The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


Supernatant liquor, Wash the Carbona te of iron

Mith hot water, and dry it upon bibulo uspapor in a gentie lient.

There are two oxyds of iron, both A Whicli are combin- able with aci is and form di Terent modifications o, the sanae sali, a distinction whicli requires to be especialty attended toin medicine; they laave been nam ed Dom their colour, blachand red oxyds; the former, Whicli is blach, or sis formed asin the present instance by precipitation Dom Water greenisti, consists of iron 73, OXygen 2I, according to Laxoisier. Itmay be formed by various methods, as by exposure os a paste of iron si lings and water to the air; by heating together one part of red oxyd of iron and two paris iron filings; and by ad ling a solution os aikali to one of green sulphate of iron, and drying the precipitate quicEly Without expostare to air: and it is hept as a separate article in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Ferri oxydum nigrum purificatum. The lalter, or red Oxyd, consisis, according to Protast, os troia 52, oxygen 48, and in iis relation to blacla oxyd is composed of 66,5 of that oxyd, and 33,5 of additiones oxygen . Some chemisis have supposed the existence of other gradations os combination of iron and oxygera, butilio above are ali that are generalty admitted, or requireto he noti ced here; this laiter also is hept in the Edilaburgh


Pharmacopoeia, under the nanae of Oxydum ferri rubrum, d is intended to be in that state of Oxydation to whicli thometat is to be brought by the present prei ration. Salis containing the blacla Oxud, on exposure to air, Pass to thestate os red oxyd, by attracting oxygen si om it, and in the Process of drying the sanae change happens here to the oxydin the subcarbo nate, whicli at the time os iis sirst precipitation is a blach oxyd. The sanae substance, more imperfectly Prepared, constituted the rust of iron ferri rubigo of the former PharmacopCeia, for whicli, in ali the processes into vhicli it entered, this precipitate is noW substitutdd. Thered oxyd of the Edilaburgii College, is the old Colcothar vitrioli, and formed by expostare os common sulphate of ironio a strong heat, sum cient to drive over iis sulphuric acid, Ulton the red oxyd remalias bellind, as in the process Whichwas sorinei ly in use sor obtaining that acidi Sub carbonate of soda is preferred for the precipitation to that of potass, ouaccount of the greater solubili ty of the sulphate of the sormex than of the lalter alliati, and the consequent sacili ty witi, whicli it may be washed away. The sali is a subcarbonate, but as Only one of the compinmds is hepi, the relation is



Ferrum vitriolatum, P. L. I 787. Sal martis, P. L. t T 15. Sal seu Vitriolum martis, P. L. II20.

Iuli e of Iron, Sulphuric Acid, of each by Weight

I uter, four pilat 5


Mix together tho sulphurio ac id and water

si ter the solution through paper, und CVAPO- rate it so that crystales may forni as it coOJS

This sali is formod upon the large scale froni native sulphvret of iron nriles , by moistening, and exposing it to the operiair. The sulphate of iron is afterwariis dissolved in Haterand crystalli Zed by evaporation; but, in order to obtain an uniform and pure sali, iis preparation is here directed as a process of pharmacy. Sulphuric acid xvili unite ei ther with theblacla or red oxyd; the first of these is the sali here intendedsor internal use, aud Upon this poliat great stress ought to helaid, as the last is the state in whicli the sulphate os trade is usualty found , and whicli, for medicat purposes, is a Very

distinci and inferior thing. Iis crystals are transparent rhom-boidal prisnas, os a light green colour; iis taste is astringentniad strong, and it reddens vegetable blues. One part is solubie in two of cold, and in three-Durilis of boiling Water. It is insolubie in allioliol, in Whicli menstruum the red Sul-phate is solubie, and this affords a mode of ascertaining thetexistence of the lalter With the former, as also os separatingit. On expostare to air it is gradually converted into redSulphate: it consi sis, according to Κirwan, os ac id 26, iron28, Water 46. Heat drives off the water of crystalligation, and the sali remains white; is urged farther, it drives overthe acid, and leaves first a red sulphate, and at last a red



Ferrum tartari sum, P. L. Ia 87.

This is a triplo sali, in xuhicli the iron is frst oxydated by bcing moistened and exposed to air, and then combines vith the superabundant acie of the superi trate os potass;7t is there re a tartrate of potass and iron. Ille process Ofthe former Pharmacopoeia se med insussicient for the complete somnation of the sali, sor sonae of the iron alwaJs remainta in iis metallic state, and was attractable Dom it M e magnet; a repetition of the moistening and expostare is there re now directed. It may be dissolved in Water aridcrystalli ad .



Tahe of Iron, two drachms and n half. Νitrio Acid, two fluido unCOS. Distilled Wator, si X fluido unc . Solution of Sub carbona te of ΡΟ, ass, si X fluido Unces. II aving mixed the acid and Water, potartheni upon the iron, and When the efferves Cence has Censuit, potar off the clear acid solution: adit this gradually, and at intervais, to the solution of SubCarbo nate os potass, occasionalty Shahing it, untii it has assume da deep bro via red Colour, and no further of fervescen re tu es PlaCe. Lastly, set it by sorsi X hours, and potar Off the Clear Solution.

ciem. Med. Hal. 1715.) and called Tinctura martis athalina; it is now sirst introduced into the Pharmacopoeia, as afford- ing a combination of iron, distinci stom any othor, and ostenapplicabie to practice. Ιis chemicat compoSition has notheen exactly ascertained, but there is reason to belleve thalit is a triple sali, formed by the union of nitPic acid with redoxyd of iron, and with potass. The directions gi ven by Stalii are by no means certain in their effeci, and seem especialty erroneous in ordering the complete saturation os the acid


xiiii ille iron. Beatinae and Kerr Dund it to succced more Constantly, and almost certainly, by the useos a solution of ironnot nearly saturaled, and veru acid. In illis state it has notitie reddish yello v colour os a saturat et solution, but is clear-nd stightly gruenisti. This is intended to be essected by the directions given; but is by accident the solution should go

farther, the proper colour Will bc immediately rosiored by the addition of a smali quantity of the acid. It seenas also necessary that the solution should be made flowly, Which willidepinil upon the strength of the acid, and upon the quantityof sur face of the metat whicli is exposed to it. The iron, thereiare, should be ad ted in a lump as a nati, or thicla mire), and not in si lings. It wili succeed by the gradual addition os ei ther solution to the other: but it has appea ed to me to be more certain When made according to the directions gi ven in the texi, and by shalaing the mixture astereacti addition of the acid solution to the alhaline one. The proportions are pretiy nearly as here gi vera, but they requireto he checked by occasionat examinatioris, particularly by thstaste, Whicli ought to have a predominance of aikalescunce in it. Aster stan ling, nitrate os potass usualty crystalliges, Dorn whicti the clear deep brownish red liquor is to be ured OE.


Tinctura ferri ammoniacalis, P. L. t 8 T. Tinctura sorum maritalium, P. L. I 715. Tinctura martis Mylasichti, P. L. t I 20.

Proof Spirit, a Pint. Digcst pnii Struin




Tinctura ferri muriati, P. L. t 787. Tinctura martis in spirita salis, P. L. I 745. Tinctura martis cum spiritu salis, P. L. 1I20.

Muriatio Acid, a Pint. Ilecti fidit Spirit, three pinis. Ρour the acid upon the carbonate of ironin a gluSS vesset, and stantie it occasionalty fori lirce days. Set it by thut the faeces, is therebe any, may subside : then potar ost the Solution, and add the spirit.



Vinum ferri, P. L. II 87. Vinum chalybeatum, P. L. 1745. P. L. II20.

There are many Woll- unded Objections to the use of Wine as a chemicat sol, ent, but this preparation has been practicalli soland so useful and convenient, that the Collegebave judged proper stili to retalia it unaltered.


Hydrargyrus muriatus, P. L. I 787. Mercurius corrosivus sublimatus, P. L. II45. P. L. II20.

Boii the mercury with the sulphurio acidiri a glaSS vesset, untii the sulphate of me cury is test dry. Rubithis, When it is Cold, with the muriate of soda in an earthen vare mortar: ilien sublime it in a glasS cucurbit, increasing the lieat gradu ally.


This sali is directed according to the process which Wasintroduced into the last Pharmacopoeia, and whicli originaled with Boulduc, in l730. An infinity of other method; have been employed, but non se is more simple, convenient, or uniform than this. The sirst division of the process fornas a sulphate os mercury, a portiora of the sulphuricac id yielding i s oxygen to the metat in a bollisag temperature, and passing over in the forin os sulphurous acid gas. Thometal thus oxydiged unites to the remaining sulphuric acid, and a White sulphate re mains. . On account of the gas Whicharises, this si ould be performed with sonae catit on ora thopart of the operator. In the seconii division, the sulphate of mercu is mix d intimateIy with dry muriate of soda, and On exposui e to heat a doubie decomposition tali es place, and the oxymuriate os mercury sublimes. It fornas a dead white, flaining, spicular mass, east ly poWdered, not altered by eX-posure to air, and it has a hight y acrid, caustic, metallic trale. It is orie of the most violent pol foras known. One part is solubie in 20 of water at the ordinary temperature, and in E

fixe d aikalitin be ad ded to a solution of it, an orange-coloured precipitate sol ars, Which soon changes to a bricla red. It is solubie in pcids Without decomposition. Mr. Chenevix states iis constituent paris to be metallic oxyd 82, ac:d I 8, and that the oxyd consists of I7,6 oXygen, 82, 4 metal, and the sali d vided into iis three component paris of 69, metal, 12,3 oxygen, IS ac id. Thia relation is of much conseque iacein comparing it With another compotand of the fame elements his rorgyri Su murias . Ille College have had considerable dissiculty in aflixi g names to these two com- pounds, wbicli inight sussiciently distinguisti belween them,

und express their relations, and at the sanae time avoid theunscientisic terna Catames, whicli hau been adopted for one of