Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류


12. ni parvi animi, fio narr0wa indς Predicat Genitivo. 14. Usque uia extremum Sontium, eden to the la8t moment, i. e. ,

teristic like pudore an ingenio.-nenesici Iegis by the favor of thelaw, referring to the la o Silvanus an Carbo, hicli conserre thoprivilege os citiZ0nshimon certain conditions. Se p. 50 lines 3 to 26. -Auctoritate municipii l. e. o Heraelea See p. 50 line 34. 31. Testimonio LucuIIi See p. 50 line 2.-TahuIis Mete1-Ii Se p. I, lines 1 to 22.32. Si qua . . . debet ESSE U. . . ought to any eight. 33. Divin commendatio. Oet are represente a unde the protectio of the gods See p. 4 line 30.34. Eum Objectis accipiatis, p. 59, inera.

35. Ornavit, has celebrate M i. e. in his Orks. 36. His recentibuS. . . OEriCuIiS. . . ESSO Q. e. by hi propOSed post o the consulAhimo Cicero. Reeentibus perieulis refers to Catiline' conspiraey, SuppreSSed the precedin year. T. Omnibus G. 388, 1.-Communiter de ipsius studio con 69 cernins hi8 sur8uit in general i. e. concerning the profeSSion fis poet. 1 O. Qui judicium exercet, ho con et the triat, i. e. Who re- Sides Vercit, viz. the praetor, Quintus Cicero, the brother of the orator.



i Gens years bellare, Mithridates, Icili 0 P0u tus, Lavin ullied


partis Pontus, invade Armenia defente Tigranes, and ook tho Armonian capital but thisia illiant careeri conquest Was finaltychedhod by tho isaffectioni his soldiors. Aecordi gly, in theyea 6 B. , he a supersedest by Glabrio, Wh prouod o b avery in ossidion commander Mithridates and Tigranes promptlyavalle thom solvos of tho opportunit thus Grei them O re- covering tho territory an pomer hiel the had 0st. It was at his orisis in tho Roma assair in tho East that tho tribuno stius Manilius, in the pring of 66 B. , moved that Pompey, Who had just adhioved uoti signa succes in the War against thepirates, and Who as stili in Asia at tho east os a largo an victorious army. hould bo intrustest avit tho chio command in thoava against Mithridatos and Tigranos. The bili generalty knownas in Manilianda , proposed to lotho Pompo With almost un- limite poWer, and accordingly et with violent oppositio DomCatulus and Hortensius, o tho ground that it Would e portlous to tho sis interest of tho republio to lae sueti Xtraordinary


Tigranes submitt0d Without a blow, and the Lingis tho Parthia offerre his alliane to tho victorious generat Pompey, On his return to Romo after an absence of SeVen ears, celebrated his triumph With great pom an display. The imposin pageant oecupied tW entire daJS.


I. ieero, in his Intro luetion to this, his ipsi Portb ore the Deople, states the Teasons hi δε avo hith erto eterrere in from ripearino e fore therinia odmunks them for the Praetorsis to hic he has justbeen elected, and promissis io 8 his I suen e for themel fare of the State.


5. Vitae meae rationes, mys m V Ue.-Ab ineunte netnte, 60 froni the commenoement of aetive je.

10. Temporitius, erigenetes, reserring O thei Suit in eourt. Ita neque . . . unquam fuit, and thus.. ha neve been Construo hos in volvet in neque et non, With unquam, neVer. Ita refer to the course

Whieli Cicero has ursued. Η telis them that he have lost nothingtheroby, as Others have eve been ready to advolat thei cause. 12. PericuIis, uit' law8uits.-CnSte integressuB, honesti and just , illi an indirect allusion perhaps to the invia laW, hicli fori bado an advocate to accepti regent fro his elient. 13. Fructum molissimum a mo8 ample reward i. e. the Prae-t0rshimio hieli he had just been elected. 14. Dilationem comitiorum, the adstourriment of the comitia, i. e. , of the assembly of tho 00plo. In times of great politica excitem ent, the comitia ere Sometimus alourned through in insuenco sine artrito proventis dela the consummationis the mea Sures propos est y theother party. The interposition Os a tribune, an uni morabie Omen, Pan informalit in the proceodings, as at an time a Suffcient eas0nsor ad Ourment. During the recent election, the comitia hau been tWiceat ourne in consequene of the popular excitemen in relation to certain bilis theniending.-Praetor primus; DOL st in rank a n Such distinctio is hero recogniZed, ut the ne 'st elected. 15. Centuriis cunctis, is ad the centuries i. o. by the eopte Votin in companies calle centuries. The hol ass0mbi consiste Ofon hundred an uinety-sour Such centuries. Eae centur cast nevole, hic mastrat detormino by tho majorit of tho individual votersi it This a the popular assemblyis Rome, and yet tho hole OWer vas in the and of the ealthy, a the contr0lle on hundred ut ostii one hundred and Dinely-λur Otes. 1 G. Quid praescriberetis Q. e. to folio Cicero' example. 17. Quantum VOS. . . VoluiStiS, as ou have horen a destre that there hould conferrins honor Uon me, i. e. a mueli S O have been pluasexto conserinpon me by electing me to the praetorShip. 19. Ex forensi usu froni praclio at tho α' lit., forenSie, i. e. intho Forum. 3. Ei quoque rei, for his also i. e. so Oratorient abdity, a im Ariplied in dicendo. 4. IIIul. Explaine by quod in hac. . . nemini O88it. G. In qua OSSit G. 500.

prope limit.


23 6 NOTES.II. Statem ens of the Case lan of the Oration.

14. Mithridate et Tigrane. Se Introduction, p. 232.-Alterre Iictus Q. α Mithridates. Si years es ore tho et ery of this ora tion, he a ulteri des eated by Lucullus, but finali os cape to Armenia, and placeda imsel unde the protectionis Tigranes, hi SOD-iΠ-laW. In the mea time, the Roman army, occupiod With the illi spolis os ora tus, abandone the pursuit Thus Mithridates Was est relictus undis turbe in his retroat.-AIter Ince SSitus Q. e. Tigranes, Wh ha been greatly exasperat exstac situs by the los os his capital Sce Introduc tion, P. 233. 15. OCCnsionem . . . Otilatam osse Thu disas elion in the o ma army the recal of Lucullus, and the inemelenc os Glabrio his Successor had furnishe them Such an opportunity. Se Introduction, P. 233.-ASiam; i. e. the Roman POViue in Asia, embracin the vester portionis Asia Minor. Is Arbitrantur. The subject is alter, aiter. -Equitibus Romanis. The Roma linighis ore the capitalist o Romo, an s meda distinet ordor, an aristocrae of ealth. The monopolige ali uerativo enterprises an ali commercia purgulis. In dividuali or in Com. panies the usuali bought up the public revenues. IS. In CStri VectignIiBUS . . . occupatae invested in armiso



2S. Neminem. Subjectis metui, tot supplied. 6130. De genere hoIIL; construe illi esse dicendum. 3I. De imporator deIigendo m. 62, 3. 32. Mus modi also ritte eju8modi Predicat Genitive G.

III. V. The Glor of the Roman Nam and the e far of the Toman Allies are in Dansier.

S. MacuIn This reser to in great massa re os Roman iligens in Asia, in tho ari par of the Mithridati War. It is Yplaino by thoclauso quod is qui uno die . . . denotavit. Se Introduction, p. 233.- Mithridatico BOII i. e. in the ear 88 B. C. G. 426 I.-PEnitus jam insectit has abeady beeome deγ-8eat LIO Quod is, qui that he ho i. e. Mithridates. 11. Una signisicutione itterarum by the in or os, single tester. The messe geriore a Writto orde froni in Mithridates t allhis satraps and governor in Asia Minor, to ut o death ma certainda ad person o Romani Italia descent ound in thei dominions. Eight thousan lives are sal to have been aerisse Upo that memorabie day. 13. ceIere m. 419 IV. 14. Annum m. 3 8.-Annum jam . . . regnat. G. 46 , T Lat. Comp. 2 6 IV.

15 Latebris, in the relirement, referring to the remoto an retire lsituation os Pontus and Cappadoein. 1 G. In Vestris vectigalibus conStrue illi versari.


62 o ad.-L luce versari is, O courge, in contrast illi latebris e uitare. Mithridates, at in advantage of the re eat of Lucullus, had speedit re- covere his os possessions and Wa even threatening the allius and tributaries of the Roma peOPle. 19 L. SuIIn L. 0rnelius Sulla, sterWard the amous dictator,