to theaduanoement of the fiath me are continuali finding fouis to 1h, and fruits of the Blood of Jesus Christ
THE Leiter received by mei the oh of June
re de priaries Wo'espace en space de Myes fortagreabies, asse profondes, qui 'ntretiennent lachasse.
Je trouve les habitans de Gologossen, 77 plus
facilement qu'en asone des utres Nation Iro- quois . na compte plus de trois Centauerriere,
line multitude de petit enfans prodigimse. Ρour te spirituet, iour c qui regaroe lamission, je ne Ranhonnement e que 'en uois dire. Dieuen yant retir autrefias te ere Menaro toriqu'il commensoit a nuavaille aveo tant de fruit is depulspres 'un an te Pere de Carrheil apres M'il ut appris pariailement laclangue, mis de belles dispositioni nites coeum de ces barbare mur leur salut: je ne pense a queri 'heure de leur conversion soli
Ρour steris nos Cathecumenesis nos Neophites 1 'aversion, que melque esclaves declamatio neutre, quaeque Hurons renegata leur avolent donnge duChristianisme j 'a introduit arm eu te inant de 1'Eglise, en accommodant diverse Prieres, Qqueique Hymnes en leur langue, surcle principaux 78J mysteres de nostr ωy.
more Mily than in anno the other Iroquois Nations. There are estimate to e more than three hundred arrior here, and prodigious number o litilectilemn. - for things spiritual, and the interest of the Mission harot know What o M. Since Aod removeo ence, Some time ago, ather Menaro, henis mas eginnin his labor here missi suche ellent reSulta; and nearly a year ago, ather de Carrheil, after he had learne the an age perfectly an implante in these barbarians' hearis a disposition mos favorabie for thei salvation, I dono thin that the our of thei conversion has et
remove drom tu Catechumens and Neophytes the aversion to Christianit that ome flaves from in neutria Natio an some renegade Huroni
lodanges que nou mons continue depuis avec fruit,
J'en compte uente, tant enfans qu'adultes,48oJ hqui me a Mitria me e grace, deputile d6pari cluPere de Carrheii: 'espere que ceu uoupe de petits Innocens qui augmente de ovis parta Eglisemomphante obligera enfin Dieusafles priores qu'ila