The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류



Rub them together, and heat the mixture in a Covered cruci ble over a gentie sire uni ilthey have uni ted.

The object of this preparation is to render the sulphur solubie in Water, Whicli these proportions so managed willeffeci; the former process was deficient in the directions forfusing the mixture, Which is necessary. A perfeci chemicat sulphuret of potass Would require the use of potass, s not iis subcarbonate) but this is not necessary for the purposes of pharmacy. It may also be proper to state, that this preparation is unfit sor the separation os sulphuretted hydrogeia gas,on account of the carbonic acid it contains, and that this maybe best obtained froni sulphuret of iron and sulphuric acidmuch dilute l. Froni the colour of the compound re


XI EI ALLA et eorum SALES.



Aulimonium calcinatum. Antimoniωm vitrifacfum. Crocus an limonii, P. L. II87. Crocus antimonii. Crocus antimonii laus. Cata antimonii, P. L. I 74 5. Antimonium diophoretiacum. Morticum minerale, P. L. 1720.


Froin the time of Basil Valentine to the present the sulphuret os antimony has been called by the nam e of antimonyin Pharmacy, but the lalter terim is noW confined to expressthe metat alone as it has been in the language of generat chemistry since iis modern revision. Ad the preparations os illis

metal, Whicli are amongst the most important employed in medicine, have underi ne a considerable revision, and the present oxyd by precipitation is substituted for thres, vilii clithe former Pharmacopoeia contained; Antimonium calcinatum, Antimonium viti factum, Crocus antimonii. Antimonyin iis combination with sulphuc in the striated sulphuret is in the state of metat, not of oxyd; upon iliis muriatic acidalone eXeris no action, and nitric acid is instantly de composed, and converis the metat into ari OXyd ivithout

uniting with it to forna a solubie sali. 1 he mixture of both oxydates the metal by the decomposition of the nitric, and drings it into a state sui ted for solution in the muriatic acid; that is, it produces the fame esieci that oxygenige i muriaticaci d would do, and muriat os antimony is formed. Thasolution is potared into Water precipitates las oxyd, and this has been long kept under the nante of Pu is Alaro hi, aster the nanae of a physici an at Verona Who is sald to have discovered it: Bergman considers the precipitate to be a

stom muriatic acid, and there re the separation of this is se cured, is any be present, by adding the subcarbonate OfPotasS; though sonae, neverthel ess, stili consider it to be a submuriata. Metallic antimony, as it is used in the aris, is miXed With other metais, and there re has been thought less fit than tbe sulphurot for a basis to Pliarmaceutical preparations. Even the sulphuret is not unfrequently adulter-


102 METALS AND THEIR SALTs.can have no suci, artificiat admixture. This consisis aecord- ing to Proust of et 5 antimony, 25 sulphur. Another ad-vaninge to be expected Dorn the present process is iis uniformi ty, compared to those Where high temperatures areemployed, in Which the produci varies, Dom a number of circumstances influencing the regular continuarice of iis degree. The precipitate is in the form of a white powder, and it constitutes the minor oxyd of Prousi, whicli is composed os antimony 8l,5, OXygen l8,5.



Sulphur antimonii praecipitatum, P. L. I 87. P. L. II45.


dry the precipitate d sulphuret oi antimo ny,

and reduce it to poWder.

Complicat ed attractions are here exercised; the primaryagenis are potass, antimony, sulphur, and water, Which lalter, in the process, is parily decomposed into iis constituenis, Oxygeriand hydrogeia. The potass unites to the greater part of the sulphur and attracis hydrogeri frona the water, by whicli is formed a hydrosulphuret os potass. The oXygen unites tothe antimony, and another portiora of the hydrogen to tho sulphur combined with it, forming a hydrosulphuretted oxydos antimony; this laiter is hel st dissolved in the water by the hydrosulphuret os potass, whicli, is the solution cool, hasthis power diminished, and there re a part of the hydro- sulphuret ted oxyd thus precipitates and formed the oldhermes miserab. The addition os dilute sulphuric acid noton ly precipitates the hydrosulphuret ted oxyd dissolved, butalso the sulphur combined with the potass, and which of course in this preparation is intimately mixed with the

former. The nanae used is, ora these accounts, not strictly correct, but it is fully sussicient to designate the preparation. This medicine is in frequent use, and is there fore rotat ned, though it may not be thought to posscss any Very great Orspecific advantages over other antimonial preparations. IthaS an Orange colour, and heiace has been somelimes called Sulphur auratum antimonii. Thenard A. C. 22.), states iis constituent paris to bo sulphur et ted hydrogeri II,3I, OSyd68,ZQ, sulphur l2,CO.



Antimonsum tartarisurum, P. L. II 87. Tartarum emeticum, P. L. II 15. Tartarus emeticus, P. L. I 20.

Thrs, whicli is a triple sali, is thus named sor the reasoncivera tander the head Soda tartarigata. No prep rat:on is os greater ina portance, Car has been subjected to more varieties, ast may be seen in an Essay upon it in Bergman's opuscula; somueli indeed does it disser in different Pharmacopoeiae, that Geoli roy found the proportion os oxyd of ant ony t vary froni A to Sth. The former Pharmacopoeia used as iis hase the Crocus antimonii, others have preferred the Antimonium vitrifactum, but it has been thought, upon the wholo, that the precipitated oxyd is the most uniform and definite, and that it yields whiter cryPals. It is necessary that the


Whole of the supertar trate of potass should be combined wiuithe oxyd, and therefore that there should hea fuit sussiciencyof ille lalter, otherwise the fir st crystals, as it cools, will be of the supertartrate unly; Whilsti on the other hand, is a superabundance of oxyd os antimony M used it Will remalia uponthe filier, and not influence the crystals; the former inconvenience theres e is especialty to be avoided, and for that purpose more oXyd than may be strictly necessary is directed. The evaporation must not be carried too far, as there appears to be some tartrate os potass in the solutionwhose crystals Will in that case be mixed Witti the triple sali. The crystals ought alivays to be formed, for it is only whenthey are that the proportions of the sali can be considered aspreci se . Aster the formation of the crystais, is the liquor bocvaporated to dryness, it Will osten yield a transparent brownish yelloW mass, which looks like resin, and whicli I have neverexamine i accuratet v, farther than to assure myself that it con taliaed antimony. The more perfect of them Nili he regularfour-sided, or triangular pyramids, or eight-aided; they Wilibecome opaque on exposure to air, but Will not crumble likρ the efforescent salis. Very different statem ents are maderespecting their solubili ty. Fourcroy says, that one part is solubie in 8O cold and 40 boiling water; and Duncan, that on part is solubie in is of water at 60', and in 3 at 2l2'. Thenarisives iis constituent paris as acid 35,4, Oxyd 39,6, Potas 16,7, Wi ter 8, 3, or tartrate os antimony 56,3, tartrate os potass 35,l, mater 8, 3. It should be remembered in pre- scription, that this sali is decomposed by the aikaline earllis,alhali es, their subcarbonais and hydrosulphureis, and also bydecoctions os bitter and astringent planis, Whicli latior Pielda yellowish red precipitate, whicli is not emetic; and that Berthollet, upon this principie, proposes decoction os bai lato be used as an antidote, When the sali has bden taken in aucti quantities as to do injury.



Pu is Antimonialis, P. L. 1787.

This preparation was introduced into the last Pharma copoeia as a substitute for a medicine os extensive celebrity, Dr. James's poWder; to whicli, hoWever, tbe present forminore nearly assimilates in iis dose, and it is also rendered more manageable in iis administration, by the reduction of the proportion of antimony to one half. In the applicationos heat in this process, great care is necessary, and the Uncertainty of uniformi ty in this respect, has, an other m- tances, induced the College rather to substitute precipita tonsi It has however been jud ged right to preserve lito


present forin, in preference to the analogous precipitated ono of Mr. Chenevix, Phil. Trans. mitti an espectat caution, that the heat be managed as closely as possibi e according to the directions, and be by no means continued sor a greater longili os time. The following is the receipt for Iames 's PoWder, as extracted Dom the Records of Chancery. Tahe antimony, calcine it mitti a continuat protracted Leat in a flat ungiaged earthen vesset, adding to it Domtime to time a sussicient quantity of any animal oil and sali, weli dephlegmated; then boli it in meited nitre for a considerable time, and separate the poWder frona the nitre by dissolving it in Water.-Talae qui clasitver, mahe an amalgam Willi equat paris of the martiat regulus os antimony and pure sil ver, adding a proportionabie quantity of sal ammoniac. Distit off the mercuru by a retori into a glass receiver, thenmith the qui chsilver malae a Desti amalgama With the fame ingredients; distit again and repeat this operation nine Orten times; then dissolve this mercury in spirits of nitre, and put it into a glass retori and distit to dryness; calcine thecaput mortuum illi it hecomes of a gold colour; burn spiriis of Wine upon it, and kcep it for use. The dose of the poWder is uncertain. In generat, thirty grains of the antimonial poWder and one grain of the mercuriat is a moderate


The Vinum Antimonii of the last Pharmacopo in has been mitted in the present one, on account of iis uncertainty, forit depended sor iis strength upon the quas tity os acta contained in the wine used, and this is always veru variabie. Itpossessed no a luant age ver the preparation here givcnwhich is analogous to the vinum Antimonii tartaragati, butdiffers froni it in the proportion os the sali dissolved; cachfuidounce of the lalter contained Dur gratias os tartariZenanti mony, whicli in the present preparation has been lowerectio half the quantity or tWo grains in cach fluidouncc. rheobject os ali these solutions being to afford a ready mode of divi ling active substances into minute quantities sor internatuse, it has been thought that the proportions noN gIvea et ovJd hq inpre convenioni thau the former.