The Jesuit relations and allied documents

발행: 1896년

분량: 313페이지


분류: 미분류


the late Monfisur de la Peltrie, Was homini Menwn os parenta helongincto the highest station in that country, ho oo mos caresvi minato rear her in piet and the ear o God Fromissan he home her beautiful disposition herinclination to virine, an a spiritua natur Hready ripe No tracem levit mas seen in her an homthat time her morias alterne themselves after every kind of Virine. The hian ost accingins hermide, inspire her Wit a mos ardent affectio foreverythin pertaining to the service of simo forpurity, mercy, and charit tomaro the mor, hominet helneas in could nes Witnessonmove hyCompassion --ita made inose ho gave any specialheexto her conduci regare herias destinediome Gyto hecome a great servant of God. faia A thousan edibin incident that are told of her early outes leave to certain orth persons ho arefult preserve thei recoros that I maydmel solet on hat concerna her cal to Canada. When sh Was omeWhat ast herihildhood, it Wasseen olearly enough that hermative endomments and the oris of eaven hic shone fori in her, Tenderedine in a far greate degre morthyi Jesus Christ for a Spous than fitte for passing her life in


semur notabie k la conversion des peumes barbaressi Canada. Enfin 1 compassion de tant d'ames qui se perdolent, lunio harae coeu pius sensiblement,


M LES RELA TRONS DES IMUITES NOL. 6 1'emporis par essus es inclinationa violentes

ami consuli 1 lessus es personnes doctes, o merite, de grande Vertu elle pri 1 resolution de sacrifier se biens, da vie Doetis honne inuise Lepapiersu'elle leur mi entre 1e mains, melle avolt escrit de a main outes ses euεs, se lumieres, stses sentimens surieri vocation est tomb heureusEment dans te nostres. J'en a tire te chela qui vivent, comme plus remamu les, parce M'ils en comprennent inuto Iasubstance. Comme lain qu'elle se propolait, estoit de connoistre paries granos hommes la voloni de Dieu elle leur ouo eniterement son coeur,is en expose les sentimens dans out 1 sincerit possibie Elle declare premierement que ce 'estoit a unde in pris Dia legerae queri'avolt est te plus ordiniare de se intretiens interieum aveo Dieua principalement depulsis o sep ans, que te seu de sonsain amour 'estoit alium dans son coeur 'une maniere extraordiniare Ww'ene avolt me cetis grace, falsant les exerctoos spirituela, fouila conduited'un sage Directeur. faisDQue endant cette retraitte, elle avolt sentydea mouvemens si Distans, our procurer par lautestes oes imaginables la gloire de elu qui posse-doit uniquement son emur, qu'elle ne se proposcit Pas moina que de 'employeris Procurer aulant que


IMI TM RELA NON OF in ι- s sis greater orce, an prevasset Ver the vehement

sires that he est salvi fora eligiousque ano,

after consulting in the matter certain Iearneo personaos morth and of great virine, in resolve to sacrifice

her properi an her life to that good, h. The paper hich ah placed in thei hanes, containing inher omnisandWritin ali hex Viems, herano leuge, an her feelings in respectri this call, has happily

an extraordinar manner,- that grace beingaranted her hil in Was performin spiritua exeresses, unde theauidano of a Wis Director. ais Duxing this retreat, he had fiat suin pomeri fui impulses o contribute in Ver conoeivablemanne to the Hor of him ho Hone possessed herheari, that sh set hefore hemias nothiniles than to devote heraeis to promoting, a far a the me nesso her sex movi permit, the conversio an Salu tioni at the nations of the morit, hic Memedio Aman for the reatnes of her eat. From that time, he was Won to accompanni spirit ali inose


n'estolent que generales, elle 'avolt eno e Mun


destres mere so ardent ano Vehement acto ause herdissiculi in breathing and sh ades that the merealWay lasting, increasin in force laom tanto Gy. But ai6Da her intentions ere then ont generat,ine ad thus far no definite purposen an Ahe feliconvince that heingon leo underiise a11 thatheriseia might dictate, heluot in orde to renderher 1aud te destres effective, to fico Some good mor in particular, Rhin the scope of her pomerant strengin Thereupon ine found heraeis in great clarkness, hich obligeo herrio redouble heri yersan devotions an to cause the saying of many Masses. Finalty the thought came to her that shecouid do nothing that movi more redound to then res God than to ove her possessions and herclifeto in cause of educatin the litile oris of Canada. 'Oh, hominiadly, sh exesaimeo, ould I devote to that en est the riches of the Universe, mere theyat, disposail om illino mould suffer 11 ConoeiVahle martyrdoma, in orde to cooperate in thesiavationis thos mor fors en ovis V Amid these thoughis an ardent longings, in Wassulindetermineo' enter po no underi ing mithout in sanctio and approvat o som enlioteneo persons and ahe a IIJ a very clearly that togain her ent, in must hine the entire conuol of her


demier, Wpou te premier de re grandes oppositions son intreprise Mantiam θ'aboro une chimere, parce me, te Canada ne fessant alor que Commencer,il n' avolt aucune apparenoe, qu'une eune V Vedelicate, aveo de granos mantam de nature, de

hiens de fortunes de grace, considercle, techerinsio commesi'un de premiera partis de ce pays songeast passercles Mers, mur menerine vi miserable danades forests, pam des eupies le plus barbares dumonde. our se hiens, et1 entra dans de granda proceg, ses parties qui estolent puissantes, pretendanisque our se profusion se liberalite enueriles pauoes elle estoit incap te de gouuerner son biennEne nera'estonna potntineanmoins, quo qu'elle eustpe de personnesiour elle, riu'elle eust perdurion proceg. 'abor elle en appella se fat8 parties avolent de leur cost de plus granda du RODume, qui sollicitotent incestaminent te Iuges contr'elle; tout se loti estre dans te desespoir, se amis


Property,- tW Very dissiculi ining to effect Butat this potnt in Ahome her ourage and her trusti Gol. Indeo fh encountem a thousan diffinities in respecto the larier objeci, an extreme opposition in her purauit of the former. Her under-taking appeared at fim chimerical since, as Canadamas then but in iis infancy there mas no lihelthood that a oun an delicate idom, greatly gine hynature, pom sed of large means, richi endo ed by fortune and grace, highly esteemed. and Aought afteras ne of the est matches in her counto mould thin os mssing the Sexto leaxa retche life in the ooda, among the mos barbarous eopte in themorid. In the matter of her properi in enterel

pomerfui, laiming that, Wincto her profusion ano liberalit tomaro the oor, in Wa incapabie of administerinther estate. he mas nothini unteo, homever, although she had se person on her fide, and lost her fuit. he tinc appeMed. e fat8Jadversaries ad n thei fide ome of the reatest men in the inglom, ho mere constanti strivingis turn the Judos against her. The hole caseappeared opelem an her frienda regarde it ascertain that, at the ulmost, he ovid obtain herinare ni provisionalty In his perplexit she had recondie to God mining a vom to him and to thegrea fiant Ioseph, rotector of Canada that, hould she in her fuit, he ould execute her purpos and mou1 us her entire properinior God' glornandior in saringis fouis. Nothing ad thus far been divulgeo. At in fame time that sh made his voW, God inanged the hearis of her opponenis, ho, to Seher m mores, mere transforme laom lion into


EM LES RELA TONS DES SVITES NOL. 6servi de se termes, devinrent de agneaux, en unmot elle migna son prooez. ous se amys, tous ceu qui tu avolent est les plus opposeg, en furentsurpris, Madmirerent la conduite decla divine Providence, surrim a tres Ouelque honne ames, ditiale me discient nous ne sς-on pas queis soni vos de ius, mais a main de Dieu 'est ait amistre extraordinatrement en est occasion, Quous estes