The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류



to pa8S OVer and appear under the aether in the bottona of the receivcr. To the liquor re hicli rem alias in the retori potar on tWelveiluidounces more of aikohol, and repeat the

distillation in the Samo mRnn Cr.

The obieci of these directions is to obtain the largest quantity of aether, and to place it under circumstances in whicli it may forna at once, Without any previous distillation os spirit, during the time that the mixture is gradually acquiring the temperature necessa to the formation of aether. The durections given in the texi are suffcient, but it may be usefulalso to describe the changes wbicli the materials undergo in the process. Is equat quantities of aikohol and sulphuricacid are mixed together at orace, a heat of I60' is produced, and an abundant vapour with an etherial smeli vises. Is themixture be made gradually at intervais, so that the increaseos temperature produced may not cxceed l2O' at any time, this toss does not talio place. Is such a mixture be graduallyheated, part of the alhohol distiis over unchanged; ifheat be applied at orico equat to 180', the mixture mill boil, and aether will be formed and pass over. When nearly half the weight of the aikohol has passed over in aether, or theaether is to the aikohol as 1,00 to 2,28, the sulphuric acidbegins to be decomposed, white fumes are seen in the retorti sulphureous acid manifests itself, and a stratum of a heavierliquor begins to forna under the first in the receiver. The receiving Vesset is to be removed, and is the heat be stili continued, sulphurous acid water, and a peculiar yelli Wisti, sulphureous othereat liquor, called Oil of wine, are formed, and


280 more aether. The mixture theta rises to a temperaturoos 1 90', the charge becomes blach, much carburetted hydr gen gasa rises, with carbonic acid, water, and sulphurous acid; and the dense charge frona Which it issues, swelis up Dom thecopious extrication os gas, anct without the retort be immediately removed Dom the sandheat it botis over. The residue consisis chletly of sulphuric acid, blackened and thichened bycharcoal The aether Whicli passes over depend8 Upori a neWarrangement of the elements of alhohol, determined by the presente os sulphuric aci I and a certain temperature, and whilst it cloes pass, the sulphuric acid is not decompoSed rhence, by arresting the process When ali the aether has passed, and adding a Bessi quantity of spirit, it Will stili, thoughsomeri bat diluted by the water Which is formed,. be eques totis conversion into,sether.


AEther vitriolicus, P. L. Ι 87.

salie of the Sulphurio aether, foui leon


temperatore os abolit et Oo', distit ovor twelveoun es of rectisted aether from a large retortinio a cooled receivel .

AEther is imprognated vitii some sulphurous acid, as is evident to the smeli, ana With sonae euaereat est; and theserequire a second process or rectification to separate them. Potasti unites to the acid, and requires to be ad ted in a state of solution, and in suffcient quantities for the purpose of neutraliging it, and it also fornas a soap with the oil; itis advantageous also to Use a less quantity of Water than exisis in the ordinary solution os potasti, and there re the sent directions axe adopted. The sirst admici ture should beslowly and cautiousty made, and afterWards the liquors si, uidbo fhakon together that the potasti may be brought into contact with the acid. The rectisted aether thus obtained, Willhe to the alhohol originalty employed as I to S. Sther is lighter than aikohol, With a Strong peculiar sancti and t ste; it volatiliges at II 2, and dries the moment it is poured ut onthe hand, Whicli is the ordinary test of iis goodness; on this iis evaporation produces coid. It is readi ly inflammabie, and huis With a white flame; one part is solubie in ten paris of



Oleum vini, P. L. t 787.

Aster the distillation of Sulphuric A ther, carta on the distillation with a less degree of heat untii a hJack froth hegi iis to rise, thenim mediately remove the retori Doria the fire Add sum cient wnter to the liquor in the retori, that the olly part may float upon tho

Surface. Separate this, and adit to it us much limo Water as may be necessary to neutraligetho adherent ac id, and shal e them together. Lastly, collect the ethorial oil Whicli separates.

This Oil is formed in the lalter part of the process for aether, is instead os adding rectified spirit for a second distillation, it be flowly carried pia untii the moment When the intumescence of the charge obliges the operator to remoVe the r tori Dom the sire. In the rectification os aether, potasti is used for the separation of the sulphurous acid, and also of any of this Oil whicli has passed over; here the use of potasti Whicli unites with the oil Would be improper, as the only object is to separate the sulphurous acid, and on this account lime-water is prefer te. This Oil is only used as an ingredient in thecompound spirit os aether. It is of a yello v colour, tess volatile than aether, solubie in athohol, and insolubie in Nater.




Elixir vitrioli dulce, P. L. II45.

A ther itself combines With volatile otis, and , wlth the a dition os spirit, in this instance sernas a useful medicine, whichis again restored to the Pharmacopoeia.



COMPOUND SPIRIT OF AETHER.Τake of Spirit os sulphurio aether, a Pint.

rh is preparation is analogous to the Liquor anod)nus min solis of Hos an, Obs. Phys. Chem. lib. ii. Dissert. de Acido vitriol. vinus. Med. Rat. Syst. v. 3.) and is imagined by many practitioners to allay irritation more effectual-ly than any other preparation of aether.



Mix them very gradu atly together, by


potiring the acid in to the spirit, si nil tal ingcare that the licat during mixture do es notexceud leto' : thon disti l by means of a gentie

This mixture requires espectat caution, and to he very gradually made in the ordor here directed. The acid is to beadded in smali quantities, the mixture shahen after each addition, and allowed ito cool besere a fresti one is made. The proportion os acid has been diminished, and wili stili be DundRlly sussicient for the purpose; indeed, it seemed formerlyto have been increased without good reason, for Frodericla Ho an originalty used eight paris spirit and one of acid. The preparation os nitric ether separalely is matter of greathagard and dissiculty; processes for it are given in chemicat books, but it is not an operation os pharmacy. It seems tohold nitrous gas in solution froin the circumstance of iis blachening the solution os green sulphate of ironi; and it always contains some portion os acid, Whicli is not directed here tobe separated by rectification. The agency of nitric acidirpon alcohol is similar to that os sulphuric, but that theamnities, to which the presence of either iacid predispos , are different. When sulphuric acid is used, water is formedand charcoal separated; When nitric acid, carbonic acid is 'formed by iis immediate decompositiora, and no Water.




Spiritus AEtheris vitriolici, P. L. I 87. Spiritus Vitrioli dulcis, P. L. 1I45.

and aether. In the former Pharmacopoeia it Was done With lesscertainty by the sto and graduat increase of the heat appliedio the charge sor aether, in Whicli temperature alcohol frst passed over unchanged, and was miXed in the receiver Withthe aether Whicli passed over in the subsequent stage, Whenthe heat had increased so as to be sussicient for iis formation.


by Parmentier A. C. as a menstruum for subStances emplo'ed in medicine, on account of iis increased tendency to de- composition When these additionat matters are dissolved init. Another objection too may be derived Dom the unequalstrennii and quality of Wines sold under one common name. The use of weala spirit as a menstruum has there re been

preferred by him, of which he thinks Wine may, is the formhe destrabie, be used as a vehicle. Ali these objections are certainly weli Dunded, but the generat and established practice is in favour of their use, and it may be added, thattheir properties, although certain changes may take placeduring their preparation, are suffciently estillislied by e perience. The College have also defined the fori of winethey e ploy Merr more distinctly than the generat term Spanish white mine did in the former Pharmacopoeia.



Vinum Aloes, P. L. I 87. Tinctura sacra, Ρ. L. 1745. Tinctura Hierae, P. L. I 720.