장음표시 사용
Tho the Hol Spirit is se divine pro- ceedin from the Lord, and that it is the Lord himself.
divinit whicli is cullei the ather, and that whicli is called therion, armone in the Lord; it hal thures ore no be hown that themoly Spirit is the sanie illi the Lord. The reason hy the Lord et oin-od the discipies o baptis in the nam os the ather, o the Son, and of themoly
Spirit, as, e cause there is a three id nature or trinity in the Lord, consistin os
the divinit that is called the ather, thedivino humanity that is calle doli Son, and the divine proce edin that is calle d
divinity ditinum eae quo J, and the divine proce eding, hicli is themoly Spirit, is
ilio divine medium os operation divi=inmpei quod J. That there is no the divinit proceedin froni the Lord, iliari thedivinit that is himself, a b seen in
tigation That there is a threos id nature or trinit in the Lord, may be ellillustraled by a compari Son illi an angel, who has a sola and Ody, and also a Spiritual sphere proceeding roui thenCe, whicli is ascit ere another et Mithouthim e concerning this proceed in Spherei has boon iven meo lino many CX-traordinar particulars, hieli it is nee dies to relate in thi place. very man, who has a regar to the willis God is, aster deuth, syst instructed by angel S, that themoly Spirit is no a person Separatos roni the Lord, and that to go sorti, and proce ed, a no the meaning than toenlighten and te ach by the presene Osilio Lord, hicli is ver done accordingto the reception os im liene many, aster death, ut of the dea conceived in
the wori concerning themoly Spirit, and
God Johovali and thumoly one os Israel, dehovali, and the Might Onem Jacob, also God and the Lamb ut in asinuch asthes are ut ne it is algo aid in therplaces, dehovali is Godolone, ehovalioni is holy, and li is themoly no os
Israel, and there is non besides him sur-ther, the word Lambris sonte times used toeXpres God, and the wor God to X-pres Lamb. The alter Case occur in the Apocalypse the ornae in the propheis That it is the Lord alone clio sun derstood by the ather, Son, and Holy Spirit, in Matthe w, hap. XXViii. 19, p-pear both roin the precedin and subsequent passage in that hapter. In thoprece diri verse the Lord says, Alliower Salven to me in heaven and in arth; and in the subsequent verse, ioci am
mation os ille age: V thus e spe alis os himself alone and theresere e enjoine d
his disciplus to baptig in tho nam os thes ather, Son, and Hol Spirit, in orde to
instruet them that the trinit was in him. In orde to poliat ut more olearly that
mun in generat . . Inasmuch a the lis uos mancis Various, ac ordin to his State,
theres ore by spirit is signised the various assectionis life illi man. II. Also thelis os ille regenerato, hici, is called spirituat isse. V. ut here spirit is spo-ken os, a relative to tho Lord, it signifies his divino lis e consequently the ordhimself. V. And in particula the lis os his isdom, hicli is callei divine truth. VI. That Johovali himself, that is, the Lord, spolie humor by the propheis. 47. That by the spirit is understoo thelis of man, is evident rom common diS- ourso, in hich it is usual o say, hen aman dies that he has ivei Up the ho St, that is, the spirit; and theres ore by Spirit, in his sense, is signi sed the lis os rospiration the word spirat is also derive lsrom respiratio Q liene ais it is, that in
re Spiration os the lungs ; nos the lis originatin in the respiration os the lungs is What is properi meant by the Spirit, an dalso by the so ut That this et in uni tywith the thought os an round ei in the UnderSIanding, hiis the lis originatingin the motion os ille hear acts in uni tywith the love appertaining to an S Will, shal be hown in iis pro per place Thatthesiis os man is understood by the spirit in
Sonae pari os the ord appears roni thesollo in passages Thou tal est Waythei spirit, the die, and return to theirdust. V Psalm civ. 29. Me remembere dilia they ere ut flesti, a spiritaliat pass- eth away, and cometh no again. V Psalm
sortii, e returneth to his arth. V Psalmcxlvi. 4. Megelii ali lamente that thetis of his spirit hould go ut . V Isaiah
xxxviii. 16. The spirit facito reviv- ed. V Genesis xlv. 28. A molteii mage is a salsehood, and there is no a spirit in them. Jeremiali xli. 17. Thus aithth Lord 0hovali unt the dry bones, Ιwil cause a spirit to enter into OU, aud
the our animais, hicli ere Cherubinas, went, that were Seen by the prophet.
Isaiah xxxiii. I. I. An inferna liseu
spirit. V pocalypso viii. 2. VII. I sur-ther signities the inferna spirita themselyes,
by hom man in are troubled se Matthe viii. 16 Chap. X. 1. Chap. ii 43, 44 45. Mar i. 23 to 29. Chap. ix. Irto 29. ullo iv. 33, 36. Chap. i. 17, 18. Chap. vii. 21. Chap. viii. 2, 29. Chap. ix. 39, 2, 55. Chap. i. 24, 25, 26. Chap. iii 11 Apocalypse XV i. 13, 14. Chap. viii. 249. That by the spirit is uiso signi ediae lis of the regenerate, hich is also cal e the spiritua iste Jesus aid Excepta man e bori os ater, and of the spirit, he anno enter into the kingdoniis God. VJohi iii 5. ne heari illo also give yoia, and a nere spirit,ill I put with- in oti. Andes ill ut m spirit illi in