The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


Extractum Cincionae & cum Resina, Ρ. L. Ι 87. Extractum Corticis Peruviani, Ρ. L. I 45.


EXTRA S. Dur successive times, boli it down again in thesanae quantity of Water, and stratia. Lastly, mix the solutions together, and evaporate untii it has acquired a proper ConSiStenCC.

By this process the whole effective part os bark is sep rated hom the ineri Woody pari, Whicli after ards yielcinothing farther either to Water or spiriis. It is useless toboil Water tapon the bark after It is saturaled with the solubie paris, and most probably each subsequent addition, after thesirsi, would require sor such effect to be longer continued than the preceding one; the decoction theresere is continued for a less time than in the last Pharmacopoeia. For thechemicat relations os bark, the student in Pharmacy oughtto consuli the analysis of the St. Domingo barh by Fourcron A. C. V. 8, and another by Vauquelin on the chemicat properties of barri in generat, A. C. v. 59. Sir Iolin Prin ereporis, Dom experiment, that extraci is not of eques emcacy, quantity sor quantity, as the simple poWder.


sisten CC. This is considered by many as much more gratelai to the stomach, and at the fame time producing ali the effecis of bard in substance, and by the distillation it is intended that the spirit Whicli passes over shali he collected and preserve l.



222 EXTRACI S. Excepi that in the Pharm. of I 20, it is stated generally,

that extracts may be prepared from any substance solubie in a menstruum; this active purgative extraci, Whicli is usefulin many and various combinations, of which the commonlyreceived compound formula scarcely a iis, has never yetbeen admitted into the Pharmacopoeia


Extractum colo γnthidis compositum, P. L. I 87. Extractum catharticum, P. L. II15. Pitulae rudii, P. L. II2O.


lution, and adit to it the aloe, Scammony, and soap; then by means of a Water bath, evaporate it to a pro per ConSiStence, Con- Stantly stirring, and , abo ut the end of the in- spissation, mix in the Cardamom Seeds.

As this preparation has been established through successive Pharmacopoeiae, so has it in each undergone some modification. of the scammony used in the last, not one particlewas dissolved by digestion in the proos spirit. To the solution of the active matter of the colocynth, the other ingredients are noW added in poWderi' and the Whole is brought doWn to the consistence of an extract. Soap has also been added, as preserving that consistence more uniformiy than any other bond of union.

Succus cicutae spissatus, P. L. I 787.

Tahe of fresti Hemloch, a PoUnd. Bruise it in a stone mortar, sprinkling ona litue Water; then press out the juice, arid, Without any separation of the sediment, Cya-



This substance is, in faci, a faecula Chicli subsides Domthe expressed juice of the fruit, and Dom Which the supernatant liquor is ei ther poured off, or separated by immersionof tWisis of cotton hanging exterioriy, over the fide of the vesset, below the levet of the surtace of the contained liquor, for it is too viscid to filire through paper. It is only under the generat application of the term Extraci that iis use canhe justised here. It appears scarcely to be the faecula itself, hut the adherent matters that produce the violent effecis of this substance; and thus, Beatimsi and some others rather direct that it should be prepared by inspissation of the aque- Ous solution, than by mere collection of the faecula whicla subsides froni it.



Extractum Gentianae, P. L. 1787.



226 The large quantity of this Extract whicli is employed forvarious purposes is importen Dom Spain, and very litile is actualty prepared in this count . From it a purer Extractis prepared and kept under the name of Re es Liquorice.

Extractum haematoxyli, P. L. I 787. Extractum ligni cam-pechensis, P. L. Ι745.

This Wood is extremely hard, and in order that water may dissolve the solubie paris, it becomes necessary that it shouldhe frst minutely divided by some means or other ; is it bebought in the state os poWder, it lai generalty much adulte aled, and the best mode os dividing is seems to be by thesile. The wood, hoWever, is of no great value, and Whether the whole extractive matter be dissolved or not by the decoction here directed, is not of much consequence.





Extractum Jalapii, P. L. 178I. P. L. I 45.

rema ining po viter in the water untii it be reduced to two pinis; then Stra in the tincture anil decoctiori separately, and let the former

be distilled, and the lalter evaporate i untii euch begins to gro v thich. Lastly, mix theextraci With the resin, and reduce it to a pro-