Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류



lutions o longe latent in reland Egypt Syria,

and solved. Ali I say is no an has a right to judgethe situation utiles he wili stud ali the complica-


tions of the rises, and will weigii alli proposed plani thecli litis iis relation to ut the est.

At his mos oritidat our of the Anglo-Freneli Entente, a very timely Or has been ive iis in English-the de of the reat rench Patrio of1870 by an eminent reneli statesman-no President of the Republio Gambetia Was fur the greatest Frenclima os his time an his death at the age of 44 was an irreparabie los to Frane an to Europe, sor as an inspirin nationa fore he was ut least theequa os avour o Bismarch, an he had a nobiernatur thantitheris these. The stor of his onder- fu career 1838-1882 has no been tot with singula iudidit an persee truth by M. Deschanel, neo the uises as et a the est informe of vingstatesmen in France. his analysis of the long duelbetween Frane an Germany rom 1870 to 1918, byone ho has long been of the inmos circle os retioli diplomacy, is invahiable O nable nglishmen to understand the internecine struggle in hieli France has live so tW generations Though . Deschanelend his book at 1882, it throws a floodi light on the problenis hicli the reat War has ought to solve in bloo an ruin Let Englishmen stud this admir- ubi Lise, is the wish to know hat are theminas and dilemmas os renelimen. Gumbetia a the type sal that is est in Frande M. Deseliane has pro 'edhimself tote a masteri historian.



I h book has a singula interest for me, and I feel justified in earing vitnes to iis scrupulotis imparti- alit and iis truth, beeause during the whole period Ιsollowe Withaeen sympathy very phase of renchpolities, a Constanti in Franee, and was in losetouoli illi an Freneli politicians. I ne Gam-hetta personalty and discusse the situation ithaim in his house in the Rue Montaigne, herei gatheredhis colleagues to his breukfas parties. I have heardhim a President of the Chamber. neu many os his colleagues, specialty Rane, Challomel-Laeour, Louis lane, pulter, aint-Hilaire, aint-Simon, Rouvier, Felix aure, Iules Ferry. During the great Seige-Μa struggle of 1877 I as for three monilis in France, and as the isne correspondent, Iwas even actin in concert illi Gambetia' party. When ambetia fit si appeare in the Chamber, I Was ritin ut home On the necessit for unionbetween France an Englandis the prime conditiono European peuce. The da uster his death, i. e. on Januar 1st, 1883 pronounce a ulog on his careeris Newton Hall. Few nglishmen an have studie the whole stor os ambetia 's or in France more continuoiast than I have done. An Isin M. DeschanePs biography a trul Taciteanaecount of his illustrious hiet. The Liferis ritie with at the literar charm and the scrupulous justesse of a French Academician. tis no Panegyric, o legend n apology. It is based


Gambetia a the soli os France in the lustdesperate defence of 1871; ut he was even greateras founder of the Republic, 1873-1877. . Deschane ver trul shows that the constructiori os constitutiona Republic as essentialty the work of



of sound polio deep-seate in his brain. The resident how ho the praetica politician was inspired by the theories of Auguste Cointe-wh exerciseda great an ever increasin influenee ver ina. When sanatica radicat attacked the ver spirit f


with trabeau an Conite. V A the orbonne, Gambetia describe Comte the mos powerfulthinker of the age. si Deseliane says-' Theteachings of Auguste Conite had at this time a ide- sprea influence' ' andistis anque in honour of M. Litire, Gumbetia declare himself praetieatly belleve in the positivis ideat os morat science appliedio polities. The whole positivis hod in France continue totive Gambetia a eari suppor in ali his politica activities. To them e has always seemedili true type of the republica statesman-wh dis-dain tote either demagogue o dictator. It must noti supposed that this fine stud of the President, sussis it is es is state-cras and lucidanalyses of complicate siluations satis to vive iis apietur os ambetia-the man. His origi and Up- bringin are sui os interest. Genoa, GaSeony, Caliors, unite to reed in him genius, passion, and resolution. His sorbears ere Catholic, ome of his unetes, riesis. Hi looks, hicli sonte ester cassed Jewish, ere intenset Italian; his it humou and charm ere intenset Freneli There ere in inistratus o Rebelais, Mirabeau Voltatre and Diderol.



most aves of a great revolution an ho so much

Lis the President has ritten a book that is orthyos sueti a subjeet. In philosophy the problem of the liour is the Lawo Progress It is inevitable that, after a cataclysmicepoch o Change, thoughtsul ind should ask os this Progress-is it morali an sociali ali to the

ood-is it destine to continuet Professor . . Bury, of Cambridge, published a very learned historyof headea es Progress on hiches commente atthe time. r. arvin os Xford, and his friends have published, at the larendo Press a series ofessaysin Progress rom 1870 to I914. And now the Dean o St. PauPs has issue frona the fame Pressitis Romanes Lecture, ent illed, scis Professor Bury 's