Opera quaedam inedita

발행: 1859년

분량: 703페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


p. 99.



pp. 316, 320.

pp. 3I5, 320, 32I, passim. I talio this opportunit os draWin m reader' attention to themord loquitur p. 3I9), inquit p. 322 . Supposing that these pereno blunder of the transeribe the would seem to imply that this fragment of the pus Minus as an


iv. Remedia contra Morbos. f. 431. Ine. Dixit Solomon Sap. o. 10. Deus dedit in

horum cientiam.

v. Liber tertius o Consideratiotio Quartae Suntoni Magistri. Inc Considerαου tribulationes eleelorum in Sancto Manuelio. Explieit liber tortius De Consideratione ' quaris Sententia S. Magistri or Ro-


vi. Soquitur des Expulsione seneni.

si di intelligenti.

Se this edition p. 67, note.


ii Compondium ritudii Theologiae Transcrip eae II S. Doctoris rideαuae. Itie. Incipit Compendium Studii Theolouic et per CON8equeri philosophis', et potest servire theologio' et αbet duas partes principαles;

et eri modi appareant evidenter. Secundα pars descendit ad ipsas irtutes stabilienda8, et ad errores cum diligenti eae luden-


i. Rogor Baconis opus Tertium. This in ali probabilit is a transcript friti Bodleian S. abeady deserit,ed se reboVe, P. XXXiX.), thoughi varios rom it original in Some minor particularS. A long an remarkuble omission, rom p. 6 to 12, is uni in both; in both tho sense is enthely disturbe by this deseet, Without excitin an surpriSeon the par of the transcriber. ii Mathemattea. ταnscrip. eae m. Doctoris Pri lectuae. Inc Po8tquam manifest est necessitas Amthe

A portio of the pus Majus, p. 108 ed. Jebb. iii Scientia Experimentalis. Transcpip. eae I S. Mogistri Allen. Ind. Positis adicibus apientice Latinorum penes

The stati par of the pus Majus, p. 115, ibid. iv. De Corporibus Coelestibus. Transcript eae IISDoetoris Priclectuae. Ine. Post locorum descriptionem deberent sequi This is the sam a the reatis calle De Utilitate Astronomice, and is printed by Jeb in the pus Majus, P. 237. For the oan of thes volumeso a in Ieblud tolli Mastor and th Societ of Universit College,


ii. Compendium Studii Theologia, copiod rom the

The opus Tertium, a state Latready was intended by the nuthor o serve sis reamble to the pus Majusti nil opus Minus, though inter thren ei thor in the dato os iis composition. I have so far separte i rom thostrio chronologient order, a to solio the nullior' intontion aud placo the pus Tertium at the ea of this volume. Inferior o iis predecessor in tho importaneoo iis solontis dotali nn the illustration it supplies of Lucon 's philosophy, it is more interestin than ither, for tho insight it assoriis of his labours, and of the numero us obstu eles se ad to conten Avith in the xecution os his orti Tho irst twent chapter detreii Vnrious necdotes of Baeon' persona histo , his opinion o the stat O education the impediments thrown in his a by the ignorance, the rejudices, thecontemps, the curetesSDeSS, the indissereve of his con- tempora ries. From the 20th hapter to tho olos of the volum ho ursites the threa of the pus Majus, sup-


lik the pus Minus, the pus Tertium a be nil ly

be re the necessar transcriber could e collected Or


than ne of .D. 1267 A the current ear. II has recorded his mos solemn and positive assurance, thalat the fimo of his receiving the papal ester no portionos his ortis ad eo committed to riting. Cithout an sueti positive deelaration On his pari, S uehmight have been justi inferrest Do the triet uteo his ordor, and the overt it violaed. Stariling, then, ascit may Seem, the conclusion is inevitable that thes three Works the pus Majus, the pus Minus, and tho opus Tertium, ere nil composed, and clearly Written ut se re popo, Within finesen or ighteen monilis stor th si s arriunt of the papal mandate. Such a Dat is unparalloiud in the annals o literature.

opus Minus, nsortunately, anno b determin0d Theopus Mus umbraeed the entire scopo of the physical sciences a then Understood. In the rentis o opties, the nuthor uteron minutet into a description of the anatomy of the ye, hesides discussin thos problems Whioli ould o b considerod a more Strictly Within the province of optical scienco. In his remarkS O mathematius, he occupies a considerable tength thesieldis deseriptive geography. In the hapter o the reformatio of the calendar he had to forti minute calculations o an intricato subjeci litti understood, and to pas in serie no only the method os computation as sed in his V days, ut the Hebrem, the Roman and the early ecclesiastical notation He