Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


opus Tertium, cap. xviii.


Almost ali the early translator of the original Gree and Arabie ad the reputationi MZardS.


translations, uel more do these men, Who a Ve

i Omi, Studii, cap. ii


p. 33.



Tho limits of a resace careelyallo os illustration in delati, eveni in subjectaequi rexit But theobservations o Bacon are fuit confirme by the grotesque etymologies an mistranslations palme On the Vulgate by mediaeva philology. Numerous specimens of them illbe ound in various hapter of the opus Tertium, the opus Minus, and the Compendium Philosophiae.



philologica studies, and the caro ho ad alien in examining SS., n Specimen o Gree palaeographywili ho ound ni tho nil of this volume, alien Domitis Compondium hilosophiae, the earlies in ali probabilit extant in ester Christe dom. In the samemor lio traces the analog belmeen the Greela nudLati alphabeis, in the relation in Latin to Greela

See Opus Tertium, P. 59. Ibid. p. 5. Both the Baeon mere like in thei admiration of Seneca thelamer, perhaps, sor his scientiscvalue, the lalter so that atris seu-tentious moralit which pervades this ancient Polonius. II states at p. 73, that he hadseen ali the book of Aristollo's Natura Histor in the original



Dist iii cap. 1.


This reatis exist in II S. among the Digby Collectio in tho

Bodleian No. 55 ' O VellUm, of the twelfi or hirteent century. I has been attribute erroneouStyto Roger Bacon. The fame S. contains in a more modern hand thesollowin treatiS : Sequitur tractatus de signis, brevis et utilis, compositus a sapientissimo

post vice num philosopho, N.

Nacon J. Inc. Signum est in Proedicamento relationis et dicitur essentia'iter.


Intor, o translator do not ut in to thoi toxis wliat ille do nos nil in their originals Seeondly,