The Jesuit relations and allied documents

발행: 1896년

분량: 313페이지


분류: 미분류


clam de la Mitri haring one to Paris to negotiate this affair, there folio ed immediate1y a Correspond- ence o both sicles and the repties provinctavorabie, it hecam necessam to es an interviem iththe least possibi delay. An on his occasio masverifieo a monoeesul vision hic the bove-nameo Mother Mario dea Incarnation hae had rixaear. fore, and which, as it mas finalty realigeo, meli deservest he old y her in the festo in Chapter Theaccount mas ritte hy herim hane, after the sese Lady' deat an a hori time efore her-- orcle of her Confessor an inmotor.


3 produis e remes age Mutant plus volontiem,

questa salatere Ie merite decla personne, doni nou Parieron cy- res, lumeonne son autorita, son polosa cienses propres termes. Environ Pan mille si centorente troia vers 1 finde ann6e, peu pres queri'eus ait ma profession Resineuse, 'estant retirε h issu de Matines, dans nostre cellula cil me semhia dans u lege som- meit, que te pris par a mala, uno eune ame culiere, Qque marchant aveo ene 'un a plus promptisue te en je la deonscia oujoum, sananeanmotas 1 laisser. Nostre chemi estoit vers 1e1ie ou on 'embarquest. Nous anasmea tomoum de compagne durant nostre Voyage, jusque Laa8Paulleu, o nous noua clerion rendis Enta noua arivasmes h n grandis s. stans scendus hierre, nous montasme surine coste Parin passage, comme de Iaraarmur 'un grandisortali, a cost de Cette Meriure, parulon homine vestuo 1 lacon.'on depelat les Apostrea, qui nous regardant benignement, compagne, Wmoy me fit signe dela mala me donnant a entenore mei'estes 1 nostrechemin, our alleris nostre demeum quo qu'il ne pariat mini, son signe me servola d 'adresse, mur alter


CITE'his testimon ali in more glad1y that the


unis mas frighesul, an apparenti impenetrabie. Mean hile, in companion 1ef me, an descende afom sieps into the thichnes of thos misis. As forme, haring at in very firat been motione tomaro alitu Churis, o the verge of the hil Where o

HNE. It was o fine hue martile, ait ornamentinwit sculpture in the antique mode. The bl sed Virgin mas eate on it, in the ery iddie, and was contemplatin this ast renon, bearing on herbosom in ho1 Chilo Iesus. Theiother an Sonaeemed to me of marblea et so insome a their Maring that i seemed as is I mould neve reach themmon enouo to satia my devotion. At last Ucam to them fille mith an ardor that consume me. At his tant, Ι me mith a great su rise for um mising my eos, Ufound that the


more ano more.

The beaut of the lesse Virgin's face - Ahe


Wit tha soring and thenoe, at our solicitation, he ment in queat of the salomonset eur of oura, and aised him for some Ursuline Nunmto accompanyΜadame decla Peltrie, Who purposed goincto Canadato found a Seminis for the educationis the Savage viris. his equest a firat surpriaeo that mo Prelate; et, after receiving detaued informatio homine ather o the whola affair, he made reply,

os the matter.'

'In the interim, Madam de la elui entereu ith Monsleur de Bernieres. e received her Witha thousandalessing on hero te underi ing, and was soriouched by her rare modest an by the eat manifes in her mores an in the confession he

accede to est the equest male of him-espectany When, po the retur of the ather, Who, at his remeat, ad come to examine me on m calling, he learneo in true state of the case. In the mean-


vocation pour Canada. Ρour ne potnt 'arrester in gini de mille cir- constances, qui changerent dans cetis agre leentre-uε, nostre Communaut enon petit Paradis,la dissiculi fui de nou uouVer ne OmPagne, cartoutes le voviolent estre On alloit e foui uouver