The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1809년

분량: 511페이지


분류: 미분류


M. B. t. Ι 8 P.

tum s

Common Chamomile Plomer8. Argentum, Sister.

Armoraciae Radix, 1 orse Ladish Loot. Arsenici Oxydum, Oa d of Arse lic. Asari Folia,

N. B. t. 1 SO.

S. F. B. 69O. White Oxydos arseni C.


Tlsis is the plant described and figured by Mempser Amoenitales Exsicae , whose fideli ty has never been impcach-ed, and Whose account of the species yielding that valvabledrug is to be considered as at least equalty admissibie mitti any other. The plant rat sed by Dr. Hope, of Edinburgh Phil. Trans. V. I 5. Med. Bot. t. 8), Dom seeds sent to Dr. Guthrie, of St. Petersburgh, Dom the mountains of Ghian, in Persia, is certainly different, and noW bears the name of Ferula Persica cinuiden G, Sp. Plant. bulboth one and theother may be Supposed to yield a similar juice, and the di Ter-cnce of the species is not to be Wondered at, as the Ferula Assafoetida grows in the fouili os Persia, and the Persica in


Per man Bulsam.



Bistorta, Great Bistori. The Latiam. S. P. V . ii. 5 S.


MATERIA MEDICA.careful examinatiori os specimens in Sir Joseph Banks's, and other collections by Dr Maton, and of those in the Linnaean Herbarium by Dr. Smith, We are authorized to considerthe tree whicli yields the above oti as a neW species, and, Loin the name of iis medicinal produci, those genti emen have agreed to give to it the appellation of Melaleuca Caytisuri.

Calaiarina, Colomine.

Columba Rost. Impure Carbonate of

S. F. B. 373 The Lool of a Plant nol

The name of Columbo ros, by Whicli this article has hi therio heen lanown in Our silops, seems to have had iis origin in the supposition that the root Was brought to us Dom Ceylon; a supposition apparent ly strengthened by the similarity in sound of the Portiaguese appellation os Calumba to the name of the principat town os ibat istanti. It heing a staple export withthe Portuguese, the place of growth was caresully concesed, and the plant itself was unknown to bolanisis, untii very lately, when it was raised at Madras Dom a root brought to Dr. James Anderson, of that place, Dom MoZambiquo. From a.drawing in the possession of the Linnaean Society, tho plantappears to be of the natural order of Menisermum, but thegenus cannot be determined, in consequence of the semesa sowers not having been aS Fet Seen.



Carbo Ligni.

Charcoal. Cardamines Flores, Cuehota Flo er. Cardamomi Semina, Cardamom Meri.

Maton in Act. SOC. Lino





The essentiat Oil of tho


Castoreum, Castor.

Castor Fi ber, Russian

S. P. IV. iv. Io 79. M. B. t. 66. Mimosa Catech u. Chironia Centaurium. The I PS. S. P. V. i. Io68. M. B. t. I 57. S. F. B. 257.


A peculiar concrete

These names of our three medicinat barks of the genus Cinchona were originalty given in a publication, entilled, PapAPeriodico de tanta Fe l792ὶ, by Dr. Mutis, Who, stom a residence of more than forty years in South America, had the best opportunities hitherio obtained by any botamst oinvestigating this important tribe, and whose observations a


more fully detailed in his pupil Zea's communications to the Annals of Natural History, published at Madrid I 800, tom. ii. p. I96). The Cinchona officinalis of Linnaeus proves toliave been named froin specimens of the tree producing the 3HAG bai k, the C. cor folia of Zea) which were sent to him by Mutis, anil, through mistahe, confounded by the great Swedisti bolanist With the true Peruvian bai h received frona Condamine, in compliment to Whom, as Our earli est autho-rity, the tree has been named by FIumboldi and Bonpland, in their Plantes Equinoxiales stom. i. p. 33 , Cinchona condaminea. We prefer, howeVer, the prior and more scientifictrivial namo os lancifolin. The C. cordi lia os Mutis and Zea, is the C. macroca γ os Will leno Sp. Plant , Dom Whose authori ty we think it necessary to deviate in this instance for the reasons besere alluded to.

Cinnamomi CorteX. Cinnamon Barh. Cinnamomi Oleum, Cinnamon Oil.


Colchici Radix,

M. B. t. 27. I is essentitit Oil. Coccus CaCti. G. S. N. 222 O. Colchicum autumnale. The fresh NOst. S. P. IV. ii. 272. M. B. t. I 77.

S. F. B. 399



Contrajervae Radix, Contra jerva Loot. Copaiba, Copaiba. Coriandri Semina, Common Coriander

The Lo0f. S. P. IV. i. 683. M. B. t. SI. Copaisera ossicinalis. The liquid Lesin. S. P. W. ii. 63o.M. U. t. I 37. Coriandrum satiVUm.