장음표시 사용
l. eta munerum 9 c. The postcom. in Gel. 7Ia Μur. in nat. 'reis eriis similar with summus sor gaudentes &c. . l. et6 gaudeat &ω. In Greg. 236 Μur.) among orationes cotidianae. l. 33 tribue cir c. one of the prayers in Gel. 67o Μur.3 in xii Iectioneson ille Saturday in the Sept. Emberlide With ieiunio mensis septimi sor ieiuniis pascalibus and cunctarum sor cunctis . Does the phraseieiuniis pascalibus mean Lenten fasis λp. I et 7 l. 3 aufer a nobis S c. In Gel. SOS Μur. among orationes et treces a Quinquar usque Quadra S.; with Slight dissi in Greg. 24I Μur. quando Iemantur reliquiae and 479 Mur. in the ordo ad benedicendam ecclesiam : cf. the second prayer in Greg. 49o Μur. in the reconcilia io
l. s qui Singulis cir c. The Ball. seem justified in inferring hom thelangvage used that this preface, is not the whole of Μissa iiii, was specialty framed sor the consecration os some particular Pope in Lent: theyinstance Felix III as ordained Μarch 6, 483, and Zosimus Μarch I 4i7. Cf. Missa vii beso p. I 29).
l. is praesta ore. In Greg. 236 Μur.) among orationes cotidianae. l. ets gui cum Summa sis Ratio - λόγος) nosque rationales - λογιμους) eceris: cf. mae rationis imaginem in the preface of Μissa xi p. II 7). The thought here expressed runs through the Latin fathers. Cf. Athan. de incam. Verbi 3. l. 3. sca tua ore. The post Om. in Gel. 328 Μur.) for Friday aster 4th
mendosissima era haec oratio in omnibus mss. sacramen arsis Ball. . In iis original form it most probably sollowed the modet os the Eucharistic Presace Monning With vere di num et iustum est Η.A. Wilson Gel. Sacr. p. 267): cf. the Rom. ΜiSS. and Eng. Ρrayer
Greg. 222 Μur.) in another Μissa sor the deae. l. 41 beau . A collect in Gel. 734 Μur. in nat. scorum sive amenda morsuorum with illius sor Laurenti and sacerdotis sor episcopi . The Ball. suggest that Some bishop of Rome must he commemorated in Missae iiii and v who clied Within the octave of S. Lawrence Aug. IO-I7 , and it is certainly remarisble that in three of the prayers thename of La rence as weli as episcosi sor sacerdo in should be here substituted sor the illius of Gel. Xystus III is salo in the Liber Ponti calis to have been buriel near S. Lawrence, and they calculate thathis dealli occurred on Aug. II, 44o: hence they inser that Xystus III
l. ao oblation . Cf. the Secret in Gel. 736 Μur.) pro defuncto sorthe first phrase, and for the rest the secret in Gel. 734 Μur.) in thesame Μissa as that mentioned in the last note where again Laurenuis omitted and sacerdotis is sor episcosi).
P. I 8 l. I SCI SILVESTRI. In the Kal. Buch. Me have Priae. VI. Ian. Simestri
sae in Priscillae, and Dec. 3I is stili the date in the Rom. Kal. The Ball. seem correct in considering this the Missa for his deposition, and placed by the compiter at the end of the Missae susep
I. 6 Aanc igitur γα Cf. the infra actionem in Gel. 739 Μur.) in an alternative Menaea plurimorum which may have had a common origin. l. Io maiestatim . A collect in Gel 739 Μur. ibiae. with animae famulorum famularumque ruarum sor anima fam. tui Si L, serhumani atem commiserunt sor humanuus ad raris exutae sor exum and censeantur sor censeamri. Simplici is either a stip sor Simorei ormore probably another case of desective adaptation cf. p. I line S, p. 8 line 28 &c. . See notes on the nexi two Μissae.
l. I SCORUM in CORONATORUM. In the Kal. Buch. we have v Id. Nov.
The allusions to S. Clemens Romanus' lise in this and the succeeclingpresaces Seem to talty with the account given os him in the Clementine
l. 19 Iibera me θρα The ad sost in Gel. 33I Μur.) sor Tuesday in Passion week and in Greg. as 4 Μ ur.) among orationes cotidianae. l. et a Missa iii. It will he noticeo that this is the only Μissa in this section whicli is adapted to the two sainis coriointly, as the headingindicates, and even here the preface applies only to S. Felicitas: none
S. Gregory the Great Μarch Ia, S. Gregory Naaianaen ΜM 9, and S. Gregory VII. Μay 23. Ρerhaps the Gregory here meant is the firstos these and possibiy in April Μissa xxxiii p. Is), the second : See note in Ioc. The dissiculty there seems to be in the description os him as a martyr, none of these Saint Gregories having been strictly such: the Ball. quote Nicolaus Antonellus as suggesting that a martyr S. Gregoryos Sipontum is meant who in some documents is commemorateclon Dec. 24.
l. et 1 grata tibi sis Θρα The super obL in Amb. I99 Pam.) with certainsmali diff. sor Christmas: the collectio post nomina in Μiss. Goth. 3I7 Μur.) sor Chrisimas eve, with severat additional petitions at the