The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


sui ther do me the justice to boli eve illat where I seem to have neglected iliena I have done itupora reasons u lii ch have seu med io my own minit to be sum cient. Those are greatlv mistaken who suppose that great pecuniary ad vaniuge attaches to Works of this sort: indued under the existing expences coii nected Nith t laena suci, is impossibie, and those to wlao in I alia known Will rea lily give me credit for more honori rabie motives. Tliehopeos assistingand instructing thetin informed, and of lacilitat g an aequaintance with the Pharmacopoeia to those Who a re bound to un- derstand iis changes and apply iis processes,seems to me to be the oratu inducenient v lii clican leati a man to submit himself in voluntari lu

to ali the inco uvenieraces and vexations os edi torship: an δ is it l,e my tot to contribute in any Way to tbe 13rs motion of a profession of so mutatim porta nee to manlii nil as iliat os medicine, mylabo urs will be amply repa id, and my highostambition most abundantly grati sed .




AGER an intervat of scarcely two and tWentyyears, We have resolved again to revise our Pharmacopoeia. This labo ur has been imposed uponus by the improved state and dat ly culti vation os Natural Science, whicli has Within that shortperiod been Deed froni so much error, illustrate I by so many experimenis, and establishedupon principies so much more firm and pro-found than before, that should medicine aloneos ali iis branches be suffered to rem ain station-ary and neglected, we might justly in cur discredit ; especially, when of the two other sciences Chemistry and Bolany, Whicli are most Closelyallied to our oWn, the lalter has investigated With



PREFACE. immense labour the vegetable productions of CVely climate, and the former litis changed iis Whole system and langua for a better. There Seemed, there re, to be no excuse for delayingan3 longer a diligent revision of the po vers of the substancos used in medicine, to ascertain Whether an3 of them ought to he expungedfrona the list, as obsolete or supersi unus. Ue are Without doubi greatly indebled tocur immediate prodecessors, inasmuch as theyren d ered the process of Pharmacy more certain and expeditio us: for even in their time the lawn os modorii Philosophy had appeared, dispelling the clou se of former. Sy Stems. Γ movinu vitii the concomitant clari uess thuir

g roundi ess apprChen Sion S, and , in Shori, Ope ning the segret recesses Os nature so far ag tostio v cleari , What Was in Congruo iis, and What was accordant; What Substances Gere at vari-ance Willi each other, and what might be hostaessocialed together in composition. But suchis the con lition os ari, that it admits only of improve ment, not Ot absolute perfection. 1len ce, there fore, the science of Modicine has annually ma de Some progressi nur has the presentheon v aut ing in iis en denuours to cari y fui ther what the former i ad beguu ; sor it has deseri bod si illi grealer accuracy the Sympto nas OisOme disease , aud has dis vered more sui table


wore scienti sic methoris of compound ing them. When, therei ore, ave siti Si commenced Our rC- vision of the Pharmacopoeia, We discovere l

present more perfeci State of Our ari; stili more

lhing admitte J, to aflix to medicines those Danaes Which were correct, and whieti ac corded vitii the composition os caeli, tali in M' Care atthe sanae time that the tities should not acquirea tengili Which Would prove inconvenient totbe proscriber. IL the refore, in ordet to eN- press Cleasty the composition Os a id arti cle, a Bumber of Uordes became necessar, . Ue have



PREFACE. preferred a more simple appellation, eventhough le,s scientis C. illi respect to oui selves, we have spared nopains to render the present edition as perfeci aspossit, te. N ot that we ale bold enough to ima

en ough has been Sa id. Some teritas whicli are employed require amore earn est apology, Since they may seem to

devia te more than was neceSsary frona common

hat could be done against the aut hori ty of allthe naturalis is os tho present day; ori, ith wliat proprie ty could We alone re talia nam es of animal S, vegetabies, and minera is, whicli the chios writers in this branch of science had applied tosubstances enti rely dissimilar Θ we have there- fore thought it bet ter to risk the accusation os barbarism, than to admit ternas of doubitat orun Certain signification, or to dissent in a se innames only froni the established practice of chymiStS.


Vith respect to the change which Wo have determineci upon mali ing in the meas ures of liquids, we do not fear the imputation of hav-ing do ne it Dona an affectation os novelty, sincelthasaong been considereii as necessary. Asti X-ing the sanae nam es to meas ures of liquids andio weights of solitis very frequently producedinis tali es. We have not ventui ed to alter themeaSure called a Gallon, the capaci ty of Whichis desined by the statutes of the reaim; but we have deemed it to be not only lawful, but our positive duty to divide illis into paris, and to

sortios method in persecting the work Whichis best sui ted tolle subject of it; and it wi li bethelmost agreeable re ard we Can receive fortite care anil l ibour Ue have bestowed, is, suchas it is, it shali contribute to the public good, and te nil to potnt out more certain remedies forthe cure os diseases, or be come instrumentalto variis a more speedy alleviation of them.


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