The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


illi os sussicient frieness; this prevenis loss and inconvenien estoria quantities of the siner powder being scattered about indust. The mode of separation os powclers of such substances of an equat degree of sineness Will be spoken of hereaster. Vesseis for evaporation, or any preparation os liquids orvegetable juices, should be preferre d of stone Ware, orWedgwood's ware, though practi catly no injury arises in the preparation os extracis stoin the use of tin evaporators heptcle an for the purpose, and in their application such wili be ten found to be most especialty conVenient. Measures should be of glass, or is they be required for large quantities, of earthen-Ware, and by no means os peWter Cae any metallic

denotes a temperature bet Neen 9O' and Icio'.

Fahrenheit's thermometer is commonly employed in this country, and theresere is here adopted. All thermometric divisions are arbitrary, and different ones are used in different countries. It may be useful to affix the sol-lowing formulae for ascertaining the corresponding degreeos Falirentieit Willi Reaumur's scale, Whicli is mostly used


on the continent, and With the centi grade scale os modern


- 22 Which gives the corresponding degree of Faliren- heit. The centigra de thermometer of the French, like that os Celsius used in Saveden, divides the fame space into 10O degrees, so that I 80 F I00 C, and 9 F α 5 C, and to

reduce the degrees to those of F, We have - - 32, that is, multiply the degree in both instances by 9, and divide by 6 for the former, by 5 sor the lalter, and to the quotientadd 32, wh h will give the corresponding degree of Faliren- heit. Or the converse of these operations ivili convert Fali-renheit's degrees into corresponding ones of ei ther of theother scales.

TWo definitions os temperature are also assumed Willi sussicient accuracy sor practical use, and it Would be a very destrable thing is We could more approximate to precision, in describing or regulating the higher degrees of heat produced by nal ed fres, upon the uniformi ty of Whichthe powers of sonae of the most active medicines considerably depend. This may be imperfectly done by attending to the forni and si ge of the furnace, to the quantityos air admitte I, to the fige and nature of the Dei emploJed, and to the mutuat relations of these to each other; and, GOVe


all, by practical experience in their management: but thereis no instrument at present in use that can be satisfactorilyand conveniently applied to this purpose.

substan Ce, Contained in a sui table vesset, is

Two methods of increasing temperature are defined forthe convenience of subsequent application, and the srstof them, the muter Bath, is noW extended to the application of the fame temperature by steam, asweli as immediate immersion in the water, Whicli, in the preparation of various articles, especialty eXtracis, is much more convenient. The faci, that Water, saturaled with muriate of soda, requires a higher temperature to malae it boti, and that a beat of 230' may be thus occasionalty applied to substances immersed therein, Was thelaundation of the use of a sali hath in the former Ρharmacopoeia; but a temperature of 212' is considered fully sus-ficient for ali the preparations Whicli are required, and it hasbeen judged proper to retain only the means os applyingit.


The Sand Bath may have iis heat rat sed to retiness, andit is osten requirod to be so, but the gradual transmissionos heat through this medium provenis that destructiora os glass vesseis whicli more sudden changes of temperature areapt to occasion, and it is algo more manageable in iiseis; heiace it has great ad vantages in the majori ty of processes

The solio ving explanation os sonae other operations employed in pharmacy may not be Useless. Pistration is a mode of separating Dom liquids those solidsubstances Whicli differ but litile in their specific gravity, and subside but flowly. For the nicer purposes of Pharmacy, bibulous paper must be used solded into a conical form and placed Within a funiael; it should be colourless, which may beeasily obtained, and theresere not theblotting paper Ofordina

Use. For Other preparations, linen, Woollen, or cotton cloths

through them, and Whicli, there re, are especialty applicabieto solutions os vegetable matters, and separation os them Domtheir insolubie paris when required sor immediate uso. Thestronger acitis Which would destroy silires made of animal orveg table matter, is thev require fitration, must be passed through potan led glass, rotat ned in the lannel bu a seru largor pie ces si si introduced into iis nech. For the separation os supernatant liquids Dona substances of great specifc gravi ty, and whicli rea lily subside to the bottona, Decantarion is used;whicli means, that the fluid shali be carefulty poured offVithout disturbing the heavier substance whicli has subside l

tile fluid Dona those Whicli are fixed in the samo degree of heat. It is there re persormed by the application of heat, and it is promotod by using shallo vesseis, and extending


IIthe furface of the fluid as much as possibie. Where it is an object to collect the volatile fluid, the operation is callet Distillation, whicli is performed in vesseis, sui ted to the particular quantity and purpose : Such as, a retori and receiVer, Gra common stili. When solids are separated frona each other,

by the greater volatilily of one in a given temperature, theoperation is called Sublimarim. When solid substances are rendered liquid by the application of heat, it is called Fusione When by the chemicat agencyos a liquid, their attraction os aggregation is destroyed, and both unite into a transparent liquor, it is called Solution thistast is one great obieci os Pharmacy, and may sor the most partbe assisted by moderate heat and by shali ing or agitating the two together. Is the aggregation belween the paris of a solid substance be brohen down mechanically, and a liquide sed thereon be rendered turbid by suspension of the

powder in it, and does not become transparent, nor the POWder lose iis solid mode os existunce, it is called Mixture. In other operations os Pharmacy, dissolved substances are separated frona their solutionsby other additions made thereio,


In the second column, Inguaues are named according toWilldenow's edition of the Species Plantarum os Linmeus, Berlin, II9I, et seq. : Animati, according to Gnaei 's edition of the Systema Naturae of Linnaeus, Goden, IT89, et seq. and Gemicat Substances according to the modem nomenclature; unless it be other vise eXpressed.

Ρinus Abies,

The concrete reSin,

Artemisia Absinthium, S. P. M . iii. Ι 8qq.

Note. I late odiled to this Cutalogue, references to the volumeand page of IVilli nota's Species Plantarum, und to the plutes of cli itine planta dilich are Aured in Moodet ille's Medicat Lotany The indigenous planis I have alio referred to the page of Smith sPlora Britannica Lond. 1806.), onil I have mur ed the quantityof the worδε uscd medicul0.

Abietis Resina, Nesin of the spruce



Acaciae Gummi, ACacia vera. The Gum. Acacia gum, culled S. P. IV. iv. IO83. Gum Arabic. M. B. t. 67. Mimosa

nilotica. Acetosae Folia, Rumex Acetosa. Common Sorret Daves. The Leaves. S. P. V. ii. 26 P.M. B. t. 69.

S. F. B. 396. Acetosella, OXalis Acciosella, Common a ood Sorret. S. Ρ. IV. ii.

S. F. B. 49 I. Accium, Impure acetic acid. Vinegar.

Acidum sulphuricum, Sulphuric acid. Sulphurio acid. The specific Gravity isto iliat os distilled



called Socoli ine Aloes. Aloes vulgaris Extrac- Aloe Vulgaris. tum, The fract. traci common Aloe, Sit, thorp Flor. Graec. called Barba loes

As a fuit description of this plant Will be gi ven in Sib- thorp's great work no under publication, that author is there- fore quoted. Dr. Smith, the Editor of it, says, that theptant described under the above name, is asserted by Sib- thorp to be the true Αλοη of Dioscorides, whicli is describedas producing our ossicinal Barbadses Aloes, by Sloane, in his History of Jamaica Vol. i. p. 215).

S. F. u. 739


Ammoniae Murias, Murtot of Ammonia.

Ammon in Cum,

Gum Amm0niac. Super sulphate os argilland pol SS. Muriat os ammonia. Heracleum gummise


This plant, described in the above Work tom. i. pl. 53, 54.) for the first time, Was raised in the Royal Garden at Berlin, by Wilideno , Dom the seeds tinen out of the Ammoniacum of the shops, Whicli, it is Win known, ostencontains inem. The author declares himself to be satisfied, that this drug is produced by Heracleum gummiferum, thoughhe has not been successsul in his endeavours to procure itfrom the planis rat seu at Berlin.

Amygdala amara, dulcis, Litter anu Staeet Almond. Amylum, Starch. Amygdalus CommUnis. The Kernet.