The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


Ρharmacopoeia Londinensis, Tho London PharmaCopoeia.


Cong. Congius. a Fllon. Coclit. Cochleare . a spo Uul.


The measures of liquids also differ, onebeing used for beer, and another for Wine: ve adopi the lalter, and employ for liquids, meas ures Whicli ure derived frona illo ivinus alto n.

The wine gallon is desined by the statutos of the realita, and we divide it for medicat pur- poses in the solio ving In annor, Vid.


me measure the sinalter dioisions os liquids Da glass measure marhed ut equul distances : forthe number of drops is a fallacisus and tincertain mode os divisi0ii, since compared taith thoseos taciter, alm0st double the number os drops

of any tincture are require t to sit the fame

meab Ure. A most important cliange is noW frst adopted in the me suration os liquids and the division of the wine pini, bywhicli it is intended to introduce accuracy in the measiarementos quantities of liquids bolo one drachm. For these thetable of no former Pharmacopoeia has provided, but as somestich were alivays absolutely necessa in dat lv practice, so theuncertain method os drops Was adoPted, and has been gener- Hly received. The number os drops contained in one fui drachm has been assumed to be siXty; and talaing Water as astandard, this number, though by no means accurate, Would stili be sussiciently correct for ordinary purposes; but enother liquids of less specinc gravity are used, a much largernumber is required to fili the fame meastare lathus of proos spirit 140 drops are required to equat the bulla os fixty of water dropped stom the fame vesset. IL theresere, in thecomposition os medicines, meaSures suiled to the standard of Water Wexe used occasionHII only, and it Was generalty assumed that fixty drops were equat to one fluidrachm, and onestuidractan os tincture os optum Was substituted fur fiaty


drops prescribed, twice the doso intended Would be given. It may be further objected to the use of drops; that their

bulla is influenced by the quantity of liquid contained in thebotile froin whicli they fati, by the thichness of the lip, and even by in equalities in the different paris of the lip of the

sanae botile; that volatile liquids to whicli iliis mode is most commonly applied, are thus eXposed Witti extensive surfaces and their evaporation promoted ; and on every account the adoption os sonae decisive, convenient, and uniform substitute became necessary. The subdivisions of the wine pintare there re extended to the fixtietti part of the fui- drachm, and glass measures expressive of such subdivisions are adopted by the College. These Will be as uniformand constant as tDe Weighis employed for solici ; the accuracyof the former as weli as of the lalter being, DC course, dependent upon precision in their constructῖon, Whicli is not more dissiculi to be attainod in one than in the other instance. Similar Latin te s and characters have been heretofore used toexpress the weights of soli is and the measures of liquids, and thus very different quantities have, in faci, been eXPressed by the fame name; an error Which became more evident Whenit Was propos ed to extend it stili farther, and to cali the least division os liquids by the nanae of a gratia. This similaritylias been a solarce of complaint Dom the time os Galen De m s. Medicam. I. 6, 98), and, on adopting more minute divisions os liquids, the College resolveil also to assume certain arbitrary tems which may distinguisti belWeenthem and the weights of solids; and in those talaen, theyhaVe, Willi respect to measures os, ounce and drachm. Whichare in most common use, been anxious to do as litile

violence as possibie to established habiis, consistent With thodistinction at Which they have almed; and Whicli they have also iapon the fame principies extended to the figias by which


such measures may be designated. In our own language theterna sint is sussiciently distinct Dom potin f, and may stillhe retained as a translation os octarius. In the banishmentlio vover of a particular Practice frona pharmacy, ille banishment of the term immediately expressing it, and forcing it up-on the recollection, hecame also necessary; for this reason theword drop could not be rotat ned to signisy the si xtielli partos a sui drachm, and the coinage of a neis one has been

The College have adopted the glass measiares originali vinuented by the late Bir. Timotlty Lane, F. R. S. in Whichtho standarit Wine gallon of the Exchoquer is divideditato 6 I, O paris, no v called nininis, and whicli are appli- Cable with accuracy to the mensuration of the smallest of these quantities. By an act of partiament, I 4 Ann, the wine gallon is fixed at 231 cubic inches, and the weiglit of the Standard excite luer gallon of water at a temperature of 63', and barometical pressure α 29, 52, is 58,1 6 Troy gratias. It wili further be remembered, that the use of measUreS OrWeighis made by any particular person is not insisted upon ;and provided they be accurate, it is os no importance wliereor hoW they are procured. Perhaps sussicient attention is scarcely paid in generat tothe state of scales and weighis: they are necessarily exposed, in the shop of the Anothecary, to circumstances under Whichtheir accuracy is impatred, and they require greater careon this account. The beam should remalia in equilibrio evenis the scales bu changed, and it should turn With a very smali Addition to iis meight; the fori u sed in the shops may east lybe procured so Dice as to be influenced by th of a grain. I had intended to subjoin to this translation a table of the relative value os drops and measure, but I found the formor


In addition to this explanation it is furtherto be observe i, that in this book we define the quantity of dry articles by a eight, and that of liquida by measure, uni ess it be othe

Care is to he taken that notther coppernor lead enter into the composition of the

are glaged by lead are improper.


hear the application os considerable force; these were foris merly made of the composition cassed belL1nelai, whicli stillheep their place, through improperly, in many shops ; molatars of iron ought to be SubStituted sor them. In the present system, hoWever, the reduction Os Substances to powder ison ly occas tonalty practi sed by the apothecary; this is most commonly done iapon the large scale by drug-milis in thesi si instance, and the article is thus supplied to the shops in thestate of powder stted at orace sor use. No v this is oneos the modern facilities and arrangements of trade Whichcannot be too cautioiasty looked after. The proprietor ofrbe milis, perhaps, retiarns for a gi ven Weight of the grossarii cle four-ffilis, tal ing the difference for the use of his machinery and the necessary loss in preparation. ΙIe has also the pomer os substituting or mixing in an inferior articlewithout much fear os detection, since Wheia those externalqualities, by whicli the goodness of drugs is chi By estimated, aro tost, it is very dissiculi indeed, is not impossibie, to Uenti se them. Any man who occasionalty loolas at the drugsales of the metropolis, Will sind very large proportions os

refuse articles Whicli ought to be destroyed; these, never-theless, find purchasers, and under the conveniences whichthe form of powder gives, are osten dealt out to the consumer blendest in a masterly manner, Under the character os

drugs of superior quali ty. It is there re desii able that the Apothecary should poWder his o vn drugs; and a large ironmortar, or What is stili beller, a smali hand-mill iniit offectiliis in a sum cient degre e sor the consumption of any ordinary concern, CXCePling in a feW articles, Whicli are har ter, and there re more dissicultly brohen do Kn. Where substances are insolubie in Water, the addition ofwater So as to form them into a paste may be usesully made,