Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류


S. Quas idem ilicis, hic you ko α' a remari Whiel, Gratius biseum to have made in regar to the record of Q. Metellus, as may be inferrex 0 the folloWin chapter. 1 O. O arinis; G. 427, 1, 2).-Ante Civitatem clutum G. 580. 12. Quae OIae XoIIa, etc., hic alone of that registration and board of praetors quo the authorit os publio recorda i. e. o ali ho record made at that time by the different praetors, hos o Metellus


allege that he. Iis temporibus Abl. o Timeri construe illi fecit. There is somo doubi in rogari to the correcines os the text. e liould expect iis temporibus quibus eum tu criminaris, etc. T. Te Stamentum . . . Romanorum. This is a proos that Archias considered himsel a Roman citigen asino thors could either alio illso bee0m holi sis Roman iligens. -Legibus m. 414, 2. S. IICreditate S. . . Romanorum inherilances est in by lit , of)


27. Unutum temporum, a muta time as. Temporum is placedat the ud of the clausu for emphasis. Cetoris, Iii TheS Word areboth in contrast Wit egomet. Observe the differene in mea ing. Seo Dote On ceteri8, alio8, p. 48, lino 13. 30. Tempestivis conviviis, protracsed anquela Tempestiva convidia ere Balaqueis hiul, Began early and losed late. 32. Eo, on his account eXplained by quod . . faculius. 34. Oratio et facultas, oratorica abili*. G. 701 II. 2.-Quan- tu iamque egi, such ascit s.


224 NOTES.



IO. Roscii. Quintus Roscius, homost celebrate c0mi aetoris his time. 14. Ce Ieritatem, the rapi action. 1 T. Novo genere dicendi Se Chap. II. 1 S. Quum Iitterarii Scripsisset nuIIam, hen he had nos rerittena single laser G. 132 518, II.

and endorem Hl.

32. Humunissimos homines, meri of the highest cultur' in contrast illi barbaria. 33. Poetae m. 396 V. 31. Voci respondent, responda his sice, i. e. to the Poet'S Oice.


22 6 NOTES.

bdin his blathplaee. 55 1. Colophonii. The et tiron os Colophon a it o Ionia, in Asia

Minor. Chii The citigens os Chios, no v Seio an Sland in the Aegeati Sea, illi a cit of the Same ame. 2. SuIaminii The citigens of Salamis, an istanti in the Saronio Guis, illi a cit of the Samo name.-Smymaei The eitigens of Smyrna, in Ionia. 3. Permulti aIii. The three ther citius generali mentioned in this conne et ion are Athens, Rhodes, uni Argos. 4. Pugnant inter Se i. e. so the honoris heing 0garded as his birthplaee.

D. Cimbricus res attigit, he attemptes me rabee of thoi briuri

i. ι . Archias.


3O. Nostra feretur et praelieabitur, Et D reporte fand elebrated a sui . ostra agrees illi pugna the Sub ee of feretur and praedicabitur. 33. Tenedum, Tenedus an istandis the coastis Asia Minor, earu hieli Lucullus gaine a signat navat Victory, 3 U. C. 34. Quae quorum . . .esseruntur, by hos sonius these dee δε lit.,rehic thingshare elebratcd. The antecedent os quorum is iis, in homost lino. In rendering begin illi the antecedent clauso. 35. Africano superiori, o Africanus the Uer Se note onScipio p. 46, line 11.30. Noster Ennius. Seo note O noster iliti Ennius, p. 4 line 29.

nibal by d0lay M. Claudius Marcellus to0k Syracus Q. Fulvius Flac


228 NOTES. X., M. As other riters have been honored an si rere arded by Generat and States, o oush Archias obe honore tandiserear Ied by s.

by et Rustinum ominem Q. Q. Ennius, a native fraudiae in Calabria. S. In civitatem receperunt, admitteda citiaenship. D. In tineri l. e. citritate. 11. Nam si quis, etc. A eason for the n0gativo ans ver hieli ho preeed in queStion requireS.-Graeci VETSibu S. Archias rotu in Grook, and Ennius in Latin.

13. Graeca, Greelaworks.14. Exiguis These limits ould include Latium and tho Romancolonios Greeli a Spolien in Sola ther Italy Tuscan or Gallio in

1 G. Pervenerint Subj by Attraction G. 52 , 3. IS. Haec thcse things i. e. to have ne' deed celebratod in literapy ortis, and thii publishod to the wOrid.-Λmpla, honorabio. 19. De vita, a the perit os life -POricuIorum incitamentum indue empto encount i portis, lit., of periis. 21. Multo scriptores. Among thes may be mention0d ristobulus, Ptolemaeus, Anaximenes, Callisthenes, and Clitarchus Thola vortis are hoW0ver, ali ost; ut hos os Aristobulus and Pt0lemaeus Wore extant in the seconii centur os tho Christian ora, and urnishod inomaterialisor Arrian' histor of the campalyn Os Alexander.-Mngnusi II AIexander Alexander tho Great, I in Os Macedonia and On- queror of the ori l.


phanes pon Pompey an his armJ. 33. Credo. In ii Ony. 34. Ut ilonaretur; G. 492, 1. 35. Potuit G. 10, 2 512, 2.-NuΙIn L. Cornelius Sulla, a celebrate Roman generat, conspieuous in the civit War illi Marius Seu notem quas Sulla constituis, p. 20 line 19. 36. Petentem resudiasset G. 503, 2,1) 510.-Quem , he man

597, II. T. Q. Metello Pio. de notus o Q. Metello Numidio an Pio filio, p. 50 line .

poet Lucan, and the tW Senestas. 11. Pingue quiddam . . . serctgrinum, Rous ultering omethingrude and provinciat. 13. HOC, hi8, i. o. OUr OV os amo, a State in trahimur omnes studio laudis, te.

14. Prae nobis serendum, must o osenly ac Morela Dei 15. Optimus quisque G. 458, 1.


57 17. In o ipso in thri ery instans . 19. Despiciunt, tale their contemst for lit., de pise.-Prnecticaricle se ne nominari, to e Fo en os and amod lit., that mendion houldbe ad of them, etc. -Praedieari is here uSed impersonalJy. 19. Decimus rutus. Deeirnu Brutus, ne of the mos distinguished generales of his ago, is Suid o haVe ereete templos and ther public disices rom the potis of War de a consul 138 B. C. 20. Attii L. Attius, a Roman tragio poet bor 170 B. , an inti malo splendis Decimus BrutuS. 21. III FuIvius M. Fulvius Nobilior, cou Sul 183 B. C. de sub jugato Aetolia in redde. The poet Ennius ae e0mpante bim ponthis expedition. 23. Martis, of Mars the o of War, ut by metonymmsor belli . G. 05 II.-Musis. Fulvius rected a temple in Rome o Hercules and the Musus, and adornei it illi the potis br0ugb fro Greeeo. Among these potis a the celebrat0d aintingi themuses by Zeuxis. 2I. Prope urnanti, Olmost, illi arnis scidi in their hanius, i. e. imme

aidei and support0d him in his consulfhip. 32. Attigit hic versibus, he Archias has underfusion to celebrate

This reser to ersibus I i. e. the verse at ready OmpOSed a implied in inchoavit. 35. Mane, his i. o. the nocius degerit, sed .-L nudis Gen. Os

Spedification G. 390, V. a G. Quid os quo exerceamus m. 501 I. 1. 53 3. Si nihil . . . in posterum, is the oui id not ook formari intoth future e . L, ad Do an idipation Os the future.