Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류



these ast evenis, i. e. his recent reVerSeS. T. Fortunae, to hi mi ortune.

23 Persecuti Sunt aven geH-LEgatum interfectum, the mur-der of an amba88ador G. 580. 24. Ut iIIis pulcherrimum fuit, alitia mos honorabie for them. 29. Quo suIus . . . Vocatur This clauseri the objectis ferre. In sericulum Vocatur, is evo8ed O anser. 30 Ario BRYZunes. Se note O reynum Ariobarzanis, p. 61 line

31. Duo reges. 00 p. 61 lines 12 to 16.-Toti Asiae G. 385. 33. Cuncta Asia, in ali Asia. G. 422, 1.


240 NOTES.

63 G. Alium ci ci Manius Acilius Glabrio. 00 Introduction, p. 233.

13. Anten. The tam os his previ ous militar achidvenient in Italy Asriea, Gaul, and patia, had atready reached thum.

VI. VII. TZe evenues of the State and the Fortunosos Roman Citizens are in Da Hy6r.



14. Extremum, as the ast opto. Se p. 62, in aguntur bona, ete. Observe, utSO the four Opius embraee unde tho senserat divisionos the Charaeter of the Mar genus belli), a presente in the lalter parto Chapter II. 1. Agitur gloria I 2. Agitur salus 3. Aguntur vectigalia; 4. Aguntur bona Cicero, havin complete th discussionis thusirs thre potuis, no v talios up the last.-Quum essem dictUru G.

481 III. 1.15. Quod pertinet, that it tho ar pertains. Quod Seem toto

the conjunction, ather tha the relativo. 1 G. Quorum tintienda est Tutio, re o8 interest ought to e resurde l.

17. Et pubIicani Tho et find iis correlativo in deinde in the extparagraph. mi it in translating.

18. Rutiones, resiness, plans for N8inem. 19. Per se of them8e 68.22. Recten construo With dicemus. 24. Ex ceteris ordinitius, of the omer clas8es i. o. Os ali claSSOS


212 NOTES.

35. Initio e 1 Ii Asiatici, in the besinning of tho Asiatio Mar, . , of th Mithridatio ar 88 B. G. 426 1.



he Ornatae erant . . . Obδidelatur.


3. Hoc mi8, . . a nullo. . . 8 laudatum.-NuIIo m. 457, 2.-Istorum. This refers speciali to Catulus and Hortensius. Se Introduction, p. 233. T. Re iurium eIIum, has rem alas of the re , O the rem aining

par of the war G. 441, 6.1O Medea Medea, aughter O Aeolus, in os oletiis, lopud vitii Jason the lea de of the Argonautio expedition. Bein purSued by her ather, he resortexto the expedient described in tho text. 0lebis, though no stricti a partis Pontus, is here include unde that generalnam hene eae eodem Ponto.


241 NOTES.

35. Fuit enim iIIud extremum for the residi last thing was.

Illud meret represent the clauSe, ut faei loci8. . . quaereretur. 63 2. Eorum cona istino of th08m Gen. Os Specificatio aster manum 4 Fere almos invariab0.

1 O. Eo quod, et 'it that Ohich p Xplaine by ut illam. . . attingerct.11 Aeciderat Lat. Omp. 21.12. In XerCitum . . . fecit. In the ea 6 B. C. Whilo Lucullus vas occupio in MeSopotamia, Mithridates, ho had return0drio Pontus,desdatei tho Roman forces unde M. Fabius, and in tho lallo vin year



31. Utinam haberetis m. 48 488, 1 and 2.


. Quis igitur, hocinens his questi0 introduces th discussionos therars of tho ou topic jus mentioned scientiam rei militaris. 5. HO homine ; i. e. Pompey. G. 417.-NCiontior i. e. rei militari8. s. Acerrimis hostibus oblativo Abs0luto. T. Ad patris exercitum Pompe commen00d his militar ea reorundo his ather, Cn. Pompeius Strabo, in the Social War 89 B. C. He


246 NOTES.

24. Virtuti, alor. G. 391, 1. Virtus, in the discussion os this topic With th leadin idea os alor, is Sed in a very Omprehensive Sense embraeing the natura endoWment Whieli are essentia in a rout commander, tho militar'gist, abilis in rear. 2G. Cui quum inauditu n m. 391.-Nessu enim . . . SO In Virtutos for hos are nos the ni qualiscretions. The ther aro mentionediti Chap. XIII. 27. Qua . . . existimantur, hic avo usual0 8o cyarde l. o. Quae nuta sunt quanta non fuerunt, and thc8 quatilicsaro greator, lit., a great as h. have no boon. 33. Italia; i. o. in the Civit War. Se Dotu on civile, in 1

ab OV .




IS. Arbitraretur; G. 486, 4. 22. Cui praesidio fuistis, hom have you protected G. 390.24. Quam muItas captus urbes. The number is sal to averoaehod soli hundred. The pirate had avone time ne thousand vesseis

Cicero here e PS. 34. Duodecim e Cures, reo praefors, lit., reelve axes; the SymbolSo ossice, by metonym so tho ossicors. G. 05 II. In the provinces, eae praetor as attendo by si lictor Mith the fasces. Iutarch memtion these praetor unde thoiames of Sextilius and Bellinus.


218 NOTES.

Suinum cityin thesisland of Samus, O the coastis Asia Minor. 3G. Innumeratii es. Se notem quam multa8, te. En 24.7 2. Vitum . . clucitis, ou dorive life and breuth i. e. the grain With Whielirio support lise. 3. Metnct. A 0W an harbor omine Oastis Latium, o Gaeta. -CeIeherrimum, very muta frequented. 4. Inspectante Praetore. It is notanoW this praetor as. 5. Miseno ArioW and arbor On the coastis Campania. Edus ipsius Iiberos qui the hild of that ery one ho Plutarch says thata daughter of ADt0nius a carried O by the pirates This is undoubt-edi the casu to hic Cicero refers, a liberos may mea either hil orchil sen. It is hoW0ver uncertain hether his Antonius a M. Ant0-Πius, the Orator, o hi Son M. Antonius, theriather of the triumvir. T. Ostiense of Orit Ostia, tho portis Rome a tho out os tho Tiber. G. 41, 5. h pirates are sal even to have burn the hips intho harboris Stia. D. Cui consui praepositu esset. Relativo clauSe denotin Resul ; Ῥ001 s important a tot commanded by a OLSul. G. 501 I. Who the consul Wasci notanOWn. 14. Oceani ostium, the Stratis os ibi aliar, callo Oceani ostium, o mouit, of the ocean, o harmonige ith 8tium Tiberinum. IS. Tum Brevi tempore. Ab Out Dinet dab A. See note O et iam quinquagesimo die line 29 elo also Introduction, p. 232. 19 Quum celeriter a voedit M. EO. Tanti deII impetus, the o ast militar expedition lit., theonset impetuous movement of 8 great a rear a figure at ono bol and poetio, but dissi cultrio reproduce in English.-Nondum temPEStiVO... muri Q. e. Ver early in the pring G. 431.22 Sardinian . The large fland of Sardinia, est os Italy, Wasone of the principat granaries of Rome. 23. Frumentaria utiSidia, granari . 25. Duabus Hispaniis i. o. Hispania citerior and Hispania Llcrior, separate by the rivor Iberus, no the Ebro With Hispaniis suppi confrmatis. 20. IIIyrici muris i. e. the partis tho Adriatio ordering upon Illyria. Aeliniam. Achaia here donotes the Peloponnesus. 27. Italia uiro muri i. c. tho Adriati On the east, and the