Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


Governnient, threatene dati no only illicit very existende but with the sociat chaos os industria revolt, aequiesces in the ' ne socia Order, leaves the constitution impotent, an praeticuli inaugurates the Soviet system Are e abolitrio recognis the Russian oviet auloeraey and to se a home the dictator-shi os ou domestic proletariate Θ



Ohir country the Empire, and ur constitutional Jovernment are no v ein attac ked by a Russianenem in eaque illi reason at home, justis trulyas in 19 14 t was heing atta ked by the aiser and his spies and agenis here. How is it possibieno enter intoregula relations and amity ith a Govertimentis thathind Not ni do it minister an agent preaeli the mos deadi enmit to ou eoimtry, ut it is proved by a series of evenis that there is no erime, notrich, no fraud whieli hey aremo ready to practis inpursuit of thei schemes. ContraetS, I reementS, promise of their are Orthio more than the sies of

IV have come no v to the parting of the ways. Trade Unionism, hieli has a fine histor os ut least Se 'enty years of Constant ineresse in power, hichiasgi ven uniold and incalculabie benefit no oni to thelubouring masses, but o societ asi hole scit, or is


The confusion in Europe in Asia, at home, inereases very day, and Ptake u in pen again OeXpres In anxieties for the future illi more precision I have been melioris V is no optimis alim site, and by every convictio and experiene Paminosined o belleve in ultimate progress and also in theessentia good sense of the popular udgment. Butthere comes a time lientur good hopes are destinedio misteadis and when the popular udgmen is under Spasmodi ex itement. Such a time is this frona tu ooverwhelmin causes Theirstris the abysmal over- turn os ideas, abiis, and condition caused by the world-war, hieli hook to iis bases ever nation, ClaSS, and goVernnient, indueing a generat bellies that allia dioie reconstrueted de nouo. The secondris that the



organised aboli in ali it fornas, hiis the si iddenan enormous increas in the electorate oo thei illimate contro of the ingdom and the Empireaway froni those holad sonae experiene and knowledge of political problenas andianded it ove to those who ad n knowledge i experiene at all. The

result o an electri atmosphere mong men an avast hange os power into ne v and has produce asilent, nobserved ut radica revision of the ritisti Constitution Me are coming unde a oviet syStem. It is usual to charge this pon the present overn-ment, and speciali on the Prime inister an it cannot be dented that he have done inueha producethis Change or at least to accepti submit to t. mutthenare notis at the authors of the phange, nor arethe responsibi forcit, nasmueli ascit a forcedisnthem by the conditioni things and by ou ne ultra- democratio electorat system. The antiquated administrative and parsamentar machiner of our Constitution is litterly insuite both to states of war an os revolution And we are low o reeognis that formost Soelal, economi and overning ui poses thestate of war and of revolutio praetieatly pontinues stili Our electora system is at present the ostultra-democrati in the world-nothin remain butio give votes to boys and giris at school. either France nor the nite States have anythin like suchan electorale France and the nite States ea liliave a very effective Senate IV have none, ut a


pageant unde senteno of hein serapped. France and the nited States ea hias a i lite Constitution both of them in nay opinio superior o Ur WΠ.Our is a fluid o elastic ody o statutes, praeticeSand traditions hiel the ob orator say naa ea Silyhave the oviet systentingi astediit it ma indeed be supersededi3 the oviet system. ne v Constitution douldi vote in acie nights by a bare majority of themouse, elected by twentymillion os men und women ulterly unverse inpolitica problems. On the otheriand the industriat workersire organised in Great Britain illi a stren than a discipline sar reater than the orker os Amerieu, France, o Germany Britisti Trade Union posses wealth, ohesion, an opportunities be3roni an industria fodieties in the Morid. Theyare, indeed, a the mos powersu socia fore in thecountry. An Britisti Go erninent, dependent night by night on a simple votet a single House, is for edto attent to the Phlinis of these tremendous trade

selves a Governnient has to ield illi more or essdecent how of qualisleution or resistance. The instinetis the Primeminister always recognises real



thin tociis logica consequenoes that the ordinaryman treat with a mile contingendies hichae thinlistote farnoo tremendous tot possibie. He thought the sume of the wa in July, 1914, and of the ruleis Lenin and Troishy Own o 1919. The verage itigen in easy circumstanees illiso se that anentiret ne socia atmospher has been create onthe habitabie globe, as is froni potest pole it was over- harge with electri cycles Suel, ne v ideas, hopes,COUrage, an ambitio have neve been infused into thousand of millioris of men and women in sueti massandive sueti range of area and lime Lam nes onet regre o complain o ali his rejuvenes ence of



faithsul porti ait o an eminent publie manand an invaluabie contribution to the politica historyo oui time. Hown lose relations illi LeonardCOurine laste sor exaeti siXt years, an Waskeenly engaged illi many of the cause an move-ments to hichie devoted his life We had commonsi tends, Osten rote in the sume organs o publicopinion, an a times stood o the fame laiforms. ΝΟ and thenes armi supporte an followed his leadri and again Pengaged in vehement opposition tolli chosen causes. O mani ou time too a nobier par in resisting the reckless imperialism hieli texto incessant ars in India, in Egypt in Solith Africa; and in ali these Pand mydriend were proud o regardhim a thei truste chies. O the ther hand his dogmati cree o self-help, o proportiona repre-Sentation, of Woman 's suffrage, an os pacisism asalien to ut m deepest helieis. At the oot of uri vo minds heroe vas an ingrained antagonisin belween Courtney s individualism and ur dea os social



book is a faithsul record is a story o devotion topatriotism, honour, good aith, and an ahnostromanti spiritis personat sacrifice. The potnt in this stor hieli speciali interest meis his Here is a mani greatio vers achnowled edt be os eminent public serviee, Who continuali refuses mee even os the mos temptin sori, hocis

constantly rejected and satis in his alnis, solet hecause of his ster independene os ind, and his stoical resolve to suffer non of his ponuietions tot sacrificedio party. He refuses me in hieli he would bespeetally usesul, he votes against his party, he resignS his place in themovertiment, he mahes it impossibiet enter a Cabinet, and e passes the last ighteen years of his publicis asin holi independent critico Governinent ouisidem alliari connections This vas hecause nothin could tempt in to ieidis oto his cherished principies, even to place himself,here he wouldie unable publiel to asser them. I need not say o v ighlyo honour uel steadfasiness, worthymi an Aristides o a Cato, o v much I value Such uispoken Ourage in ur public hie. But themorald dra v is his that the tria phice for uel independene is ouisi de os Parhament, ree frona alliartyties, devoidis ali ambition for office. It is of the best


andisside Would that ali could seelow impossibieit is to serve both idea conviotions and omela place. Ir Gooch 's bookiives iis a salthsul recordis Lord Courtney's public career; ut it is notis ali limitedio that for to a great extent it is the history of the political ori in hieli Courine too par during

more than hal a century. As a strici biograph of politician, this socia detraeis rom the hse-like por-trait o a personality-al the more that ourlneyhimself had a very minor actioni the polie whichhe so osten eritieised an sought to influende. In literar vivacity, heresore, his ver industrious anda curate memoi is far rom a su Cess. There ictoomuel about liuindrum Parhamentur faeties an for-gotten an forgetable personalities. An this also

osten obscured by tiresome defatis froni persons homile id not convince, and who certaini neVer Convincediim. In this volume there are printed moreor les in fuit, nocles than eventy-eight letters rom



others, many of them trivial complimentary, and out-side his proper ork. Very se vis these letters have an literar value, nor are Courtney's wn letters

speciali distinguished in fortia. Ali hos Hous os Commons tacties an friendi eoui testes extend thebul and dim the vivi impression o a man os rare virtve an poWer, though the will e mos usefulsonae danto the historiani the Vietorian age.

ne v histor o philosophy by the Cambrid e

facis, and ehoois, an to ive hori summaries of numerous writings, allier than to expound definite

judgmentis the alii os eaeli seliool and philosopher in idin in the ex ollatio of thought. Again the enumeration os an immense number of different theories leaves the reader atting tote informe What in the author 's udgmen is the essentiat utcome of this mas of earning, and above ali, hat is theauthor siwn potnt of vie in philosophy. e tabulates illi great industr an precision the doctrineso sonae hundred and went philosophers, hodor themost par differ widelydrom euehither, but ei not