Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Seriptum de bona littera nobis

' mittere quam citius poteris non omittas.' Let P. I. p. 15.



It is not meant by this, impres-

F in the undertat in by a prospect of the vas advautages hielicit offered. In the developinent of this plan, at the leastin portions of


reader. Some of the more notabie instances avo been preserve and notice many are taciti corrected.


Imperfeci, ut o mutilaled, fhe meant the Compendium Studii, as he obviousi does mean, O intho Cotton Library, Tiberius D. V. I have sonii no authorit forthis state uent.


' may be inseri ei homoliat is state in tho rst hapter after I have spolieni gramma in relation to diver languages, A the nre important, ea, necessar sor stud to the Latius, and nished my observations On Logic, and in the second volume

Communi Naturalis Philosophioe De Metaphy8ica. o. De Intellectu et sorsan Intelligibili. δ

to hichoebi, resors. Bacon asseris distinetly that hubad composed the pus Minus, o Secunda Scriptura,

I shoullae intelligentia. See p. lxxii.


Tertium re numero IS.'

tumst under hiel, he had languished. In substaneeth book ollowed the orde adoptodie re in the pus Majus and afterward in the opus Tertium. Itistitered, however, more fuit thau the pus Majus ad dono into an examinatio of the state os scholasticism it Xposedili detriment toclearning and philosopli occasioned by tho Xaggerate respeet uid o leXander ab Hales,

See p. 5, 6, 7, 25, 3I, 33, 35, 4I, 42 43, 52, 7 68 87, 2, 4, 96, 99. p. 7. pp. 5, 25. Ilam incline to thin that hoschoolman here referre to a notAlbertus Magnus, though Laconentertaine n great respectrior this learne Domini can, ut Lichard of CornWall.



lik0. II has occasione great detriment, not oesyrio science, ut to theology, a Phave hom in m Opus minus, in heroo spua De Septem eoeatis Studii Theologice Tli Thir Error Tertium eoeatum ' cis more particulari levelle agatus him. I potnt o tW author in that passago, ut hecis in reality the principat Tho ther Alexander ab Halos has is reater name, ut he is dead. his is patent nough in th opus Majus and the pus Minus, c.


mith p. 359 of the fragmont that in discussingiliis subjoet he had followsed the principies of A vicenna, in his orla De Anim secundum ci Umας that ho ad Xamino tho Vulgato, and the laboursos St. Jeromo in tho translation of the Scriptures,' and 1ad givon instanees of corruptions and istines a risitio hom ignorunco of the oriuinat clangua es. in

conclude Wiin ome Observation O the error in

tho studies of the Latius, hicli are reat, an of thei remedies, hieli re stili greater an to

Ap. 32 l. p. 322.