Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


se With whieli os thema conetur an howie Ouidolas himself. The Chronological abies and the bibliograph occupymo les than sevent pageS, andeXten froni A. D. 151 to 1918. ut of this vasthbrar of earning in hut solid od os truth has Professor Sorley himself ound salvation and offers usa found realitv λThe field of the inquir is to limite in time. t praeticali staris illi ranei Baeon s Advunc emento Leurning in 1605. The result of this is to reducet bare mention the philosopher of the Middie Agesand of the Renuissunde from Roge Badon in the thirteenth centur down to illiam Gilber in the ix-teenth century. ut Roger Bacon is urely one of the reates of Englisli philosophers, the eer of Francis acon, Hobbes, Locke, and Hume. ut Roger, Duns Scotus, and ehliam re urrie over vitii a page, ortali a page, hiis Henry ore has tenpages and Bentham has twent pages. Urely, OO, Gilbert si prime importune in an histor o Eng-listi philosophy, et he is reduce to a perfunetorySingle age, apparently beeause e rote in Latin. Why should a histor os philosophyae limited to the Englisti language 8 his limitation potnis to a serious defeci in the professor 's method. Gilbert like Roger



philosophyini began in 1600, an Mended in 1900, is

is radi allu to diffletur it. The initia mistuke was o underiuke a histor ofEγi lis philosophy. There is not, and there neVer has been, an trul Englisti philosophy, nor Englisti

iliis is especiali true os the oro unis allanowledge in philosophy. Ouriwn philosopli did notae in illithe irs book in Englisti, anxit did not end with thereisin of Vietoria. And wh Englis rathe thun Britisti philosophy, eein that large Chapter are devote to Hume, dum mitti, Thomas Reid, Dugald te vari, Si William Hamilton, and therecent Scottish ehool. The author himsel a distinguished eo os eminent Seottish aeademies seems in sine to the recent phase of Orther philosophywhicli in the twent years sine Victoria has give USsueti an abundane os critient, is no os original,

philosophy. I seem od that o distinguished member os that race and school hould open his historyo philosophy ith an Englisti book, should entille the stud a histor o Englis philosophy, and shouldolose it,ith the endis an Englisti fovereign. As Was


veight estimate of the permanent result of thethinher named. Indeed, a or purportinit dealwith the dominant ideas of three centuries, ut hichsaid ille o nothin about rench, German, and Italia thought in hos ages, hei influence ponBritisti thought, and the reactio os ritisti thoughton them, nothin o Des artes, LeibnitZ, Diderot, Icant, Hegel, and praeticuli nothing of the influence abroad, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, entham, and ili sueti amor lose sight of the very centralide o philosophy The renoli, the German, and the American text-books do his The now-forgoiten



A ne v translationis theo umemnon alWays giVeSni the occaSion to re-rea the drama hiches have long et to e the grandes o ut tragedies in nylan uage or age Andio Professo Gilbert Murrayhas published his version, in rhyming verse illi notes G. Allen and Unwin, r. vo. 99. 13. he Pre- face, Stage-directions analyses of the Chorus, and Notes are mos valvabie id to the nglisti reader, and in every sense Orthyi Dr. Murray's high omoean great reputation. The versio of the Greehoriginal may hol iis own illi the well-known translations in prosem versea Dr. Verruit 1889, and of Μr Morshead 1899 and where Dr. Murra differs frona them perhaps scholars ill preser to fosso him.

The volume altogether ill e os eat et to the student of sehyliis an it ili certainly have the

and of the indipus and Fro s. As a metrical tranStatio of the mos tremendous os ali tragedies, it has

' variations ' on the sacred textis Eschylus. I doubi is Dr. Murray s method fuit AEsehylus aswel ascit suit Euripides It is to modern VernaCU-har, nil Browningesque at times to fit the Pheldian, Bibliea majest of the Oresteia. Rhyme is ut iplace in the might declamationis these ambies ind


is a darin and suo esstu strohe, si ona hieli liman admit that he hrank. Altogether Dr. Murray's Wor is an honou to Oxford scholarship ut a verse translationis a sublime poetishouldie poetry Andfor m par I cannot part illi, Dean Milman whiches have enjoyed for fifty-sive ears. illaianwas himself, poet albet of early Victorian type. His Translationis the Agamemnon and of the Bacchanuis and numerous Gree lyrius Iolin Murray, illustra ted, 1865 is, o in mind, a rare introduction to Greekpoetry Andiis versionis the Agamemnon, is essscholarly is more like the spiritis Gree poetry than

anno thoseibi recentiandS. one of the mos strihin facts of our time is the incessant efforis that are made to bring bout omereligiolis harmony-evem unionis various Chiarches.

Things aretein done by ministers, Olergy, and e en prelates, hicli ould have been thought intolerable do vn to the lose of the Victoria era An thepui ely secular Pressias opened iis colintincto debates



an controversies a to laurei membershi and thenee o developinent in religion There is ample round to a Count for ali his. The war shook ali heconditions fit ove the whole globe ith a disturb- in fore greater than an experien ed by the lis of man. The habitable orti frona the Alaskan promontor to the Indian Ocean was rawn into the vortex. At the fame time the relations o sociat orderand industria discipline ere stiri exto thei foundations. The essentia unit os humanity as revealedas itia neveriefore been made so manifest. Andili universa uprootin O foetet drove men O asklli question is religion eould no do omethin tofinit an eirenidon o munkind.

taint to the agnostic it ould seem that at theseessoris have been futile. As aleen-sighted dignitaryof the Chureli remind them, hat opem union ofProtestant hurches is here is prelates insist on Episcopae and the antique Creed It is ascis pur-ΡΟSely meant to exelude ali Presbyterians, assUnitarians, as et a the vast od of religiolis per-Sons ho ould eat themselves Christians, ut ould

not submit o have theti satili limited by any dogmaticCreed, hether ancient or modern And what glimmer i union is there etween an Protestant communion andine of hi h the essende is the miracleo the reat presene and the sanctifidationis the priestas the miraele-worker common sens it ould


seem that noueunionis Christians ea advane a tepwhilst there is no reat agreementis to the ou cerandauthorit of the Scriptures, as to the definite meaning of the Creed, and specialinas to the nature of Christ, and the truthisimis birili, se und deuth. It is nous to tal aboli Christia reianion Dyoia re illingto leave ali his in the tr. I prelates and theologians areno rigid in thei conditions os religiolis union, here are an able and excellent eader of thought hos ideas of religionare nobi in spirit ut intellectuali vague asattracte to a ne volume by Dr Bosanquet, a Very distinguished philosophe and moralist. What Religionas Ma milia an Co. 1920, m. VO. 99. 81 is a beautiful book, with almost ali of hicli Ιshould feel in sympathy, id were o var a e numeSand phrases. ut m dimouit is to undet stand what



St. Paulo Auguste Conite. The formula ould cove the Pope, Genera Booth, the hie Rabbi, the Shethh-ul-Istam and a Chines Mandarin As Aris- tolle sat os Plato It is beautiful, ut is it

Heartit accepting this formula os Dr Bosanquet, ouriwn aith, as Pliave osten triexto explain is this. The usines of religio is no so uel to teli menWhat goesi in Hemen, an howri get there henwe leave this earth-but atherno teli me lio to dothei duinwhils thenare here and what the brother-hoodi man reali requires them to domne to another. Unhappily, at fornis of Protestant Christianit arefar spiritua V o do anything of this ind. HeaVen, not artii, is thei sphere. Rome at times does Something, to osten o the wron fide, in the wron way. The Catholi Chureli once id much: and so dissonae Protestant chiarches in the da of their poWer. ut to-da thenare silent, and protest thatthei sacredissice has nothing to do illi things sociat, industriat, political, o national. So a BaptistS, Unitarians, Churelimen, an Romanisis, at leas in England for the fear that thei congregations oulddisappea it the presumexto meddie illi mundanethings. So the tal os nothin hii Heaven, hilstitie masses are ver les intereste in itis a matter of


vita concern There illi no realieaee o earthuntii there is promise of a common religio based onscientific certainties hicli ali an accepi, and training me froni hildhoodo praetis that persona and socia conduci in hie hicli is at ono thei duinandthei true happineSS. An amarin example of the way in hieli obseurantismatis iis id head at an ne stemtaken in the progress os scienc is to e seen in the agernes of metaphysico-theolog to mahe a hit ut of the novel Einstein theor os physios. The famous professor has propoSed a ne developinent to the geometri conditions of the worid, hiel, o far igh scientificauthorit an recent observations seem to justify. Thereupon ertain mystic in hut the callphilosophy and theolog ory out Seeio rotten and treacherous a foundation is our Oaste sciencet Sinc Euclid Newton, and Darm in ere ali Wrong, letis return again totur sublime and antique sancies, an putis trus in thei pretende scientifi certainties. Lon ago r. Arthuria Baltour starte this red-herrin aeros the has of Truth; hiches thendescribe a ' sub-cynica pessimism, a in os despuirin quietism. Serious me of science neverima ined their knowledge tot completem final, eveni their own specia branch, an have alWayS been illincto ait nove improvement an corrections Like Newton the kne the were onlypichin ii soli fragments o the horei a bound-



so addressed, ill not be able o master his learnedhoo utiles hecis atri familiar illi recent physios, and speciali the modern developinent of thegeometr3 o sola dimensions. In the nexi place letthe average readeri reassiiued that the ne doctrineos relativit concernithose ho or inter apices nitie ultimate problem os geometr an astronomy.

The uoti os the soliool and the sola system fordinar text-books remat unlouehed. Euclid dealsurith the measurement os objeet on his globe, bymen. The Newton os academi examinations explain the diurna an annua rotations of the planeis and the physiosis ou sola system. either Euclidior Newton eve luid down final, abso ite, and ultimate law of the universe. I anyone supposed

that Newton id his, Dr. instein telis them theyWere premature, and that Relativity goes a long waysarther han the dreamed. Professor Eddington, the Astronomer-Royal, an sonae of ur ighest authorities have no v explained the Elnstein doctrine