The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류



TOGETHER with the fim book of the Tusculantisputations, the editor has here presented the Somnium Scipionis, and extructa smm me dialogue De Senectute and De Amicitia thus combining ut the passages in tho Woasis Cicoro in hicli me questionis the Ιmmortalityos the Sou is discussed Besides the intrinsic interestandisalue os these reatim a containing the maturest decision os old philosophympo a questionis universaland nearest concem, me are adorne With a grace ossis an happines os illustration characteristic os metrauthor and worthyis thei subiecti one os the philosophica worksis Cicero holds aligher an than the Tuscula Disputations sor boaut os langvago and elevationis sentiment in the Dream os Scipio the livel nadirutive and poetic coloring enhanc me admiration hichthe lostines oscit vlews cannot ad to excite; and thodialoguesin id Age and Friendshi have alway been regarded a treasuries of thought and modet os composition. sit the exceptionis the Somnium Scipionis,

Such a tho admiration in hic Erasmus hol theso morks that he pronounce thoi author inspired rommeaven. His morda are theso Sacris quidem litteris ubique prima do-betur auctoritas; sed tamen ego nonnunquam offendo quaedam



these are the fruits of Cicero' ripest years and that delightsul episodo, a Weli ascit companion in this volume, is the mductis a min enriched by the largeat cultum and made Wis is a varie experienoe. In the preparationis his ork, the editor has fouotis avail himself os me best resulis os modem scholarinip. The ex os in book of tho Tuscula Disputationaris founde chieflympo the admirabie editionaismose

scheri have been compared, on Very pMSuge, unduo dicta a veteribus, vel scripta ab ethnicis, etiam positis, tamo te, tam sancte, tam divinitus, ut mihi non pomim persuaderB, quin pectu illorum, quum illa scriberent, numen aliquod num agitaverit. Et ortam latius a fundit spiritus Christi, quam nos interpretamur. Et multi sunt in consortio sanctorum, qui non sunt apud nos in catalogo Fateor affectum meum apud amicos non pomum legere librum Ciceronis do Senectuto,do Amicitia, de metis, do Tusculanis Quaestionibus, quin aliquoties exosculer codicem, ac veneror anctum illud pectu amatum caelesti numine. Contra, quum hos quosdam re enuorea lego do re publica oeconomia, aut ethica praecipientes, Deum immortalem quam frigent prae illis, immo quam non videntur sentire quod acribunt ut ego citius patiar perire totum Scotum, cum aliquot sui similibus, quam libros unius Ciceronia, aut lutarchi non quod illos in totum damnem, e quod fabJhia sentiam me reddi meliorem, quum ex illorum lection aumam, nescio quomodo, frigidius affectu erga veram virtutem, sed irritatior ad contentionem. Couoqq. Famit , Conviv. Relig. manover 1836. I vola.



various old edition consulted in doubisul cases. Where suci scholar as relli, Oser, and illiner armat vari-ance, me editor has soli a liberint selec that read gwhicli best commendodrilaeis to his oWn judment, puditicular eightaeing ovon to tho authorit os the manuscript os hi est reputo. The mos important variations os read Mare mentione in the notes. In the Somnium Scipionis the textis Μoser has been adopted,

and in the Cato rior an Laelius statis relli.

For me mos valvabio par of the annotations the

editor is indobto to the labor os German scholare. Orelli' specia edition os the Tuscula Disputatio sumishod im illi the Vortesunge os that illustrious criti an manis genius F. A. Wols With the valvabio additions os relli himself the elaborate edition os Μose inorded a large bod os excellent notes, with a

copious digestis the annotations os precedin commentators; ischer' concise and judicious explanations Were os great serviceri and above ali mos important assistance a derive hom illiner, hos edition is indoed a modet os olearnes an apinem os illustration, an mund discrimination in tho choice of topic toto discussed For the ai received rom thes Aoumes, caro has been tinen to givo suli crediti The notes are designe to cali attention to the ost

Among omo fin ΜSS. Which ohne enumeratos, hogives in preser c to the si solioWing - the Regius, at Paris, os ih nitit century the Vaticanus the Gudianus primus, at Wolsonbattat, of the ninthis tent century the riuioeantis; tho Gryphianus and the emerisis, at Beme, of the fiftoonth



important peculiarities of construction, an to explain the most serious dissiculi sis syntax and interpretation, without the injustice to the student of robbin himentiret of the leasum an aduantam os sumountingobstacles is his own naide effore articular attention has Menalven to the illustrationis the subjunctissmood and tris bellisve stat mero is not in tho book an instanceis it uso here the principies pom hichil dependa have no been se sorth, in Worda ori resediences in ome partis the notes. very teucher millachnowledg the propriet os devoting especta labor tost elucidationis a sorinthat conveysis many delicate Eliades os meaning and pon hicli a muc os tho aut an expressivenem os the Latin languam de

has rendere a service to Englis scholarshi by m in an admirabie reatis accessibie, hic bearct markS, o eVer page of the discernment and cleamessos a master ind. From this Wor large quotations aremade in the notes. The derivatio an soro os thoparticles - a piant, se elucidation is of hardiniosa importance than stat of the subjunctive so a correctunderatandin os the languam have ala received attention particulari in the notes o the omnium Scipionis, Cato rior, an Laelius. Coptous extraeis have been made hom stat invaluabie reasse pon Latinparticles,mand 's ursellinus and the secon pari os T. Κ Αrno Introductio in Latin Prose Composition

ica notes are designe ruther a guide to the lassical



Dictionary than completo descriptions therare derived chionydrom Smissi' Dictionaries, an various editionaos the uscula Disputations. Frequent reserenoe hasbee made to Zumpi' Grammar, - containing the gumero troasum os a lis timo os enthusiastic devotion to classica studies, - to the admirabie reatlaeon Latin Syntax by Dr. Beck - and to the Grammaros AndreWs an Stoddard and the recent publicationos an excellent America translatio has authoriged occasiones reserenoes to the Lexiconis Freund.

Thelio character os many os the editions os Greehan Roman authors hic hau latet appeare homste America press indicates the rapi progress os classica scholarahi in his countr in tho last se years Theclight recent philological investigations havo

Shedipo the history, structure, and significance of the ancient languages, and thus pon the scienceis lan- mage iself, - language, hicli is at once the reat instrument of thought and the nobies productis, d,

- adda a ne dignit an valuerio even the mos elementar processes in classica instruction. e must

ines investigations; ut America scholam an harein the fruits of thei labora, eigh an combine their decisions it an independent udment, an performa sesul though comparativel humbie service, in applying them is incious the value an emcienc os classica studios as a means os menta training The


TAE apparent inconsistencies in the language of Cicero ondifferent occaaiona, illi reserene to the doctrine of the immortalit of the novi, have excite somo doub and diacussion in regatario the vie a reatly entertaine by him o that subjeci. A correct appreciatio of his a timenta on his queatiora cannot e sorme Minout considering 1irat, What

mero his genera philosophica principies in regar to the degres of certaint With Which truth cani attained, and ae ondly, what wachia immediate object in the variova writingat whichae allude to the conditionis tho Mul aster death. O thoraret oint, Cicero a vieWa ere simila to thoae hel by the o Academy. ΗΘ entertiane a moderate scepticiam in philosophy, congeniala his own menta cha acter, an naturali reauitin fram hia education and the Vendles an inextricabie disputes of the different secta whoae doctrinea he Mudied in his eam so truth. Diaguaindat in confidone and dogmatiam illi .hich different actovis had promulgated their decisiona upo theanovies questiona, and wit hia aenaitive nature, dreadin to offend the judgmenta or rejudices of othera Dario positive amertionis disputed minis, he prosemed noto arrive a certaininin his speculationa, ut ni to incline to that opinion hic appeare mos probabis. Accordingly, in his philosophi calueatiae ho adopte the method of tho Academica, cautio ly bataining,' aays iuer, Trom advancin hia o n



opinionario decidedly, resusing to e Mund by an autho ity, and a thmaam time neve attemptin is eatablis his

In rogar to the eoond potnt, in nono of the troatiam in whioli Cicero allude to tho immortalit of the noui, uniea me except the Somnium Scipionia, acit his immediate objectrio Maeri the truth os that doctrine. In stat beautilat Vision this truth a maintained with a direcinem stat admita os no que

deeda, but also by a participatio in the immorta glorie os the future life and there is no in the wholo the ali test intimationis a doubi in rogarduo a fac .hich indoedria reau posed by the very formis the eompoiation. The purpose of therarat book of the Tuscula Disputationaria simplyrio alio that deat is no an erit, eistor to the oad octo thom et

livinx and thia, the author maintaina, i true, Whateve auinpositionae adopted in regar to the latur eximenem of tho Boul. Icero promeda, indeed, t argue that it in no onlyno an evit, but evenis teming, an advanoea in his con- noctio the doctrine os immortali , defendin it, it thouimost amemnem an eloquenoe, by a great variet of potent argumenta; ut ema notrioa chargo mitti inoonsistene or avering cauae, Murring to his firat pro ab tion stat deat iamo an evit, he laborario prove inacit ought notrio be regataed a such, even admitting that mula periali

to the desene of the proposition to tabliahed. Cato uid stili maintain that tho Daris dissolutio ought notrio embitterisu declining yeara, and Delius that i ha gonowell,ith his departe friend even is deat Mero grante to