장음표시 사용
of the ocks in the ver me continuel untii, for lacho licti, me could no longe distinguish them. My succes in procliamin the Gospei Was sur- sing, finding, as Ιχid, amon ait hos Nations a state os mino so favor te that Phad more dissiculty in refusing thos Who offeret themselves for baptism, than in inning them an subjecting them to the empire of the Faith. All the Captians and the lead- in Chies mere mono God, hic mill at greatly
In thei marriages an superstition are found the two capita vices, and the mos dissiculi obstacleto veroome amon ali in Savage Nations. hose Norther tribes seem the les remote rom God 'sMngdom in that therare les subjectri these vices,not ein accustomedo a very sensual life anishoming themselves lem obstinate in thei superstitions It is asyrio disabus the of thei errors,
an to subjeci them to the Lams of the Gospellandine purit of the Christia religion. I ad n dissiculi in convincing the of theslio pomer possessed by the demons for succo inginei folioWers, sine the have none hateve fordetivering themselves rom the fires of Ηρ11 and Iexplaine to them the suffering endured by thesedemons the vehemence of their ealousy, and theis horribi malice in Wishincto have companion in
tant enfans, qu'adultes Oue ne Peut-onsa es rer res de si beau commenoemens particulierement, si on considere te desi ardent querious es euples
tous nos traVinxy 'est son affaire, 'est soninterest.
ios herousbano, it Was the neares relative'idutyto tali care of her an maintain her,-hololacherno as a nave but asin mite. 'Paeos the account of our ournermith in num- heri person baptized, amounting from in timeo my departuro, to imo hundred, Hloren ano adultato ther. What may e no homoster a fala abeonning, speciali in te of the ardent destre for instructio manifeste to me by allabos people, thei reluctance to let me depari in urgent requesta the made me that me inovidis to fetu in theircotinuras mon a Possi Ne and theis pressing invitation to the renc in generatrio go and trade miththem λυ Aner o much neoumgement, an me destre anything excepi that God may be pleraeda besto. his blassing poninuisu labors It is his inai and his interest.
nouvelle France: de a Reverende Mere arie de I Incarnatio premiere Superieures de me onastere. NOSTRE Canada a perdu adam de la Peltrie,
La mori de ea deux Illustres personnesin est une affictio publimen comme elles obligeolent tout lemonde, laut te passa a pris pari Wies a regrevsies. rae honoroit beau up par-tout, ou leur Vertu leur stantere, mais elles estolent cheriei considercles, particulierement comme celles qui avolent
Foundress of the Ursuline uns in ne France: and that of thes ReverendΜothermari de Incarnation first Superior in that Convent
OUR Canada has tost adam de a Peltrie,
Founores of the Ursuline Nun in his country, and Benefactres of urmissiona. Sh die a hiandeat amoncher nos, omine I 8tho November of the year I 67 In and was follomel stamonin late by the Revereno Mother Mari de 1'Incarnation, he dear companion, and the firmiso8J Superior of the a ve-nameo Convent. The death of theserimo Illustrious person mere a public calami . As very one mas indebie tothem, the whole ounu inare that obligation and mourne their lom. The mere ever'here highlyhonore for their virine an holinem; ut mereespeciali cheriine and Meeme for haring tahenthe fidit Meps tomaro the educationis oung Frenis an Savage oris, and for haring thereby contributodgreatly to the firmissi lishment and the prospres of the Colonies of Nem Franee.
The were both calle by to this glorious. Matonearigine fame time, and both in an extraor-
eain ther ofore, at eas Wit the yes of the dy-- fac Which from that times came an argument in proes of the excellence of thei mole false ano conduci, a mill appea in the folio in Ch
tera. roscing the se in the fame esset. 3 years ago an sustiane a the have been eve since bylaeis recruits,-- have come to them rem a JFrance, ea afteraear, and whommeaven itself has
procure for them rom among the oris they have Teareo in the counto, the had bullii a Communit os considerable stae, hic is maintained by a sortis miracle. With it the both labored in concert, untii themorem their las Meath, in sanctitying many families by impartin to thei member favor te impressionam our holy Religion and of the Christian
ma LES RETA TRONS DES SVITES NOL. 66Je ne uis ouisfois me dispense desarier assea; amplement de leur vocation a pala de Canada, parcem'elle fera cirrae voyes admirabies de a divine Providencosouretes sanctifier, en procurant en mesmetempsis ces Nations barbares, unciemur si inanis-geu pou leur salut Qquesque pentae que 'aye, mur viter la confusion de amasse en des Chapitres separez, e qui te regarde inmune en particulier, ilfaut neanmoin qu'apres inoir olly celtesteus Dameis le viet de a Vocation nous en apprenion des circonstances tres notabies duinare que nous fera dela sienne, pari ire de son Directe , la ReverendEΜere Mari de 1'Incarnation.
it,in inom the admirable means adopte by divine Providencerior their sanctification, and for procuring, at the fame time, for these barbamus Nations ohespiu an id in their Hvation. And, hoWeVerstrong, purpos to Vol confusion by groupingi separate Chapter What conceras ac individu- Hly, et me must, after hearing this plous ad onthe subjectis her an turn ur attention to omevery notem in facta contained in the account Which, by orderis heriirector, in Revereno othermario de i Incamation mill oveis of her M.
seumonsiour decla Peltrie, namito Menςonde parent de plus considerables de ce pala, qui prirenti sol tout particulier de Γεlevis dana1 criante de Dieu, dans la pieta. 6s son entanee, eli fit paroistre son heau naturet, ses inc1ination auhien, Wun esprit 6j meur ono myoit en elle aucune marque de legerere, des minura se formolentd6s lorsa tori sorte de vertu Le fiant inrit quila conduisoit, tu inspira ne affectio tres-grandepou inutis qui regarde te service de Dieu pou lapuret6, a misericorde, a charit enuers es unes, doni elle ne ouves Vol la misere sana enestre inch6e de compassion qui falsoit jugeris ceu qui falsolentisne reflexion particuliere su saconduite, qu'elle serotton Our ne grande servante de Dieu.saia Ie laisse' de personnes de merite, qui en conservent precieusemen 1es memoires, mille particularite d'edification qu'on inconte de son bas age, Pour,'arrester uniquementis o qui a rapportaria vocatio en Canada. Estant unie avantae en age, o connut asse que son naturet, cles donio Ciel qui sciatoient en elle la rendolent beaucou plus digne θ'avoi Iesus Christ ou Moux, que Propre