The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


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t m, quam tu nunquam, Ett.

XXXVIII. AEI. In omne tempus Fortu time. LMel. . . Dd antem .... moliri. Do atructura verbia MQum m. s. Tuae. V. v. 44 quatia abundaruem l e esse misexum De Fato XV. superriora repeteriem regredi. ...Heet. Accumtiuua semper ponitur, ubi liae non ad certam Personam refertur, sed ad indefinitam, quae latet in participio. Tuliner. Iud antem: rene hesbelimea. Etiam si tu id non agas: men Uyoware no a ming alia. ver natura uae of tho Mon person, although inmothor verba in the senteno aro in the third.

Quam .... Remum πιι, .... quam .... eonaequatur. Su,

junctive os the reaaon Consequi in una aequi. Aueri, thesister referring to mortuos); alteros, theformer vivos). imita sentiment to the ne here expreme is found in a wor salsely attribute to the Athenia philoaopher

inges So I. Tr. Κulin. Tiach. sto ΜSS. Reg., Gud L, II. Oret. Μoa. and ob. attingv. illiner says: Futurum cum ironia aliqua mihi videtur positum esse, ut haec sere via insit altero eredo non attinge mora. yys2. Somni simillimam. So Homer B. XI. 242, os a

estea ius lines of Ovid Stulte, quid est somnus, gelidae nisi mortia imago ZLonga quieacendi tempora fata dabunt. Sues. ei propone sui, hicli iacter adopta Thia emendation, b idea destroying the whole potntis the pamago, is altogether unciale sor.


dum, his uae astor thocle in elauas both in a malis a tortiona, a in tho aenisne eited by advig, and in negative

inori dronical, lihe eredo. qui ea mons Cariae This aenis e lilio noverat thera in thic in has eo considerodi inmo editor a n octas, introduco by a tranaori r so the pur actis explamation. But in beat editora re iverit,ithou healtation. Orestiua monuit ejusmodi explicatione addi a Cieeron partim doctrinae omentanda ea a partim ut minua docti aliquid expli-oet qualia hodie in Annotationibus addam aciemus, quibus

vetare acriptorea a tinebant.

III. xvii. 37 Tradiis evilationes meas ad vestimatis. Quas Corporis, eredo. In Pison. xxvii. I Arsinoem,SIrarum, rupaetum . . . . fateris ab hostibus eas eamaa.


BOος FIRST. CHAP XXXIX. XL. 167s4. Cur ' Nam eis. The senseris: Cur eorum, qui Exacta aetate moriuntur, fortunam laudemua, nulla eat cauaa; nam nulli aetati vita jucundior potest eme, quam senectuti,

- .... a38ecuta eat. The Verseis trochaio tetrameter cabalecti; Modo Da nois a tuae iniis ago. - Adoleaeem tes Adolescentia complectitur h. l. virilem quoque aetatem, quae de Sen. x eo ιana et media dicitur. Sic de Sen. ii. 4 Ciuiua adoleaeeritae senectus, quam pueriιiae adoleaeentia obre id Seilicet Romani dicebantur Inidiri uaque ad sextum decimum vel aoptimum decimum annum, quo deposita toga praetexta, induebant togam virilem adoleaeentea uaque ad annum quadragesimum viri usque ad annum exagesimum; tum aenes.' muliner.

Beerepsia. The vox deer uua in thia Maage is a 4 λεγόμενον in Cicero. moaer. In eadem . . . . bremtate. 'An elegant uae of the ablativomith in instead of the gentilis o ablative o quae Tum III. xviii. 42 qua aequunιur, in eadem sententia aurish. o. Husdem sententiae; De Finn. II. xiv. 47 quartum gentia Mnestorum e in eadem piaehruudine, etc. qua tuae beatiolae. Foron inti ho reposition iauauali omitte besore a relativo pronoun, When it hac en place besore the demonstrative pronoun ex precessing. Nep. Cimon. iii I inridi in eandem invidiam, quam paιer uva. Infra xlvi. III in iis malis, quibu vulgo opinantur. .... But Whon the relation os tho preposition in thotwo membera is different, it must e repeated a infra xlii. 102 de qua Merate quidem quid senserit, apparet in eo libro, in quo moratiri '' AEuhner. XL. 5. Levius .... levilati. Α play pon morda; a Laia xxiii. 8 : Quis tam esset ferreus, qui eam uam ferre posset Cal. .. i. 38 Sensim in aenati et aenescae Grelli, lenius.




XLI. 98. Tene .... venire . . . . emvenireque nne

laetum es te venire, etc. The accusativo with the infinitive iaosten uaed in exclamationa, depending upo aome phraserio boavpplied in tho ind; as, d nn indignum, mirum est y vum eredibile ea ' Verene u es ' his construction a moat si quently employed to expreM aurpriamo complaint, and oaer objecta totur reading on the ground that an expreationis thia hin Hways denotes omething nexpecte a leant, is notunple anti' Our re ing, ho ever, salven among ther ΜSS. by the Regius and Gud L, an adopte by avis, Hlota, De er, and ubner no doea the uae of this o Struotion to expreas a Dysul surpria aeem repugnant to thogenius of the Latin language. relli reada beatius eat te, quum et Moser, Te quum .... viserint haee .... poterisso the construction, seo Z. 60s B. I95. Triptolemum. lato in the passage here translate by Cicero, probabi repreaenis Socrates a peisin in amors anco it a belles of the common eopimos Attica, in naming Triptolemus in connection,ith in three weILknown judgea of the hades, inos, Rhadamanthua, and Facua Triptolemus Ma thought nolintrio have taught the Athenians agrieultum, but also to have nacte tho laesi la s. notherream Whic led Socrates to placo him among the udges is, i ta aid, homo that he was a hin distinguishod sor his justice, as appears rom the morda os Plato: Μωως τε καὶ 'ειδάμανθος καὶ Αἰακὸς καὶ δελα σοι τῶν ροθεων δικαιοι ἐγένοντο ἐν έ ωυτῶν βιον. Orpheo Aecordine to the legenda, Orpheus a son os the uso Calliope and Eurus, a Thracia riVer god, or Someother quali mysterioua ather, an disputos illi Amphion the meritis firs instructingat countomen in the uae of the


Dum .... iasequimur. The conjunetion dum ovenci ius predicat of tho main propoaition is expreme in prat time, lauauialydoine by the poeta, or in oblique narration, missi tho present indicative, to mino the narratio more livoly when it


imperative inure, tuta the command in connectio Mammo other action, and expremo that nomothiniis toto dono in latum, hen, or a monos, omethin ala has ahen

so fine bur me. Vestrum The forma nostrum and vestrum of the genitives of nos an vos are uaed a partitivo genitivea. a. 431. Qui .... miseris et .... OStenderis. Subjunctis of the

IM. Diogenes. The olebrato Cyni philosopher, holivo in illo timo os Alexander tho Great.


BOOK FIRST. CHAP XLIII. XLIV. 173Asperius. Scit id exprimens, implied in jussic Tiachor. i. The interrogative adverb. Anaxagoras. his celebrate philosopher, the frien and Macher of Euripide andiericles, wasianished rom Athenaon a chargo os impie , and retirexto Lampsacua. um moreretur. When e a dying, - ma at homini o lasath. aes. De Divin. II lxvi. 135. Si piid accidisset B euphemiam so si forte moriturus rasti. For the ancienta, influenced by a refine an elegant laesing abataine an muta a pomible hom Morda of ill omen,

and were accustomeda expres an unpleamn or moumfulining by a Wor os milde signification. ence, reading the wore mori, in place of it the aaid vita eaecedere, decedere, o simpi decedere, vita fungi, defungi, and the liko. The Expressiona, si quid mihi acciderit, o si quid humani mihi evenerit, si quid mihi humanum contigerit, or si quid mihi

Arumanitus acciderit, correspon to the Gree Θ τι παθω. Rutineri Undique .... ad inferos. Πανταχόθεν, ε γ' ὁμοία ἐστὶν ἡ

εἰς δου κατάβασις. Diog. Laerti II. LII. Totaque. tarticula affxa que saepe vim colligendi habet, ut idem sere valeat, quod ut paucis complectar in hort). Sic

supra xxvi. 64 eademque ab animo. '' eo the notem eademque, P. 152.

XLIV. 105 vahit Hectorem . . . . Achilles. II. XXII. as5 sqq.

th Maia fallam n it, sor hicli reason the liquid, is doubled

in pronunciation.

Accius. Α early Roman tragedian, particulari prataedla the strengin and vigor of his langvago, and the sublimityos his thoughta.

Aliqviando in nunc tandem, a supra, i. I. To e construed Mith sapiens.


Mater . . . . volucresque The verse is trochai tetrametereatalectio Mei a to e pronouncedis one syllabis. Toeomplato the eoon verae, ome ord mustae inserte b tmeen natum an prius. Mose reada natum, Oro Pressis es flebilitas modis: In lois an moti,ia measures. i. . . . inferavi. Qui in tales qui. Theriris. Theatrum ignificat apectatorea. De oras. m. l. I95 theatra tota reclamanti Neu .... diverarier. The verseris trochai tetrameter cat leotic Cicero, infra, alia these linea septenarios as o

aiatingis aeve complete laeti Meascia here a monosyllabis. Siris contracte sor siveris. The trus reading of them veraea a reatored by the great entley. Bolare him ed, tora gave thia absurd re ing:

Heu relliquia aemiam regia, denudatis omitiua, Per terram sanie delibutas so de divexarier.

GaDeioris indolis adolescentes vulgatam lectionem umegregia Bentiri emendatione iterum iterumque comparent et exemplum inde sumant, qua Via ingrediendum sit in veterum aeriptorum loci corruptis ad amitatem restituendis. V u,

107. Ipse .... atro. The verse is trochaic strameter M taleotio. Quam essent dura relli, quae e. d. Nulla sine sensu. relli n. s. s. sunt. Neque .... malis veraecia trochai tetrameter acintho two precedinclines.