Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류


2 line 16.

adducitur, is rough to tria be fore Dur stern tribunal. In judietum adducere icto bring more a ju e.

34. Tenentur, are held, i. e. in USt0dy.-Vestrum omnium caedem m. 39 , 3.

2. Ut nemo e . . . quidem reIinquntur, fatis one ambo est 39 even to deplore nemo ne quidem, o G. 585, 2 undis relinquatur, G. 495, 3. 3. Deplorandum; Gerundive agrestin Wit nomen, o Gerund. G. 565, 3.


202 NOTES. III. Statem ent of the Caso e fore the Senate.



34. Uriam: i. e. 8ententiam. D. NiInni Decimus Silanus as

35. Haec Se notem haee, p. 8, line 2.3G. C. Caesaris Caius Julius Caesar, then praetor-eleet, afterWardsdietator.-Removet, mPIectitur, rejecta, ut ineludes, i. e. in his recommendation Observe the asyndeton G. 01 I. 1; 58 , III 4. 2. Pro rerum magnitudine, in aecordaneo ita me greames of 40


201 NOTES.

1 G. Ego suscipiam, i relli rideria fit, i. c. the tas os carpyingout your deeroe. 17. Reperiam, qui OII utent. . . recusare, I shali nil Ioseuho it nos hin i conaistens it thoir dignit to refuse. Dignitatis, Predicate Gen. astor 88e, WhOS SUHeet i recusare. 1 S. Adjungit gravem. ObServe that Cicero is iving a running commentar Upon the propOSitio Os CaeSar. The Severa item containe in that proposition a re State Separalely, and eaeli ne is immodiat et folio Ksed by tho comments of Cicero pon it Thus, Municipiis dispertiri jubet is Caesar' proposition Habere videtur . . . Me Sare, Ci-c0ro' eomment Adjungit gravem . . . ruperit, CaeSar' propositi Omaga in Horribiles eustodias . . perditorum, Cicero' comment. 19. Eorum ineu a meir bonds, lit., of them i. e. Os the Prison s. 20. Sce Iere G. 419 IV. 21. Eorum construe ith poenam. 22. Por Onntum, throtis the assen nos the citate i. e. by Pro Cura deere of tho senatu to that osseel. 25. MuItus uno. . . uerumrans, e reo uid a e emo ed by a sino


D. Non I Eminena, ome one. Observe in dissere eo etWeen non nemo an nemo nou. G. 585, 1. It is not nosti ho his Senator


41 public nomi0s may bo reate in the Same Way eo notem C. Gramchu8, p. 2 line 14.18. Poenus rei publicae defendis SD, a id the penalty to thesiale Rei publicae, Dative. 19. Idem i. e. Caesar. -Largitorem et prodigum though liberal and prodigal This lavis expenditur os money for part purp0Ses Would tendri mali him popular in certain quarterS. 21. Cogitarit G. 518 I.-Etiam, stili i. e. longe r. 22. PopuInrem, a frion of the scople.-Homo mitissimuS,allibough a very meret u metim in appositi0 With the mitte subject is, reseri inito CaeSar. 23. AeterniS, perPetuat, i. e. sordise. 24. Ne quis . . . OSS POSSit Direct Objeci and Purpos os saneit Hujus Supplicio. . . Se jactare, to almaet attention lit., to dispiam im-

se by mitigatino his punishment.

25. In perniciem, to the uin.

Deoplerio m proposition ViZ. erem multo leniorem fuisse. 34. In immanitato unienda, in punishin the enormity. 36. Ita mihi. . . perfrui licent, ut Ego moveor a I hope toen iv. . . I am actualed, i. e. a triae ascit is that Phope to onj0y. . . Sonrueis it that Pam actua ted lit., mami bo permittod me eo Dy. . . so iram actualed, i. e. Ont in caso I in aetii: ted. I is a formis naphati assertio and asseveration Q. 488, 1.-Re Publica G. 419 Ι.

42 I. Vehementior Q. 444 l.


bissimum G. 170, 2, 2).

hominibus, in the eas of three men, i. e , of the eonSpiratorS. 25. Id egerunt, ut OII carent, aftempte to place lit., sui Hed this vig. that he might laee. Id is explaine by ut collocarεnt.-guvestigiis in the ruin . 2S. Nobis fama subeunda est, se mus en iure me infamy. 30. Nis vero G. 503, 3.-L. ne Sur. Lucius Caesar, ho adbeen consul uring the precedin year. His ister ulla ad arri0d Lentulus acher SocondiuSband.

32. Soroetis, of his ister i. e. Julia. -ViTum, the hu8bani Q. .,L0ntulus the conspirator. 33. Uit, Abi. of Separation.-Quum avum ...HiXit. Vetus Caesar mentione these instances merely to ho that it a b nomeans an unprecedente thin to punish tho ensemies of th statu illi deuth.-AVum Suum his gran ather M. Fulvius Flaceus mentionedin the sit Si oration, p. 2 line 15 a M. Fulvius conssidaris, consul 125

B. putri dealbis a partisanis C. Gracchus Dordor of the consul L. Opimius Se notem M. Fulvius, p. 2 line 15. 34. Filiumque ejus sh no suum instoad os ejus Bees usu


208 NOTES.


senate, the kDighis, and the tribunes of the troasHry. The reconciliation partiali effected by this compromise, a complete by the presene os common o in his re et leS conspiraeV. 3. Si perpetuum tenuerimus, Uie hali etain forevor, it , perpetuat Perpetuam agiees it conjunctionem. s. Tribunos aerarios, tribunes of the rea8ury. These tribunes, omploysed originali to colluet the tribute had 00 recently raissed by tho Aurelian a to the rank of a distinet orde in the State.-Scribus, thepublic kὶ k8. Thogo ero employed a register an secretaries in the various depariment of the State Service AS a class, the formo a dis




64 30 Tabernas, the Lops, i. oe, in Shops, or talis, O the artisans and of the mali trado I S. 22. Fortuna miseri, refched in their condition. G. 429.-VO Iuntate sorstiti, fundonia in foeling, i. ci in thei secling o good-Wil to

33. Qui non velint, a nos to dish G. 500.35. Hiinc, his i. e. that hieli ho 16oys at this time. 45 2 otii G. 99, 2, 2).-Omne in Strumoritum, Pery fan i. e. , os gaining a liveti hood. 4. Quorum Q. e. corum qui in tabernia sunt. 5. Quid tandem . . . fuit, fiat, pray, ould have been the fyult, is them ad beon burned lit., themh ino been burne l. G. 10, 2. Se noteo tandem, P. 1 line l.