P. Corneli Taciti Vita Agricolae. The life of Agricola

발행: 1880년

분량: 90페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류





- . A.D. o. iri os Agricola. -5, 6. His militam experience an civi career. 7 8. A.D. N. Place in Command os a legion. s. A.D. vernor os Aquitania andos Britain. - i ta Description os Britain. I3, 14. It conquest. I 5,I6. Insurrectionos Madicea. -t . The govemmentis Britti untii the a via os Agricola. I '9. A.D. 8. War it the ordovices. ao, I A. D. 79 mi macesul administration. - 22. A.D. M. Conquest to the anaus. - 23. A. D. 8I. O the Clota an Bodotria. - 24. A. D. 8a D scriptionis Ireland. - a5-a7. A.D. 3. War Wit the Caledonians. - 28. Adventur os the Usipia cohori. - 29. A. D. 4. Rene a os the war. - 3 32. mech o Calgacus. 33, 3 . mech os Agricola. - 35-37. Batile osmon Graupius. - 38, 39. Subjectio os Britain. - o. A.D. 5. Retur os Agricola in Rome. - r, a. His triniment by Domitian. - 43. A.D. 93. His Math. - 44. His Character an demeanor. - s. The characteros the times. - 46. Conclusion. Noo. In the grammatica reserences, Gr. standoso Auen anae GreenoMola sin Grammar G. sor Gia raetime and m, sor Harkneo.

I. I. unitatum this participi qualifies the clause Iarorum . . . TactSTE, Where me might 'ther expect a relative clause. It is a common constructio in Tacitus. - nis O tris victism, etc., ' eventur generation indifferent ascit is.'3. quamquam inouri na: his se of quamquam an someother conjunctions it adjectives o participies that is, ithout an complete predicate, is common illi Tacitus and the writers of his age. So in English, amans sit is indi erens. - nuorum, in premi men objective genitive after incuriona, inae erens 9. gratia, partialis o par transhis, destre to gratisy; inhi-tionE, MI Melini destre minet favor o reputation or themselves. II nctuoiam morum, confrino in Mese m character. Onsciousnes of rectitude in apposition it Suam . . . Ru-B. Ia Rutulo P. Rutilius Rufus a friendi Laelius an Scipio a Statesman, orator, an Stoic philosopher, a mali os unblemished


integrit in an age of corruption He a banished about B.C. ab an urius verdici because his strict administrationi his province had rought upon him the enmit of the public contractors. ewrote probabi in his anishment at Smyrna an autobiography;also in Greek a Roman history - Soauro. . Emilius ScauruS,conSul B.C. II S. e was the leader of the aristocrac during the perio of reactionie een the Gracchi and the civit War a manifpride an som shomo dignity but venal. Me rote his own lise. - oitra, in riters of the Silve age, sed in the sense of mahour. - hirctotationi dative of en or service This unioni dissereptconstructions to expres the Same relation, ire fictEm et otitreotationi, is common in Tacitus. I 3. acteo, sed acit frequently is to qualisy the whole sentence; so Irue i is thes, etc. I 4. uno in theseia times. IS. Pu fuit, persect L have been obli duo M. This michapter is, alit,ere an apolog sor his undertaking. I 6 inouSaturun a protasis, VIIad Men aboutuo auara in this rase, Such eas the deprave public sentiment, he would not have neede indulgence. - 1MEnt vindictive. - Η no proceed totve examples of the evit times.

I 8. 1egimus, persect this oes no reser o books. Tacitus di not nee t g to them so the event of his own time, but tothemota Murna, an ossiciat bulleti published by authorit of theemperor, and Seming much a a morning pape to the citigens of the capital - Aruleno, etc. Arulenus Rusticus an Herennius Senecio Kere me eminent so thei abilities an viriues, ho ere ut tocleathi Domitian because the had eulogized these victim o sor- me tyranny Paetus Thrasea was ut o death by ero, Helvidius Priscus was anished by him, an after ard suffere deat under

Vespasian. - Aruleno and HBrEnnio are dative of Vency, a very common construction in the silve age. 2I. naevitum ESSEJ ven ance mas realed - triumviris, AC. vitiamus o nociturnia an inserior grade of ossicem, invested with certain police powers, as assistants of the aediles, as ellis incertain classes o civi cases. The were the public executionea swhen the punishment was inflicted in the prison. Their ein depute to the work of burning the book was designe to increas the Contumely, a the burning o book Wa regulari perso ed by the


Lisse of Agricola. 33

aediles magistrates of high rank so, in modern times, urning by the common hanman. 23. in o mitio a foro. The comitium a the uppe par of the forum, to ard the Capitoline mount the word in foro re adde to indicate in publicit of the acl. 2. I. apientiaB, philosoph. - Profensorinua, in the modern meaning of the word. The eacher of philosophy ere anished out A.D. - - omni hon artis thi relates to the fame aci, by the anishment of the professors, ver high aspiratio in artand science was drive into exile. a. ocounBrEt, sed Without an objeci, Mould mere ne almost in the modern sense occur. Notice that honeatum qualifies quictas an attribute, a Mine Mascis Aonorarie quia ... honenia Wouldmean, an viriuei honor. s. inquisition a This resem to the tradet informer, orχε1 tor, hic was at iis height unde Domitian. Se Merivale, His- ωπ of the Romans under Me Empire, Vol vii. P. I 27 See HS,Vol. V., P. 3O).


8. uno Emum Le., after the death o Domitian who Massassinate in September, 96.9. aBouli, a cycle of years originalty identifie wit the long- est age of a man, hic Was rechone tot Io years Mommsen, miscis Chronolomis, p. 74). It is sed here in a more generat sense, a , and espeCiali a the eigmosa given prince Nerva Caesar. Nerva eigne sto September, moto Ianuary theus of this expression hoWs that this ork was composed in his reign forci he had ted he would have been calle Divus Nerva. The sam thiniis hown by the se of the persect ense,

Io minouerit. Tacitus generali uses the subjunctive asterquamquam. - Winoipatum, the office of prince or emperor, monarch; his mixture of royali an liberi mahes a constitutionalmonarchy. I a Nerva Traianus Traian was adopted by Nerva, and associaled withaim in the empire in September, 97, adding the nam os Nervario his o n. his expression theresore, taken in connection it Nerva Caesar above, hoWs that this Work Was ritie at Sometime be-een September I 8, 97, and Januar 27, 98.


34 Notes.

uniueae cons ence. I 6. opprESBErin and Evo aversa: the common se of the persect Subjunctive secon person singular, t expres an indefinite

subjeci; ne can, etc.

I 7. Sudit, creeps uson us - quippo: his particle is primarilyasseverative, in ruris 'utiein frequently used in causa clauses, it is used by late riter as equivalent is quoniam. In this placerit comes neare toriis origina meaning but stili illi a si hi causal

the perio sto the deam fmero A. 68 to that o Domitian

A.D. 96). - tentimonium is an allusion to his intention o writinga histor of the eigns os Nerva an Trajan, - a planishicli eappeam neve to have carrie into execution.

32. Foroiulionatum the nam of the eopte ut ascis very common, so that of therio n). Forum Iulii Frous Was a colonysounde by Iulius Caesar, B. C. 44. It ad an excellent arbor, sorwhicli reason Augustus sent there the ships captured at Actium, and maderit a navat station to mar the coast. It was uring the empire the chie navat station of this coast. - Ionia se note Chap. XXXII. - pro uratorem. The procurators agenti procior V)were the financiat ossicer of the emperor, one of Whom a Stationedi each province In the senatoria provinces, hicli,ere administeredi a proconsul and quaestor the procurator had charmini of the revenues hic mere speciali destine to the suus, o priopum of the emperor in the imperiat provinces, the procurator asthe sole financiat ossicer. In the lowest grade os imperia provinces, a procuratoria the entire charge of the administratio of the province See notet Iegatis o naviaridua Chap. VII. 33. queatris notiuitan the ossice of procurator a confinedio Persons of equestria rank, hic is here contrasted illi rea orsenatoria nobility this term has also been explaine a meaning


The me of Agricola. 33

that this ossice consenem certain distinction pon member of the equestria order, SomeWhat alii to nobilit proper, hicli, it,illieremembered, belonge to person an of whos ancestor ha held curule ossice equites, hos ancestore had hel the procuratorship,enjoye equestrian nobili F. 34. Sonatorii orctinis. The senatorial and equestriam Mimers rwer no fixe categories of rank, but ascis hown in the case of Agricola imself, osten indicate the stage of honor hic the individual had atriined.

3. a Gai Caeaaris, betterano nos Caligula, emperor after Tiberius, A.D. 37 I a Cruel dissolute ovili, o doub insane. Seneca SVS of Graecinus quem C. Caesar occiri ob hoc unum, quod melior vir esset quam erae quemquam i anno exseaeire . De Benefii. I. Graecinus rote a reatis De Vineis. Columella I. I, I 4. M. Silanum. . unius Silanus, hos claughter married Caligula, achate by this tyrant, an commande by himo kill im-self. . in inctulgentiaquo a in os hendiadys, in re tenderprotection. 6. aroetiat the subjectri the clause, quo . . . omP Situm. 7. ΘΟΟantium in PEΟΟatorum: similar se of the participieare Common in Liv an Tacitus. 9. Masinitiam Marseilles, an ancient Gree town of high reputation sor culture an Character. Io mistum note the Construction, here the English,ould say, in hicis mere min ed. I 3. Romano a nenatori: .e. in te of the dry and practical

I9. aBisorum, militar science of Whic the rules of encaminment sortification sorme a principes part Suotonio Paulino: see Chap. XIV. dative aster approhavit.


ao mocterato his mos prominent characteristi as a general a caution. 2I. o nitiernio, ablative of means aenumarcti, subjunctive

of purpose res him b harinthim a iun mese. 23. titulum tridunatu Et innottiam, referring to the idienessan ignorance of thos Who received the an os tribune meret asan empi titie. his is the militar tribuneship six tribunes coinmande each legion. 24. noBOETE, etc. in historica infinitive, ver common in TacituS. 27. Exercitatior: his a the time of the samous revolt fBOadicea, A.D. 6o se Chaps XV and XVI. 29. o Ioniae There Was butine regulari organiged colony in Britain, Camulodunum Colchester ; ut there ere populOu Sebilements of Roman citigens in Londo an other placeS. 3o mox in late riters his usuali has the meaning afum


34. Emporitiua best alien a ablative these qualities ereno unacceptable to Me ago, but to the resing authorities in emperor in rae a d. 33. Erga eminentes: Contraste Wit interpretatio, - an umfavorabie interpretation was putipon ever ining that the die.

4. I. MoaPEESEncto magistratus it Was necessunt passthrough the severa grades o magistrac in orde to ris to igh stations in the army. See note below HS Chap. VII. - apEa- aer is a technical expression in his se. 3. Eoua a Totiur no meret honor, ut also positive assis ance Was derive stom his marriage. s. nisi quoct, etc. There is an ellipsis here, suggested by ivboom this mutuat regard is equali a credit to both of them, unios, - good wives beingis rare, cit Sliouldie considere Mis, etc. 7. SOTE quaeaturaE. The quaestorshi stood rs in theseries of honors sorty ere elected acti ear, ho ere thenassigne by toto service in the cit and the severa provinces. Thei functions were financiat me attende to the nances of the state an iis reasury, Ermnum, While the procuratore ad charge of the nances of the emperor an his priv purae, noua. The quaestorahi could in the Empire, e et a the age of s.


The me of Agricola. 37

Antam. his province embrace the wester parti Asia Minor being an old an quiet province, it belonge to the classis senatorial provinces, and was therelare govemedi a proconsul See note, Chap. ΙΙ - SMvium Titianum, rother of the emperor Otho, and like him, a corrupi an Meed man. 8. neutro, neuter relatin t both circumstances the richnessos the province and the venalit os the governor.

I a. nuhaictium by the Lex Papia Poppaea a certain precedencein taking honor was allowe to those holad children. I 3. Rutilatum the child oon aster birthoas lai at iislather's seet, andae, by listiniit up toHETE, recognige it, an pr sesse his intention to rear it Isae di no do this, the child was exposed in theriorest an testu peristi. I 4. Titiunatum PIehia This a the secon stage of honore; either his o the aedileshi Was, in the Empire, require os allexcepi patricians besore the could hold the praetorshim Μommsen s miscis Mauretat, Vol l . Pp. 39, 36, 7 Ι)I6. Pro EaP1Entia fuit, serveae foris mas a mar of wDdom; semen os last chapter. I7 juriamotio the administrationis justice in civi cases belonge to only two out of the whole college of praetor sourteen, fifteen, o fixteen in ali at this time), the urbanus an pereminus; in other graduali tost thei crimina jurisdiction, as res in in the quaestiones serpetuae, and o the ther and received thecharge of the publicaames in place of the aediles.

oomoaooncta that is, those hicli ad been lavishedi Nero, orpiundered by his favorites. Agricola got bach ali except those whichhad come into the hanciis Nero himself

ment of his SucceSSor.


pium, upo the Aeacoastis Liguria, a seW miles east os Nicaea, Nise , here the nam os the inhabitantiis put, as in the casei ForojuIDenatum, Chap. IV. so that of the own Both manuscript hereread in templo the correctio is easti made rom Tacitus, His . , ii. II: Monis miles verti iras in municipium Albium numelium. Liguriae Liguria Was the ninthis the eleven regions into hicli Augustus divide Italy it Was bounde on the noriti by the adus, on the eas by the Trebia and acra. 27. patrimonii the origina meaning of an inherile estate, appeam to have been lost, and the wor is sed here speciali toclenote sumitur an household property. 29. Eapaniano Otho had been Succeeded aster a stiori reim, by Vitellius, and heri turn by Vespasian, governor os Iudaea. Vespasian A generat, Licinius Μucianus, overnor of Syria, te theaduanc against Vitellius, Verthre his power, an administeredassaim in Rome sor ome time elare Vespasian arrive in Italystoin the East. ill these event too place A.D. 69. 3o in partes, to the par9: C. VESPaniani. 3I. prinoipatuS, raro the republica Tacitus se in preser- enc the emperor' litteras civi head of the State Princepa, atherthan imperator, hicli implies the possessionis militar an auto

32. Domit imo, Domitian the ounger Son os VespaSian, aste ard infamous for his vices an tyrann a emperor, CCΟmpanted Mucianus to Ital a representative of his fallier. 34. 1oEnima Iegioni this legion, no re a Viotris, Wasstationed in Britain. 5. I. Eoeanor hi name Was Roscius Caelius. IEgati oon- aviaritiua The province Whicli,ere S completet brought under in authorit of the Empire acto nee no arme force eleve in all), mere administered, as in the Republic by proconsuls see Asia Chap. I.). The est of the province were place unde the immediate rule of the emperor a proconsul, ho governe them through his Iogati, oro in the Me os in os inserior importance. bymere agenis, Pr Curat TES. The rank of the legati dependecliponthe importance of the province provinces like Aquitania Chap. IX.),whicli require oni a single legion 'ere assignessito the commander of the legion who was accordin to a custom established by Julius Caesar a Iegatu Praetortu i.e. of praetoria rankh; those hichrequire more than ne legion like Britain, ere given to legati