장음표시 사용
That by the spirit is also signised spiritualdi se communicate to those ho are in humiliation. dwell,ith hi in that is os contrite an humbi spirit, o revive thespirit of the humble, an to revive theliear of the contrito ones. V Isaiah ivit. 15. The sacrifices of God are a bro en spirit; broken and a contritu eari, O God, thou illio despisu. V Psalm ii. 17. Togive humi os oy sor mourning the Rr mentis prat se so the spiritis heavineSS. V
spirit ' saiah iv. 6. mi esse are thepoor in spirit, or their is the Lingdom os
50. That here the spirit is spoken fas relative to the Lord, it signifes his divine iste, consequently the Lor himself, appeur,from the followim passages Hewhom God ath sent spe alieth the wordsos God, o God giveth no the spiritar
The blasphem against the Holy Spirit
10. Blasphem against themoly Spirit, is blasphem against tho divinit of thel 4
Lord; ut that against tho Son os an isto contradici tho ordi interpretin thesens thereos contrar to truth so tho Son os an is tho Lord illi respectoo
Matthe xxviii. 20. And when Thomas
said, o no no whither thou oeSt, Jesus suid, am the way and thetruth. V olin iv. 5, 6. And e cause thespiritis truth, or themoly Spirit, is hosam e illi the Lord, hocis truth itsuis, itis heres ore also suid, Thomoly SpiritWa not et beCauserae Sus was not et glorifled, bii. 39 sor astor his glorification, o suli union illi the ather, hichwas effecto by the passionis the CroSs, then the Lord was the divine isdom and tho divino truth iseis, consequently the Holy Spirit. The re ason hy the Lordbroathed noli discipies an said Receive themoly Spirit, asaecause ali herespiration os heaven is froni the Lord; sor angel as et a men have a re Spiration an pulsation os the heari: thei respiration is ver accordin to thei reception os divino is doni rom the Lord, and thei pulsationis hear accordin to their reception os the divine love proce edingsrom hirno ut more os his in iis proper
That thomoly Spirit is the divino truthproce edinis roni the Lord, surther appe ars si om tho solio in passages henthey bring yoia uiato their Synagogues, talieno thought hat e hali say, so the Holy
with Water tanto repentanceri butio that cometh aster me hali baptige you illi the
dove i a representativo os purification and regeneration by divine truth.
1 nasmuch as by themoly Spirit, herelliath relation to the Lord, is signifie his divine lis e consequently himself, an in particula the lis os his uris dona, hicli is calle the divino truth, there re by the spiritis tho propheis, hi licis also callud
themoly Spirit, is signifiei the divinutriath proce edinis rom the Lord os in thos ollowin passages The spiri faith un- to the Churches.' Apocalypse ii. 7, 11, 29. Chap. iii 1, 6, 13, 22. There
Sit thou on in right an d.' Marii xii. 36. The testimon os Iesus is the spi=Vtos prophecy.' Apoc. ix. 10. nasmuchnoi as by the Hol Spirit is in particular signifie tho Lor a to divine isdom, and therub as to divine truth, it pia eappears h it is Suid concerning the Ho-l Spirit, ilia it illustrates o enlightens,
52. That Iehono himself, that is, the Lord, po e the inord by the prophets.
vali spolie illi them, the were then in me Ody, and heard hi in Speaking These two State os the propheis are tot rightly distinguished sor in the state os visionthe yes os thei Spiriis ere pen, and the eyes os their odios hiat, ut hi cliti me they also appeare to them Melves tobe carried rom placeo place the Odyali ho hile re maining in iis Wn place. In his State, at times, were Εgehiel Zechariat, Daniel, and Johia, lienae rote
salem, hereae a thei abominations.
Chap. viii. 3. In like manne also it Wasin the visionis God, o in the spirit, that he a the our animais, hicli ere thecherubim S, chas. i. and chap. X. lSO the