The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


Extractum thebaicum, Opium colatum, P. L. 1745. Extractum thebaicum, Ρ. L. I 20.

. Ρour a finali quantity of the Water upon theo pium, and mucerate it for tWelve hours thatit may become sost; then, adding the remuining Water gradu ally, rub them together uritilthe miX ture be complete. Set it by that thos deculen cies may subside; then strain the liquor and evaporate it to a proper ConSisten Ce.

Crude optum, carefulty selected, has been preferren to the former purification os it for medicat use. An extraci analogous to the present has been long in use, and seems to Produce iis sedative effect with less subsequent derangement of the nervous System than the former. It depends upon thesolution os ali that cold water wid dissolve, and requires tobe trealed according to the directions given; it dissers stomibe Opium colatum, in the preparation of Which boilingWZ tr and eXpression through a linen cloth were used. It is



at present rather dotabiful in What constituent part of the com- pound mass called Opium iis poWers especiallyreside. Derosne A. C. V. 45.) considers it as depending upon a distinct principie, Which he calis Narcotic, but the whole subject will bearfarther elucidation. Water will dissolve os dried optum

These solutions mere assisted by heat, and afterWariis suGr-ed to cool before the Extract WaS Separate i. A process similar to the present Was employed in the Plia macopoeia of 1720, and the optum colatum was adopted in that Os 1745, as more expeditious. It is remarhabie, that thh oldsolution was intended not only to separate extraneoUS sub- StanCes, but to correct certain noxious qualities Which were ascribed to iis volatile and resinous paris, Which Were this means effectualty separated.


EXtractum papaveris albi, P. L. IISI.


This is prepared by decoction of the poppy capsules in Water and subsequent inspissation; it differs there re frΟm optum, Whicli is belleved to be the concreted milhy juice whicli exudes on malaing incisions into the capsules, thoughprobably sonae additioris are made to it; and much also of the poWex of the poppy itself may depend upon the essect of cli

mate. The seeds are to be separated from the capsules, forin them there is no narcotic pomer, they contain oti and mu-cilage, and readily rub into En emulsion. Six gratias are abolitequivalent to one os optum.

Water, SCVCn Pint S. Macerate for four duys in a gentie heat, then stratia, and set it by that the faeculeiacies may Subside. Ρour Osf the Clear liquor, undevaporate it to a proper Con Si Sten Ce.

This extraci possesses the purgative properties of the rQOt, land the sibrous and earthy paris are separated; it is theresere usesul basis for pilis, as weli as to be gi ven separalely.



In practice this is much used, to render the common decoction of the fame root stronger and more emaci S.




MixΥUREs depend upon the diffusion and suspension in any liquid os insolubie substances minutely divided, and forthis purpose, it is osten necessary that the liquid itself sEouldhe rendered more dense by the addition of some viscid mat-

The mm-resins require no addition, but are diffused, and rem ain suspended suffciently by trituration With Water Only.




Lac assastetidae, P. L. II 87.


Lnc am1 alae, P. L. 1787. Emulsio communis, P. L. I 15.

This will differ froni the former lac amygdalae, by the addition os a smali quantity of gum, Whicli prevenis more eL sectualty the separation of the oll. In order to make it smooth and uni rin, distilled Water is necessary. The present modeos preparation, by using the confection, is a considerable ad-



Tahe of Camplior, half a drachm. Rectisted Spirit, ten mi uim S. Water, a Pint. Fidit rub the camphor With the spirit, then villi the water gradu ad y ad ded, and stra intho liquor.

Many practitioners have been urgent that this mixtureshould be impregnated with a larger proportion os camplior; hut as in iis present state it is a grates ut preparation, and combines weli With other substances, of Whicli it is a common vehicle, as too, When it is intended to xive camphor in large doses for iis more powerfui est ocis, various methods OfeXtemporaneotis prescription suggest thenaseives; it has been determine i to malae very litile change in the former directions. The division of the camplior by trituration, With aDN drops of spirit, facilitates the solution, and the Water becomes Strongly impregnated with iis sensibie qualities. Some practitioners are in the habit os preparing it by leavit gi


their use requires. Others add some viscid substance, assugar; and this was done in the last Pharmacopoeia, buthas been no0 omitted, because xvith sucti addition the mixture mill not keep so meli. Camplior dissolves perfectly in mater impregnated with carbonic acid. Os mater, at ordinary temperatures, one fluidounce does not dissolve morethan one grain and Atti os camplior.

Decoctum cornu cervi, P. L. 1787. Decoctum album, P. L. 1765.

Tahe of Hartshorn buriat and prepared,

Burni hartshorn consisis entirely of phosphate of lime, whicli is insolubie by the preparation directed; it is brought into the state of a very fine poWder, and is hept mechanicallysuspended in a mucilaginous liquor, on Whicli account, thegum is an useful addition to the original formula in Bates's Pharmacopoeia, Whicli contains none. It is rotained as oneos those estillislied forms whicli are in use With many prac- titionerS.



Rub together the myrrh, the subcarbonate



This celebrated and usesul serm os Dr. Griffilis is now introduced sor the purpose of giving precise directions fortis preparation. The precipitation os subcarbonate of irontalaes place here, as in the directions gi ven for that articie ;but that, on exposure to the air as it dries, attracis OXygen, and is converted into red oxyd; while this retains, is properly prepared, iis state of black oxyd, whicli is diffused minutolythrough the dense liquor, and assisted in iis generat apriplications by the myrrh. The myrrh requires be Weli drie lbesore it can be reduced to poWder.