The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


in righteousness, might to Save. For theda os verageance is in mine eari, and the ear os myoede e med is come So


io finisti the transgression, an to eat pili vision and the prophecy, and to anoint tho mos holy. no there re, and Understand that rom the goin sortii os thoword to restore an to buit Ierusalem, uni the Messiali the prince, hali e Seven eeks Daniel x. Φ, 25. , illset his and also in the ea, and his righthan in the rivors me hallicrymni me, Thou ar my ather, in God, and the

lo en dure oreVer, an his throne a the


sion. is the Son est heae angry, and y peristi by the wayri tessed are ali heythat ut thei trus in him. Psalm ii. 6, 7 8, 12. Thou has mado im a lituolower than the angeis; ut illi lor and

T. That the whole sacre scripture treat Solely concerning th Lord, ill boniore sully hown rom ha sollows, and may be more particulari Seen rom hal


Stanee lone the sanctit os the or is gro unded and this is also signisio bythose ord in the Apocalypse, here itis said that ahe testimo a os Jesus is the spiritis prophecy. V Chap. ix. 10.

tent of the Laio, is meant, that he ful-flled ut the content of the Issor l. S. I is belloved by many at this day, that whon it is suid o tho Lord that hesulfillud the law, the oanin os this X- pression is that he stillillud ali the command ments of the decalogue, and thatthusae ecum righteousness, and justifi-ed an in by that aith. everthelessthi is no the mean in os that e XpreSSion, but iis rea signification is that he sulsillud aliola ings hicli are ritten concerning him in tho lai and the prophetS, that is, in the wholo acred Scriptureri in asinu chas the acred Scripture reat Solet Con- cerning him, accordiu to hat a sui d


in se observations may here be useful to assisto reader, hocis unacquainte With the ther Work of the author in the understanding of this Particular. t appears rom the interna sense of the ord that the me of the most ancient church, who existed besor the ood, hiis the rem aine in thei integrity, ad an intuitive perceptiono truth, by virtve of the divine limi or ordflo in into the undersianding and that the state of their isdom a suci, that the visibi objecis of this ori suggestedio oni natural ut also spiritual ideas, hereb ille ei ob e conjunctionWith the angeis of heaven Thus the had thesdivine Ord, or law, Pitte in thei hearis. Buti proces of time, his intuitive perception asIOSt, through the perversionis the ili an assections, hereb the unde Pstundita also ecame Perverted uni interiori closcd against he admission of the divine ligni or vord, so that mancouldio longerie instructed intuitively, o in thevli os perception, as here osore. It was there- fore provided, ibat nocti and ther connecteomitii bini, hould collec the correspondeiacies of Datura things illi spiritua into Piling, an sotransmit the science thereos to posterily, in orderilia the los of the perceptive faculty migbtae in Some degre remedi ed the ancient siluining scientificatly wliat the mos ancient eopte under-sto intuiti vely. Thus an externa reception Oftruili a provided, as a means os correcting the depravities of the will, in theret, Preservingmun in a state of salvation A Written ord,


Scriptures, and se en hat is there under-

there in signified in a triclisen Se the ten

theresere, a giveni inSpiration, containing the histor of the successive declinationi the church, and prophecies concernina ille future restorationthereos by the Advent of Jehovali, conveyed in thelangvagem correspondency, wllicli Was then unis derstood, and constitute the wisdom of the age. This cir is ometimes referre to an quoted, in the wordio extant, illi us as a b Seon. Num. xi. 14, 15, 27, 30 Sam. i. 17 ix Jostiua X IT as also in the propheis. Theirst chapterso Genesis ere also ahen Dom it by Moses. This ord Writte accordin to tire science of Correspondenotes,' hereb Outward things hecomethe repositories of divine celestiat, an spiritualthings, o e pene accordin to the require-ments of the church, and which was o understood by the ancients may there reae conviderexas adescent of the divine truth, or ord, o light into loWer grade or spher of eXistence, CCommo clatexto an externa state of reception, and a a means of man s salvation, o far as e sumeren

himself, hy obediencerio iis heavent dictates, ob brought hac into conjunction illi God an heaven In a further decline of the church this

means os salvation this descent of the word, be- came also abuse an perverted the divine science of corresponden cy ein turne into fable, and applied to idolatrous an magical PurPOSeS, Wheresere, by divine providenee, it a SUCCes. Siveli daPhened, an amongst the Israelitisti and JeWishieopte entiret obliterate i. stili more externa means a thera provides, hereb Some


command ments of the decalogiae in umore Xten SiVe ense, at thing that are

written in the sive book of Moses and

communication etween heaven and arti, mirathe maintained, and therei, a possibilit of salvistion might remalim; and this as by instituting repreSentative church, ille laws hereos hould in nn ut urit maniae represent an signis the holythings of heaven and the church, together illithe proce, and accomptishment of redemption by the coming of the Lord. O this purpOS a eo-ple ere Chosen, ho ere of such a nature anngenius, a that the could represent hol thingswithout enterin into the spiriti them, an socould e reserve from profanation and were leda providelice into suci states an circumstances, a bein recorded, SI Ouid represent and signis internat things appertaining to heaven and the churcii, and the coming of the Lorct so that notininthei statutes and rituals and the ordgiven by thei propheis, ut also the histor reis corde of them, Were significative and represent live, and by virtve of suci signification and repreSentation, rounde in the correspondenc os natura things With spirituat, a communicationwith heaven a Lept open This then a be considere as a stillHowe descent of the divine truth, or the ord, into a stili tomer grade of exisistence, accommodatexto the further declinationos an rom the interna laWs of the divine Orcleriand o be a means o callinthim ac into that order Thias e se the eternalford the re toris ali hings, in infinite mercy, following his creatures in ali the successive stage of their

degradation, and a tengili, hen the mlnes or


lla the mos extensive senso, ali hings thatare containe in the word That by the laeto in a strici sense, re undersio od theten commandinent of the decalogue is generali achnowledged.

9. Tho by the iam a re signised in

more aetensire sense se i hing that arereritten in the spe book of Moses, ill appear rom the solio in passages in Luke Abraham sal unt Dives in heli Theyliave Moses and the propheis, de them

mities, the Divinit assume humanity, hicli is calle the Son sent in to the worid, and in ille humanit assumen, occupon him an bore thecomplex fili the states of the declinationis thechurch consequently ali hos States them Selve S, Whicli ere successivel opene in the humanity. He di this in order, that a to the humanity l emight admit the assauit of the cviis of at tho se Riates, and by continuat victorie titere in obta inest, mirat put down ille ascendenc os evit, P ver- come the inserna power an at ille fame time by the glorificationis the humanity, he pene Mane doOri communication belween himself anntiis creatures, hereb preservin thei fre edom inviolate, an so reniterin salvation possibi toRIl. encerit ma appea in hut sense the v. hole Vordoreat concerning the Lord, and in hal


ten in the book os Moses, and in the booksos the propheis That by the lai are in particular signifie ali hin is that mere