Giraldi Cambrensis opera

발행: 1861년

분량: 460페이지


분류: 미분류


in diebus illis.

As a mako-weight to these and ther instanees, too numerous O be cited of ignorunc in th inferior clergy, Giraldus recolant parallel lunder of bbot undaret, bis iops II say he eard an abbo thus quot the texi, quinque viros habuisti, et qui nunc habes non est tuum Vir.' At another timo an archbisliopilius Xpressod imself Nescitis quod utrumque gladium ad nos speetat.' The Same archbishop, makin a sermon to the clergy SSemble in convocation, commenue With th folloWin sentenue Au- dite et intelligito, vos omnes qui estis in Sto α το synodo,' oti hiuli ne of his folloWors suggestinii a


runt haec fieri; heroupo Alexander thus rebul edhim Tace, frater, tace, quin ne illa fieri oportuit nec ista dici. This illitora tenes of the clerg is attributo byGiraldus to tho increusing attracti venes of logio theuheginning to mali iis Way in th various universities of Europe. The barbarous latinity of the schoolmen, necessitate in ome mensuro by the technica lities of thei ne study thro the oldor and pure latinityo the classical ages into the hade. DoWn to thethirtoetith centur is Would nos e eas to in among the chronieler o miscellaneous writers of Latin in themiddie ges ery gros departures rom the ordina rules O Latin syntax. hemiceties of the language hadbeen lost te centuries bufore ; ut the disserendo of the latinit of tho age extundinifroni sed to Giraldus thatis, of the eventi, to the thirteenth centur , froni Tertullian or Ausonius, is nos greater tha tho declino of tholaiter Dom the pure infinit of th Republic Astor thothirteenth centur tho corruption ecam marke and rapi in ali diructions Th stylo os iraidus is nos purerthan has of almesbur nos o puro a that of his contemporar Joh of Salisbury. et it would o beoasy to in in Giraldus an violent transgression Ofth rules O Latin construetion 0rhapsione or hichsussicient authorit might nos e produce in the wid0

I have notice this fac anxiis amare at the time of thes Observa-


superfotali. Is his intended as


torques et maceras in illa qua Stione, quam Subtilius' est contempsisse quam solvere ' These disputations, si ad is are o ette than ilio id dies and divinations ver a Minter fre t dri Ve Way earineSS, an are os no Se Xeepto remove the disgus and

to voti the wearines of sueti long sitiing theydivido tho luces and horte the ame. HOWevel , Giraldus is candid nough to allo that lcgic, under prope reStrictions is both valvabie in itsul and of great heli in Otho branches of knowledge. Sueti is ilio summar of the hie contonis of this rem ark lo book Whieli et bes ore the reade a more distinc pietur of the manners of the times and tho actua condition os moralis and religion in the osscivili ed distridis of England nil ales than an hefound et sewhere There is uel that is grotesque init, uel that is triviai, uel that is lik0l to offendthe more cultivnted instes of this ago, accustome tolli long discipline of though and the more artificialarran gemens and electio of topies, hiel the very dialeelicat studies, condemned in Giraldus, tendedi Item quaerenti cuidam de logicis disputationibus antiquis et

modernis earumque comparati Cne,

satis lepidem sponsum est hoc inter se, quod inter bene ludent A uIn omnibus occis, e si Sisuntiquis, et ludentes solum in ludis partitis. Olim enim de arietantum et circa artem disputantes, quasi cum omnibus caecis ad antiquas assisas bene iuubant. Nunc vero, praetermissis ludis illis magnis et assi sis nimium OroSi S, ut videbatur, et taediosis, ad ludos partitos quasi linus aecii CSos et ' magis expeditos, conversi suuLVP. 356.



mith tho pures and mos en nobi in trullis o Christiani ty, a persee ideat o Christian potity and economymocked by the si unte an distorie 1 representation ofthom in tho ait lis os an falsuhood and truth, light an darkness, the leaven and tho Dieaven jumble together in the franges disorder; - ull

strictus training and discipline to hicli tho intol-Jee o Europo ad ver uen submitte i. I in thocourse of this transition rom confusion to Order, morulas et iis intellectuat, the fornis of error appen more guunt, turiling, and rotesque than even error itSeir,

eVer pore, an seolin in ut thei limbs tho divinityos nature, to pasi into the spiritual lis uni olded by