Select orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with explanatory notes ..

발행: 1873년

분량: 331페이지


분류: 미분류



5. III ; construo Uit arma civilia. 83G. Pncis; G. 399.-TogRE, Re toga tho gar of eaee, adde to



268 NOTES.

90 2. Qui fuerunt Suppi inimici.

v. Tam nihil cogitans, o thoughtte88.10. Nec nec G. 585 2.11. Unius tuu G. 397, 3.12. Omnium. Suppi vitam.-Dies noctesque Lat. Comp. 411 2.

VIII. IX. Caesar has a Great ork vel to a complis a Wor indissensabie ali e to the melinare of the State and to his oren Fame.

0 1. Prudentiam philosophy.-Pericu G. 414. 3. I audirem, iouid assent to t. s. Stud tuae i. o. the mea8ureis lis designate in the preceding



33. Continetur, con8i8la f. 35. Huic. his reserario aeternitas, hieli, hoWeVer ineludes I993- ferita an memoria aeculorum omnium.-IuSETVin S; G. 496, 1.3G. Quae iniretur; G. 501 I. The autecedent i multa.-Jum

pridem habet G. 467 2.

IO AIiquid requirent, ill ad sonete defeet in them. 11. IIIud, hoc me former, the affer. Illud reser to incendium;

22. Iarissimos duces Caesar and Pompey. 24. Perfuncta est, has rea hed me lose of 25. Qui inflammaret Subjunctive os Result. 28 Ab uΙiis, ab aliis, brasme, fr0mither8.


25. Quod The antecedent is implied in the clauSe massiimuδ. . . GC-




po in tho Civit War.

In tho est 50 B. C. Ligarius, homas the lieuienant undor Caius Considius, governor O Africa, as lust in chargo of that province When the OVernor himself retur sed to Romerio suo fortho consulfhip. A the ope in of tho Civit War, a se monilis later, bo as importuno by the friend of Pompo in Africa, toput himself at thoi hoad, and thus securo h provino for theirparty, ut his o positively refuse to do. Ab ut his timo, hoWover, P. Attius Varus, ho ad communde so Pompoy in Piconum, uti ad beon desertost by his troops, arrivo in Africa and assumed the command Ligarius readily consente to servo unde him, and thus unite his fortunos illi ho causo os Pom-p0y. He a sinalty tinen prisoner at Adrumetum, horo his liso as spared through the Jemen cym Caesar, though ho Wasnot permitton to return to Rome. An e ri Was, hoWever, OOnaster ad by his friend to securo his eoad Dom Xile but Quintus Tubero, holad himself been a partisan o Pompey, butas dbdon pardoned by the Dictator, ought to deseat his movemunt in his silial by proserring a sorma chargo against imin Onewho had orno arm in Afrio against Caesar Cicero ruplied indefence, praying that the olomenc Which tho Dictator had hownto him anno Tubero, might not e rosia sed to Ligarius in his missortune and Tilo. Ilio appeal Was Successsul, and Ligarius



94 I. Novum crimen, te Therargirisen ines of this oration surdishus a Specimen Os Woli Sustained iron and ridicule. Σ. Propinquu ineus. The exae relation Ship is notono vn, ut Ludius Tuboro, the fallier of the accusor, i Supp0Sed to have murriuilinio in Tullia gens, O hic Cicero belODged.-Tuhero Ligarium. Sed Introduction, P. 2 1.3. In Africa fuisse. o malae the accusation appea a ludicrousas possibio the orator arisuli Omit the SSentiat par of it, vig. that whilo in Africa Ligarius ore arm againS CaeSar.-C. PnnSR. C. Vibius Pansa, a friendis Caesar, afterWard consul 43 B. C. 4. Fretus. . . nuSus Si Confiteri. Observe the rony. Pansa hadalroad interced0d in b0halnos Ligarius. G. Quum neque Scire S, ines ou otii notonore, i. e. a. Sup- posed The WhOle Subjectris presente in a ludicrous adiit a possibi0. Os courso Caesar could not be ignorant of the fac that Ligarius ad boon in Asriea. T. Ut a Duterer, to et e dvantage of the Purpos os paratus




III. negyri et on the Clemenw of Caesar in parsion- in Cicero and Tubero.


96 12. Gesto etiam ex parto mugna Aster tho poning of the Civit Nar Cicor hositatu for monilis, ut finalty espoused the causeos Pompey Seu notem diuturni silentii, p. 81 lino 1.

IV. V usation assa inst Ligarius is erue und