The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


filern in the former Pharmacopoeia. The term OXymuriate has mostly been used to express combinations of Oximuriaticacid, but here the acid is certainly in the state os common muriatic acid, and the larger proportion of oxygen it containsis combined with the metal; stili as such greater relative proportion os oxygen does actualty eXist, they have considered themselves justissed in this use of the terna, ratherthan have recourse to qualities, Whicli are avoldod in allother instances, for the distinction; they have, there re, discontinued the nante adopted in the sirst specimen bar-nrus corrodens muriaticus2.


Rectis sed Spirit, a fluidounce. Dissolve the oxymuriate os mercury in the vater, aud add the spirit.

This solution is directed in order to facilitate the administration os divisions of the grain of this active medicine. Lach Ἐuidrachm contains Ath of a grain of the sali. Thesprrit, though. it assilis, is not absolutely necessary to the εο-


lution os this quantity, but it preserves it after Wards, and prevenis the vegetation of mucor, to Whicli ali saline solutionsare liable.


Hydrargyrus cum creta, P. L. II 87. Mercurius aikaligatus, P. L. II 15.




Calomelas. II; Ornrus muriasus misis, P. L. 1787. Me curius dulcis sublimatus, P. L. I 745. Calomelas, si quater aut pluries sublimatur mercurius dulcis sublimatus, P. L. II20.

Rub them together untii the metallic globules dis appear; illen sublime; take out the sublimed mass, and reduce it to PoWder, and sublime it in the sanie mannert vi Ce more SuCCessively. Lastly, bring itinio the state of very fine poWder, by the Same Process Whicli has been directed for thopreparation os chath.

This preparation os mercury is in most extensive use, and there re requires espectat attentiora. Four paris of OXymuriate are trituraled with three of mercury untii the globules of the lalter disappear, and as in this operation the lighter particles of the acrid sali are dri ven about, the operatorshould cover his mouth and nostriis While he is performingit. Some have advised the addition os a litile mater or spi-


rit to prevent this erici; and there can, in practice, be noobjection to the use of eitlier. For the sublimation of the compound a greater heat is required than sor that of the oxy- muriate alone. It forms in the subliming vesseis a compaci, hard, inining, striated cine. Is the union be not complete, Some Oxymuriate Will first ari se and will be seen toform the frst deposition; or on the other hand, a litile metallic merct ry may sublime in the fame Way; eicher eX- freme is to be avoided, but the lalter is the least injurisus. This submuriate is tasteles s and insolubie in Water or aikohol, or very nearly so, according to Rouelle, vilio states itto require sor solution lΙ52 paris of water. Chenevix givesus the proportions of iis conStituent paris, muriatic acidli,5, oxyd os mercury 88,5, and this oxyd itself consists of metal 89,3, oxygen IO,I; others have fixod the proportion. of Oxvgen lower, ag 0,05: there is no doubi, hoWever, thatit is a minor oxyd to that whicli exi sis in the oXymuriate. Accor ling to Beatinae, there is no intermediate State be- tween the two preparations, and is too large a proporta ondi istier os o muriate or ruercvry be used it mill sublime un- alter ed. The premim proporitoras arct taken as the best,froin the result of very cxtensive practice, though it may seem Dona Mi . Chenevitas analysis, that more mercury is directed than is actualty necessary; sor, according to luna, siparis of metat are su icient for I 00 of oxymuriate; 75 is the proportion here used . Accor ling to the received nomenclature of sub-Salis, this ought rather to be considered asa muriate os mercu ; it does not differ stom the oxymuriate merely in the lesser proportion os iis acid, for the addition ofmore acid does not convert it into the oxymuriate, but illecti Tereiace lies in the relative degree of Oxidation of thebase; and upon the whole, it has been thought practi catly unsala to adopi a term nearly allieu to bdrarnrus muriatus,


whicli has hereto re been generalty used sor the acrid oxymuriate, and much better to adopi a definite name sor each, ich, Witti common attention, cara scarcely be con undedtogether in prescription, than to talae ei ther a long and Circuitous mode os expressiora, or a name Whicli might de attended with rish. A very olegant and useful modification ol this process has lately been adopted by Mr. Howard, chemist, who sublimes the submuriate into Water, With the vapour of whicli it miges as it arises in iis gasseous form, and subsides at once as a fine impalpable precipitate to the bottomos the water. Formerly preparations os mercury analogous to this were distinguished according to the number of sublimations they had undergone. Aster three sublimations it was Mercurius dulcis, after si x Calomelas, and after eight Pati acca mercurialis; but, according to Beaume, a smali posetion os oxymuriate is formed by each of these repented sublimations, probably Dom the absorption of oxygen by the

heated preparation frona the air of the vesseis, and lience noadvantage, but rather the contrary, must ari se Dom an in- creased number of the operations. The Pharmacopoeia of1745 had si x sublimatioris; that of I 87, as the directions seem to express it, sive; and noW they are reduced to three, ich are, in faci, fully sussicient, especialty with that subsequent application of Water Whicli the mode adopted forreducing it to a sine powder requires.


'drarnrus miratus ruber, P. L. II 87. Mercurius corro si viis ruber, Ρ. L. I 745. Mercurius praecipitatus corro-Sivus, P. L. t 720.


V a portion, the residuary mass would belest in a more spongy state, and wsuid more readily, for this reason, Shoot into the brilliant plated crystals whicli form the moSt common test of iis perfection. The object is to obtain a redoxyd of mercury by the decomposition os iis nitrate byheat; in the first place, theresere, the nitrate is formed byboiling the metat in the acid, and evaporating the solution to dryness. The disterent compounds Whicli nitric acid formswith mercu , according to the degree of Oxydation of thometes, and the relative proportions of the metal and oxyd, are not nom to be considered; the result is here, in the firstinstance, a Nitrate os mercury oxydiZed to iis maximum. In the second place, When this sest is exposed to heat, nitrous gas arises, indicated by the orang coloured sumes it forinswhen ii meets the Oxygen of atmospheric air, and the mus Sumes successively a yello Orango, and at last a brightred colour, mitti a crystalline appearance. The second parthas usually been conducted in the mattrras in Whicli the solution was first made, to whicti it may be objecita, that when ille externat part os a large mass is sussiciently decomposed, the internes part is altered in a less degree, as is evinced by the differetice of colour of iis severat layers, and that the wholeis unequattv assected; the directions are there re thus modified, that the whole may be equassy heated: a change of the vesset is directed, and is a mussie be used for the lalter part of the process, it will allow of occasional inspection, and of the mam heing stirred about; so that it may be more equallyheated, and a more uniform oxyd be lest; the licat should


the persection of the sirsi, by the inflammation os a matcb, in a state of loW combustion, introduced into the gas Whicharises. It appears to me, that is the proparation bo attentivoly conducted, it vili not be a subnitrate, but a red oxydonly. Fourc y gives as iis component paris, Mercury 92, and Oxygen S. CheneviX, Mercvry 85, Oxygen 15.



Limo Water, a gallon. Boil illo submuriato os mei Chary in tho time-Wator, Constantly stiri ing, untii a grey oxydos mercury is separate l. Wash iliis With distilled water, and then dry it.

Under the.hea is of Hydrargyri Oxymurias, and Hydram gyri Submurias, the different relations of the mercury to oxygen in eath have been stated. In the submuriate it is a minor blacti Oxyd,' and in the decomposition of the sali, by anystronger assini ty, as by that os lime or aikalies, this oxyd is separated. Ιt consisis, according to Fourcroy, Ot mercury96, oxygen Φ. The Same oxyd exi sis also in the patulae hydrargyri, but it is osten convenient to have it in the formos powder. It may also be used for fumigations, as it resembles in iis produci the more complicated sormula used



Hydrargyrus calcinatus, P. L. I 787. Mercurius calcinatus, P. L. 1765.

This preparation was first introduced into the Pharmaco poeta of II 5. There is very litile disteretice bet ween ii and theni tric oxyd, is the lalter be weli prepared; eXcepi, PerhaPS, that in this there is somowhat more Oxygen; Lavolsier SUS, OXygen I 0, mercury 90. But as the compositiori of this oxyd is matter of more certainty, as it can contain no nitric acid, andas it is fven internalty by many practitioners; as toΟ, accord- ing to the modern mode of iis preparation, and the employ ment of the necessary fire sor other purposes at the Same time, it is not ari expensive article, it has been thought rightto retain it; and the ternas used to express cach are Suffcient, ly indicative of thoir disseretice of preparation to pre Ventconfusion. A thin stratum os mercury is introduced into amattrass, With a broad flat bottona, and long narrow necli, drawn out to a capillary opening ; this prevenis the escape of the mercury, and alloWs a stoW admission of air, the oxygen


of whicli, at the degree of lxeat applied, gradualty imites Willithe metal, frst into blachisti scales, and at last sol ming a massos a someWhat deeper red colour than the nitric oxyd, whichis to be reduced to a sine poWder. The whole process may probably require an exposure of si X weelas.



Calx hydrargyri alba, P. L. I 87. Mercurius praecipitatus albus, P. L. 1745.

The titie of iliis sali is talaen Dom the mode of preparation rather than chemicat composition, on account of the