장음표시 사용
that on the dares the Visitationis the Nessed Virgin, Grinther Wayer Our Loro ad conveyed toler astrong feeling that it mas his mill that in inould goto Canada for the good of so many litu oris, and tothai endo movi confer on her abundant oris of grace. his o fine me mith confusion, sine, 'hatra sat in him, mreyes streaming mith
Iaavi inc great favorsi conferreo. Η seemel tosant m inne ea that it ma true, ut that his purpos mas to ove remo for admiring his mercythe more, and that it machia in torus me in those
regionarior his gloryn that Linovidis thither some
Non stant inus ces sentimens, Moes connoistancessi expresses, selon qu'elle le ouuoi presumer, declavolont de Dieu elle remetetout in jugement de oeuxque Die lunaves donn pou 1 decision de cerae affaire, comme elle te temoigne, finissant insi 1'6crit.'elle leur presenta sur ce viet. Au reste esses 1e out entre te mains de Dieu ce soni se propres terme in de se fideles serviteum, qui faas pren-drontra peine 'examine ma vocation e Canada, 1es conjurant, a nomise a honta, de ne pas consi
Wand should di therea that, although some of his
question a in declares in thus concludin thepaper hic in presente them po the subjeci: Finalty Pleave in Whole matter in the hand of God these are herim mori and of his Mith- fui servant Who IIIJ areo tali in troubie of examining m callo Canada. conjure them in the nam os hi goodnem, notrio consider What Lmay have to suffer in the executionis this design, sinoe ΙWould gladi endure a thousano artyrooms, is it mere necessar and mere God' mill for the sis of contributin some hat o his mater nory. Lamready to submit linet to Misve decision theyma reach in this matter. The were ali os opinion, after hearin her and examining her ritis statoment, that the fingeris
fille, qui ne pensoit qu' glorifier ineu, se Voyant
rae, qui tu donnat consei sana estre suspecte, P dasta executor te esset . 'elle avolt ourcle Canada. Elie consulto me la dessus h son ordi
estoit fori extraordinatre it rit duoemps our laconsidere levant Dieu, 11 1e fit austi enoore tres- particulierement de son cost6. Et ous oeux enfinayant με que e moyen, qui n'avolt rien qui ne fustselon Dieu seroti essicace, ou la fi m'il preten- dolent, Monsieur de Bemieres en ficta proposition fori civilementa Monsieu de auhougon, qui estant bieninform si merite decla personne, y consentit, Po-ve que a fili te voviui bien. Cette age fille, qui ossoit de conceri Vec 1 dans ceu lainte fiction, scouincla dessus son pere,
in a certain sense lone, hae dissiculi in findininanenti tene person ho ould Without hein suspected, grue her invice, and aid her in the executionos her Canadia project Sh consulte God, a Washer mont and the thought camerio herit appinio a Veryoprio genileman os exalte piety the late Montieur de Bemieres, re ureris France at CaEn, very mellanown by his books,' and stili more by the holines of his life She found means o speis tohimn ano after in hae in severat intervieWs, giVenhim ait the information necessis for obtaining romhim in counse1 she destreo in the prosecutionis herunderi ing, he proposed to him a pia that would facilitate and justis the reedom of thei inter-Viems, faetvi Which, o nable heroo follo his advice to Quantage, he thought ought to e frequent. y this plan, as in mas being eageri sought in marriage, he macto consent to a monsteu herrither for heroano, ut Without intending everrio
That oly ma perceived Ver esearly this mous dy's purpose; et, a the proposition a very extraordina , he oo time in conside it helare God me also on her fide, di s With the greatest care And at lenoh, both decidingahat this expedient Which containe nothing contrarnio God'ilaws, mouida effective in promotin the eno the had invio. Monsiour de Bernieres roache the matterve solitoly tomonsieur de Vmbougon, ho, ei mel informe a to the an 's orth, in his consent, provide his aughter mas dis sed tor eive his init.
That discreet oun lacly, actin in conceri Withhim in his oly fiction, thereupon hearo her ather With much respect and modestya and her aname masinat, sinoe his orthy Gentieman who di her the honor o fetas as heroano, me mith herdather's favor, in also preferre him to any one eis in theriovince Nothing more mas needeo to gladien thehear of Μonsleu de a ougon, an to ove theselmo good mula entire laeedom for conferring to thoran prosecutis vigor My though secretiy the Canadia projeci. onsleur de Bernieres enis dupon this mith suis strong convictions that it,ould promote God's glom, that he was determine to devote ali his properi to the cause, is necemary; nor didae leave Madam de la elui unti he had himself ut her o Maro ne of the esset saltingior Canada. But, o sparo the ain that o violentandisnexpected a parting movi hine caused, it WasGod' mill that this clauoter, o fondi cherished, should firs close her good ather' es. e ted like a me Christian a hori time after conoeiring