The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


Lac guaiaci, P. L. 1787.

Cinnamon Water, eight fluid-


This contains id more of musE than the sormer mushmixture, and, in order to produce any very definite effect Dominis substance it requires to be given in stili larger doses.



Add a pound of the subcarbonate of po asti, previolasty heu ted io goo degrees, to the spirit, and macerate for 2 bours, frequently shaking the mixture; then Pour off the spirit, and a id to it the remainder of the subca bonate of potasti hented to the fame degree, and by means os a mater buth distit the alco-hol, Whicli is to he kept in a stopped botile. The specific gravi ty of alcohol is to that os distilled Water, us 8IS to I,QOO.


Rectisted spirit of the specific gravity of 0,8I5 is prepared γfor the purposes of trade, and eastly obtained; indeed, thodistillers draru their spirit stili higher than this for the use osvarnish-mahers, and some other purposes; but the apothe- cary should be cautious that it is actualty of the specific gravity staled, either by taking it in the usual comparison ofweights of equat bullas, or by an hydrometer of whicli instruments Quin's appears to me to be preserable to Clarla's, which. is stili used by the customs and excise). It is notonough that he orders rectised spirit, for the fame name is applied in trade to designate every thing above proos; and Dom a Want of attention to this circumstance, it osten happens that the articie kept in the. shops is much inferior to thestandard here laid down, an inaccuracy whicli must be thesource of abundant error in iis subsequent applications. But spirit of this specific gravity stili contains much mater, Whichit is dissiculi, is not impossibie, to separate entirely. Different chemisis have considered the puri ty of alcohol to be attainedat different specific gravities, according to the result of theirown experiments; but it has never been so completely effect

at 60R. The present process dous not go so far as Lowitz, and is the specific gravity here directed be actualty obtained, it wili stili, according to him, contain ne ar 0,09 of Water, at 68' F. It depends upon the separation of the water Domthe aikohol, by the stronger assini ty of the dry subcarbonat eos potasti to the former. Other salts Whicli strongly attractwater Will produce the sume effeci, and by many the muriate os lime is preferred. As hoWever the present process an-


SPIRII S. 243sWers ali the purposes intended by the College, it has been

retained. Athohol is transparent and colourless, it does notbecome solid by any known diminution of iis temperature; ithoiis at 176', is combustibie, burning with a blue flame, and leaving no residue.



Spiritus ammoniae, Ρ. L. I 87. Spiritus salis ammoniaci dulcis, Ρ. L. II 45. Spiritus salis ammoniaci, P. L. 17 20.

Tahe of Rectis ed Spirit, t vo pinis.

Nkohol dissolves ammonia but not iis carbonate; Water dissolves both; and it is further intended that the present spirit shali be of suffcient concentration to dissolve certain volatile otis in a subsequent preparation. The former preparation appeared Very uncertain as to strength, and a large proportion os carbonate os ammonia sublimed over, Whicli Wasnot dissolved; the object of the present change has theresere been to obtain a more definite article than the former. Directions very similar to those here adopted have hereto rebeen given in the Berlin Pharmacopoeia. R a




Spiritus ammoniae compositus, P. L. 1787. Spiritus volatilis aromaticus, P. L. 1I45. Spiritus salis volatilis oleosus, P. L. 1720.

This has somelimes been prepared by distillation Dom thearomatics, and in the old process distillation was absolutely necessa , for the spirit os ammonia, as there directed, Would not unite with the oti by mixture alone.



Spiritus ammoniae foetidus, P. L. II87. Spiritus volatilis foetidus, P. L. 1765.


Macerate for twelve hours, then by agentie sire distit a pini and linis into a cooled

receivel . This onj differs stom the former procere in employing the spirit os ammonia previousty prepared, instead os ad lingilie assafoetida to ths charge for iis ingredients.


. Spiritus ammoniae sucri lus, P. L. II87.

Tahe of Mastich, three drachm S. Alcohol, nine fluidi ablinas. Oil of Lavender, fourteen minimS. Oil of Amber, four minimS. Solution of Ammonia, ten fluid-

Macerate the mastich in the aikohol that it may dissolve, and potar of the olear tincture, to this adii the re maining articles and 8hahetherii together.

This is substituted sor the former spirit of the Same name, as preserving iis milhiness unchanged for considerable time,



and not separating into paris. At Apothecaries' Hall, it hasthus been for some time prepared as their substitute for Eaude Luce. It may seem to be a misnomer, that an ingredientso sinali in iis quantity as the oti os amber should form a part of the titie of the preparation.


Spiritus anisi compositus, P. L. II 8 . Aqua seminum aniSi composita, P. L. II15.

Macerate for tWenty-mur liours, and distila gallon by a gentie sire.

It may here be observed, that spiriis distilled Dom vege- table substances are impregnated with the volatile oti contained in such substances, and not With any other of their constituent paris. In their preparation it is to be noti ced, that tho different volatile paris of the change arise at different tempὐratures, the spirit besere the water, and the volatile ollat various stages either With the spirit or Water, but that after distillation they serm an uniform transparent mixturo, Whicli



Spiritus raphani compositus, P. L. I 87. Aqua raphani composita, P. L. 1 45. P.L. II2O.

Macerate for tWenty- ur liours, and distila gallon by a gentie sire.


spiritus camphoratus, P. L. I 8 . Spiritus vinosus campli ratus, P. L. 1 45. Spiritus vini camphoratus, P. L. 1745.

Recti fied Spirit, et vo Pinis. Mix, that the Camplior may be dissolved.

Spiritus earui, P. L. 1 87. Aqua seminum carui, P. L. 1745.

Macerate for twenty-four liours, and distila gallon by a gentie sire.