장음표시 사용
Parthian in Orodes, was deseate an hille by Ventidius anom cer os arti Antony, D. C. 38. There is a touchis satire in the expression, a Ventidius ad been in early life a mute-driver Forthe ablative absolute amisso Pacoro, the English ould se an active construction, Me subescuou of the L Sta Venti DL Gr. 292, Rem a), and that too, after osti it Commander Pacorus.12. Carlaone, etc. at the sive here mentione were deflate by the Cimbri excepi Cassius, ho was deseate anil illed by the Tigurini a Helvetian canton theres ore auis B. C. IOZ See CSOS. B. G. i. a. The otherii faster too place in the great Cimbrian
invasion Carbo sieseat was . C. II 3, the other three, IO3.14. Varum this decisive victor of the Germani a A. D. .
I 6. C. Marius: e gaine great an decisive victories ver the TeutoneS, B. C. O2, and the Cimbri, Io I. The campaignio Iulius Caesar er durin his Gallic War B. C. 38 to o Drusus an his brother Tiberius Nero an son Germanicus conducte Successsulcampaigiis during the reignis Augustus Germanicus also in thato TiberiUS. 18. Gai CaesariS: the empero Caligula see Ericola Chap. XIII. I9. OCCASion cliACOrctia noAtracta his refers to the civit Warsos A. D. 68 an 69, and to the revolt of the Batavian Civilis, described by Tacitus in the Murth an fifth book of the Historio. 22. triumphati . . . Sunt the fictilious triumphi Domitian, A. D. 84 See Ag ricola Chap. XXXIX. Baumstari says of the historical ketch in his hapter, that citrantis among the mos brilliant passage of the Germania'
The Suevi os Tacitus present a pugglin problem. His descriptionis them occupies eight hapters endin Hi SuQuia inise, at the en os hap. XLV. Accordin tothis, thei consedera membrace sar more than hal of the Germans, includinias et the Suiones os weden and the Aestitis Livonia a the Marcomani os ohemia and the Angli 'ossutiand. his is hard to accept. nother pugale arises rom the fac that Caesar mentions the Suevi, a Tacitus does, a the greates an mos poruersu nationis Germany, but places the surthe to the west, here the came immediatet in contact with the Romans It is generali assumed that the Sueviis Caesar iuere the Chatti, whomae does no mention Strabo, too vii. p. 29o , Say that the extende ὰπ του Ρηνου μέχρι του Aλβιos, and in pari, περαν του Aλβιοs, ut mentions the αττοι independently one is strongi tempte to accept ommsen' opinion Hisf. V Konae iv. p. 82 that Nevi Was a genera term meaning the wandering eopte or nomads V hom schwehen). It is certain that the Suevi os Tacitus compris the les setile and civilire tribes, excludinioni the more civilige nations os the west.
23. quorum possessive genitive. 27. laliquar Crinem this appears to describe the custo ofcombing the air bach rom ver side, thus idem S so themost pari. and wistin it in a no on the crown Sidonius
Apollinaris describes a follows Theodori the Visigoth capitis ex rotundus, in quo paululum a planitie frontis in verticem caesaries refugia crispatur. Se also Juvenal xiii 164), Germani. . . flavam caesariem et madiae torquentem cornua cirro.
3I. Pu Suevoa Some editor take his passage a describinganother mode of arrangin the air it seems, however, tot onlya repetitionis that describe before, introduce by way of empha- Sigin the contrast,ith other nations and showing that it was heptup untii old age.
32. horrentem, Sisa retro equuntur a rhetoricat way
19 1 hostium Culis i. e. not amicarum oculis, ut ament
4. Semnones these are supposed by sonae to have been the Suevi describe by Caesar in the Murth book of his Gallic Mar. They were known in later times as uthungi and were the foui Ce of the Suevi or wabians of modern history. They inhabitedietweenthe Elbe and the Oder, in Lower usatia, and ortheri to theneighborhoo o Berlin ano Franklari. - antiquitatiA: an objective genitive belles in the se antiqui F. s. Stato tempore: a regularib recuri in anniversarn statuto tempore Would imply a specia appotntinent for the time. 6. juActem anguinis probably this refers to the entire bodyof the Suevi, inasmuchos his celebration, hel among the Semnones, is the Volacher for thei rank a the mos ancient tribe of the race. V his assembl of the Nationalit sci tanam had V says Solim no politica functioris, butini sacrificiat '' it Was a sortifamphictyony. 7. homine n doubi a captive. his usage ould indicate alower degre os civiligation than that of the more westeri tribes. 8. horroncta primorctia it a in the pening rites that the
sanctity. 13. Centum pagi So Caesar, B. G. V. I.; ut se note noenteni Chap. XII. - magno CozPOTE: .e. corporate Xtent anu
17. Longotiarctos this is the reading of the manuscripis, notLangotiarctoa, as iven in osseditions They livedin the lest bank of the Lower Elbe, in the territor of Luneburg, where thei nameis represente by the modern cit os ardewic. The nam is variousty explained, as long beariis an loquatile-axo. The areth source of the Longobard o Lombards, Who conquere Italy
they the Chauci on the est the Cherusci on the fouth, and the
19. Reuctigni eincte, etc. a he has approache the Longobardi sto the fouth, cteincte Would impi proceedin in the fame direction; at these peti tribes are place to the noriti, in echlen- burg, auenburg, and the Cimbri peninsula The Angli are theoni ones of importance, as it Was the who conquere Britain and gaverit the nam England. 23. terram matrem: his is a Roman and uncertain interpretatio of the name, derive probabi sto the resemblance of the procession and the bath to the worshi of agna ater in Rome. The nam Nerthus is probabi connected with Mord, the candinavia go of the sea, ather of Fre mand FreTa, in Whos WorshipSome usage are trace Simila to thos here described. 23. nauta perhap Alsen, o the easter coas of Schleswig, where remainio a Sanctuar have been discovered Rugen, withwhicli itised tot identis ed is evidenti to far to the east. 34. numen ipsum, Me go ras herae si rectere velis), nother mage.
20. . secretiora, more Secludere, i. e. more distant. 3. Hermunctitrorum these ere asterward the Thuringians; the inhabite the central regionis Thuringi a the Saxon duchies), an extende solithward to the Danube. 7. in riPR, Sc Danulati. 8 colonia thicis Augusta Vindelicorum, the modern Augsburg - FaAAim: .e. WhereVer the Please, no in one prescribe place a was usual With barbaria nations. 11. Amia oritur: hi statemen is certaint incorrecti the Elbe ros in the countr of themarcomani. Either Tacitus asmisinformed or, acLatham SuggestS, and Seem probabie, the Saale, whicli cloes ris in Thuringia, Was ahen a the rue Elbe. 12. notum olim: i. e. in the Campaign o Drusus B. C. ), Tiberius A.D. ), and therS. No these invasions have
13. Naristi these live upo the confines of maria an Bo- hemia the Marcomani in Bohemia, the Quadi in oravia. Is ipsa etiam Sectes, etc. the arcomani ere siluated in thetime os Drusus upon the river ain, an passe thene to Bohemia where thei hing aroboduus Munde a pomerfui ingdom. Theirchie importance was in later history the wars of arcus Aurelius with themarcomani and Quadi,ere theteginniugis that series of contests,hicli endeo illi the overthrow of the empire. t shouldbe note that ommsen regard this nam to a a genera appellative, frontieramen se notemn Suevi, Chap. XXXVIII. Eo. Tuctri: his hiniis notinown from any other Aource net theris anythin know of the Sterno rege mentione in the nexi
is no improbabilit whateve in Tacitus statemen that the otini
mere elis, a remnant of the primitivemellic occupation Latham sconjecture that Gallio m Gallician, ah nam os Halitschir Red Russia, cis plausibie, ut Would place them to far to the east.29. Quo magi Pucteat: .e. the Should se it in making
32. Continuum montium iugum: his must e the Riesenge-birge o the Carpathians. The tribes here mentioned were norit of the Carpathians in the countr eas of the Oder non of them, hoWever except the Lygii cani fixe with an certainty. Theseoccupie the territor belween the dei and istula in the modern provinces of Silesia Posen, an Litti Poland The similarit of thenam to the native nam of the oles, Lech gives probabilit toLathans vlew, that the Lygii ere laus, the ancestor of the
21. I. antiqua religionia certain eatures of this religionpoint also to a lavoni character. riest venitu monachico arementione in Courland Therilavi mytholog has twi gods, Leland olei, who Would have thei Roman equivalent in Castor and Pollux an among the russian a orshi of the elli, Alcem, is recorded whicli might asit aris from a misapprehensionis thenam Alci. Latham.)3. Alois this is usuali talien asin dative.
mouth of the Oder the Rugii ave est thei nam to the standRugen. t is remactable that Tacitus omit ali mentio of the poWerfui Burgundiones, who ere orth of the Lygii Ι7. harum gentium this must reserint to the last mentionedtribes, Gotones, Rugii, an Lemovit.
19. Suionum this nam is identica with that of the wedes,nelthe theis of the one nor thesis of the other belonginito the oot; the modern nam is ue-rigo, o the reali of the wedes. Q appears that Tacitus considere Scandinavia an istarid, and that the eopleo the nortli,ere a note seamen in ancient times as in the middie
2Ι utrimque . . . agit: like the ories of modern shermen. This is stili the usual formis fishing-boat in Scandinavia, and the ancient custom is illustraled by a vii ing-boat discovered in 188 in Norway. Se an illustrates account of it in Harser' messest, Aug. 4, 88o, and the Garientaube, Ι 88O No. 29. Se also Lind-
22. ne remos, etc. 'thi appear to refer to the ordines remorumo the Greeli an Roman galleyS. The Solutum . . . Et mutaDilε
the customomon the RomanS, an Stilicis the custom in southern Europe while the nations of the norit have theiriars Dee. For an interestin discussion of the revolution rought y the Scandina-vians in theor o navigation, See Burton' HistorF of Scottanae Vol. I. p. 3O6. 23. Pilari honos . . . unu imPeritat this descriptionis a Strongi monarchia goVerninent i Surprising in the face of the generali democratic character of Germani institutions and speciali thos of the modern nations of Scandinavia; and ollamann suggest that he Suiones,ere the old inhabitants before the migrationis the Germani Scandinavians. I may hoWeVer te remarhed that with ali heir De institutions the ob a PoWer a Ver great amon these nations in the idole ages. - it a the aristocracy
IES. 26 jam in his orii ies a comparison illi the Germannations hicli ere unde hings these ere stili subject to ome
CHAPTER XLV. 33 pigrum: See Agricola, Ch . . probabi here means
frosen, i. e. in partS. I i Calle by tolem νεκρὸς κεανος, and by Ρytheas πεπηγυια θοασσα. something like cur flere. 33. 3tremuS, etc. Se also a descriptio of the idnight sunin thes ricola Chap. XII. 22. . Bonum, etc. the ancisu description here ivencis prob- ably derive froni the accounts of the orthern lighis combine twith reminiscences of the gyptia statue os em non an similar
ity, and the entire description torses, and ays about the head applies accuratet to the conceptionis the sun-god. 3. tantum qualisies illvo usque, ni far a an ancient writer say post omnia Oceanus, post Oceanum nihil. - Ergo iththisine return froni able to description. 4 ρκtro litor thi is the easterii coas of the altic 'eyondPrussia, here the coas bend abruptly to the north. The Aestiiwere undoubtedi the fame eople ho have given thei nam tolli modern Esthonians. The wer of the Lithuanian ace like themodern Prussians. The statemen that the language a simila tolliat of Britati must rest pon a misapprehenSion. Atham Consider the nam identicat illi east. the nam give by the ermans to the eople eas of them.
8. omnium objective genitive. I soli omnium at the present da amber is found n thecoasti Prussi more abundantly than in the countries further east in ancient times also it a gathered by the Gutones Gotones), Plin. . H. xxxvii. 3s frona hicli Latham inser that these were the fame illi the Aestii. I 4 ut DardariS a one ould exsect os barbarians. 22. ECretis, tu he distant paris.
3O. Suionilau . . . Continuantur Tacitus passes here bach Ο
the western hor of the altic norit of the wedes. Nothin is known of the Sitones, ut it is surinised that a Finnish eopte in this region Calleo uenaS, are meant the nam bein Con unded vitii the Germani quen, Oman, and thus ivin ris to the storythat femina ominatur. The nam ferra feminarum is in latertimes Quia in us for thi region. CHAPTER XLVI. 34. Peucinorum the Peucrni, o Bastarnae were siluatediponthe lower Danube, ah most remote of the Germani tribes, and the earlies mentioned, as thesare me in the time o Philip os acedon. The are ne of the sive branches into hicli the Germansare divide by liny se note Chap. II.). t appear frona thepresent passage that the were a miXed race, b intermarriages Withthe SarmatianS, Conulati miAtis. - Venetorum these must betaken to e the wends, or laus the nam is familia froin the wendi lingdom in Mechlenburg in the tentii and eleventi, centuries. Fonnorum: his nam is obviousi that of the inns. The description however, doeino appl to the Finns a manly, intelligent race, but to the LappS. Latham Suggesis that he nam Was generalsor both branches of the Ugrian race, ut that tris used by Tacitusoni for the Lapps, hile the triae inns are described unde their tribal name, Sitones Chap. XLV.). The nam is probabi German, meanini sen-people. Schweiger-Sidier.)33. armatim acremarhed in the noterio Chap. I. the Sarmatians are to e understood o b Tartars. Frona his important passage it appears that Tacitus ad n notion of the lavoni raceas such. ut echone the lavonians a belongin eithe to the Germans o the SarmatianS. 23. 2. Orcte omnium a torpor Prooerum, ali are diro, and the chi Lare L .
tio of the custonis of the TartarS. So Horace Od. iii 24 9 :
19. Omilaum probabi tote alien a dative like agria Kritet, howe ver explain itis ablative o place on the round that thesethree phrases describe the three fornis of industry, a ricultura, opiscium, Arcatura. 22. illiA the Fenni voto, ablative aster OPu EAAet. 23. Hellusio et Omionas it is ardi necessar to a that these fabulous stories have no known roundwork of fac t. NOTE TO CHAPTER VII. 4, 17.)
See Notes, P. 35. Nohi1itatoris evidently used here no in the sense os a boo re nobita , but a quality
like virtutO), nolle birrh. Tacitus severat times mentions notitIOA and notit1itus, butnowhere defines the ternis, and nowhere, excepi in the present passage, ascribes any politica influence or powe to the nobility. The originis his nobilit is uncertain, and is itha an specia power o privileges, e do not know hat these ere. The political constitution, as described by Tacitus, was essentiali democratic, ut members os ricli and nobi families,ould undoubtedi be preserre so offices os responsibilit an power. It is no tot understood that the two classes os officer mentioned, eges and Quoes, existed fide by fide. In hos nations that had kings, the kings ere the leader in ar, and thes hings ere, as has been Shown alwaycos nobi birili, regulari electe homsome one family. In the nations thalaad n hings, Caesar telis iis B. G. vi 23 that incas os war Miseratus qui ei bello 'raesin . . . elionfrιr. The Saxons, as elearn rom the venerable Bede H. E. v. o), id not elec these leader ex virtute, butselected themi tot hom among the regula magistrates mittitur aequaliter Sorres, es galemcumque sors offenderis, hunc tempore belli alcem omnes sequuntur. A certain analogyietineen thesea ing chosen Ox notii itat and leader Ox virtut is Mundamong the orth American Indians, whose hereditar sachem. exercise civit authority
ΓΗ odjectis issuinia num edition is to givo tho latos resuliso specia stud in his departinent, andri mali in the gram-