The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류





Argentum nitratum, P. L. I 8 . Causticum lunare, P. L. 1715. P. L. Ι720.

Nitric acta dissolves aborat half iis Ceight os silver, but uere is no objoction to a superabundarace of acid, as, is it


exist in the sirst, it is dri ven OF in the subsequent paris os the process. The crucibie in Whicli it is mel ted should he of lose teXture, or a portion mill be lost in the interstices; itshould also be large, hecause the mass swelis and may boil Over; and the operator Should further talae care not to come into contact with the corrosive spray whicli is thrown u P. The instant the ebullition ceases, and the substance rem ainsat the bottom liquid and smooth lihe oit, it should be potare linto moulds of iron, or pipe clay greased, aster Whicli it Will, as it seis, assume a greyisti colour and radiated appea rance in iis fracturo. It is mosi cspecially used as a caustic for de- composing animal substances. It dissolves in an equat weight of Water at CO '; the solution is colouri ess, but is the fused preparation be dissolved, sonae DN thin darii films rema in .lis tasto is bit ter and strongly metallic: it is considered by Proust as an OXynitrate. The metat is reduced by exposureto a strong light; and , indoed, it is an observation which may apply forci biv to ali other metallic preparations as weli as toinis, that they should be hept carefulty secluded froin light. Although Re od Silorr is directed in the Materia Medica,

it may not be superfluous here to repeat, that the purity os the metat is necessary to this preparation, and that iis common alloys With copper, as in silver coin age, ought not to be




REDUCE Oxyd of Arsenic to pori der, ille iaput it into a cruci hie, and apply lieat So a Sto sublime it into unother cruci ble inverte d

Arsenic is usually mixed with the ores os other metais, and the oxyd of commerce is chiefly separated by sublimationfroin the cobali ores of Saxony. It is found in the shopselther under the form of White powder, or in shining Semi vitreolis lumps, which lalter nil into poWder gradually oneXposure to air; the lumps are to be preferred, but as theyare prepared coarsely upon the large scale, it has been judged proper to submit the arsenic to another sublimation, as a Pharmaceuti l process, for the complete separation Of any extraneous matters derived Dom the original ore. The sublimation may be effected by a beat os about 383'. Whiteox γ d os arsenic has a sharp acrid taste, to whicli succeedS aflight sense of sweetness; iis smeli, when subliming, is Peculiar, and Very like that os garlic; one part dissolves in 80 of Water at 60', and in I 5 of water at 212'; it is solubie also in 8O paris of hol aikohol. From these solutions it may be crystalliged into Dur-sided crystals. It whitens copper istieated belWeen tWo plates of it. It is precipitaled under the


form os sulphuret, by sulphuret os potass, or sulphuretted hv-drogureis; heated With carbonaceotis matter it is metalliged, and in a heat of 3560 sublimes into lamellar metallic plates. It consists of et 5,2 metal, and 24 ,8 oxygen, according to Proust, and as it poSseSses many prophrties of the acidf, .it has been ranked among them by Fourcroy, and called Arseniolis acid. Is it has been talacia into the Stomach in quantity sussicient to produce deleterious ericis, the proper practice seems to be to sileath the stomach froni iis contact bymuci luges, and at the fame time to endeavour to tender itinnocuous by chen cal agenis, of Whicli the reacilest, and a very effectual one, is a solution os sulphuret of potass.




III Arsenic, the most virulent of metallic pol sons, has longheen employed medicinalty With success, but is now for thefrst time introduceci into the Pharmacopoeia. The probab leabuse of any medicine assoriis no argument against iis uso, isit did, opium, Oxymuriat os mercury, and many of our most potent articles, might be excluded frona the list of Materia Medica. But Where the smallest error mav be attended bu

of haetarii, for misclites mav follON iis too long continuarice in doses, Whicli, separalely taken, are insum cient to produc disturbance ; in the former instance, it may destroy life Withali iis peculiar violence of symptonas, in the lalter, it may,

in some constitutions, produce tremor or paralytic affectioins,

so that iis administration ought to be caresully Calched ; isit be, iis poWers as a medicine are mari est and usesul, and the College, by iis introduction, have hoped rather to ob viato those abundant evils whicli solio v iis irregular use as a secret medicine. This preparation depentis ii pon the unionos the oxyd With potass, and the solubili ty of the nexu com- pound in Water, Whicli fornas, is the nomenclature of Four-croy be adopted, an Arsenite os potass. It accords with the formula of the late Dr. Fowler, of Sta ord, who frst introduced it, in imitation of a celebrated popular remedy for intermittenis sold under the nanae of Tasteless Ague Drops. The compound spirit of lavender is only intended to give Some colour and taste, Without Whicli it would loola lilia

common Water, and lience be more liable to mistat es. V here the dose is smali and the est ocis so powerfui, themost minute attention to iis proportion and preparation be- come necessary. Each fluidounce contains Dur gratias of


dom be proper to go beyond ten mininis as a dose for an adtest. Another modification os arsenic, consisting of the metallichase uni ted toastili largerproportion os oxygen, and then calledhu Fourcroy Arsenic acid, has also been used in medicine, coinbine twith potam, under the nanae of Massuers arsenical sest. It is usualty formed by heating in a cruci ble equat paris of nitro and white oxyd os arsenic, as long as any mirOus gas comes over; then dissolving the mass in Water, and crystal-jizing the sali by evaporation. The fame sali has also been formed by uni ting the arsenic actu previ ousty prepared, withthe ginali. As the management of the hsat is a circumstance of sonae nicety, and as une luatly applied, it may produce uncertainty in the result; the present preparation, whicli has also the ad ritage of pretiy extensive experieuce

in iis savour, has been adopted.



Carbona te of Ammonia, si x drachmS. Rub them together in a glass mortar tintilthe mixture Ceases to effervesce, thera drythe ammonialed copper, Wrupped in bibu-lous Puper, in a gentie licui.

This preparation is now frst introduced into the Pharmacopoeia, and the process, whicli is that also of the Edin- burgii college, and suffciently correct for medicat PurPOSes, is employed instead of any more expensive methods by precipitation. It requires to be dried very gently, for increase of heat wili delach a portion of the ammonia; and as it is so


be made at a time. Iis ricli dark blue colour and ammonialsmeli are the tests of iis goodness. Iis chemicat composition has not been correctly 'ascertained probably it is a subsulphat of copper and ammonia. The term ammoniatum is used not as explaining the composition of the substance Whicli is not a mere compound of Ammonia and Copper Ammoniaretum Cupri , but asavoiding a more prolix name, and ansWering every purposeos designation without lea ling into error ; the fame obServation also applies to Ferrum ammoniatum.



Aqua cupri ammoniati, P. L. I 787. Aqua sappliatina, P. L. 1745. P. L. 1720.

Tatio of Ammonia ted Copper, a drachm. Distilled Water, a Pint. Dissolve the ammonialed copper in the vater, and fit ter the solution through paper.

This Was prepared in the last Pharmacopoeia by mixinglime and muriate os ammonia in Water, and letting the mixture stand in a copper veSSel.






Ferrum ammoniacale, P. L. 1787. Flores martiales, P. L. I 765. Ens veneris, P. L. 1720.

d. he original base of this preparation was Mr. Boyle's Ens Veneris, but doubis mere entertained as to the sort of Vitriolhe emplQyed, Whether green or blue, whicli his description οἱ the process by no means clears up . Metallic iron Was directed in the former Pharmacopoeia, but be re it could de- compose the muriate os ammonia is required to be oxydated, and this mas imperfectly done by the decomposition of themater contained in that sali. The process is theresere shorin


ed, and one sublimation rendere I su Ticient by the use of ironat ready in iis state of red Oxyd, and modisting the directions sor the regulation of the sire. Intimate admixture of the two substances, and eXPOSure at Once to a Strong heat, are neces-- sary; sor it is only in hi gli temperatures that oxyd of iron witIdecompose any of the muriate of atrimonia, and lower ones mill sublime away the muriate os ammonia unaltered. Asgreat heat; cannot weli ho desinet or correct ly regulate J, Ι havo doubted whether this and many other metallic pre Parations, dependant upon temperaturo, might not other vise be prepared imore uniformiy; as sor instance, is a gi ven proportiori os tinctura serri muriati was added to a solutionos muriato os ammonia, and the mixture evaporatcd to dryness. The more intense the hoat the greater proportion ofiron will the sublimato contain, and this difference is e,ident in the variations os iis colour, as collected in disserent paris of the neck of the retort. It consists of red muriate ofiron, mixod by sublimation With muriate or ammonia. It is ora rige-coloured, With a smeli resembling sas ron, is deliquescent, and solubie in athohol. The residue whicli is deliquescent, consisis algo of red muriate of iron, and was sor-merly Eept under the ita me os lixivium martis.

FZrri rubigo, P. L. t 787. Chalybis rubigo praei Arata, P. L. II 4 5. Chalybs praeparatus cum aceto, Ct Sine aceto, P. L. t 7 20.