Sacramentarium Leonianum

발행: 1896년

분량: 282페이지


분류: 미분류



l. 27 Iempore lices discre o. The exact meming os this phrase Seems alitile cloubisul: does it reser to dispensatione on remanus or is it totie jointa closely with una dies and una corona y cloes it mean thoughtheir time of gathering-in Chrisfs samily had not coincidet' or though the far of their death was different, yet the αο Was thesame,' as the Ball. appear to inhe iit is the lalter, their quotationstom the decree attributed to Gelasius 492 A.D. de apoco is scripturis in .hich he condemns as heretical those who maintain that SS. Peter and Paul did not die at Rome under Nero on the very Same day, Seems apposite as proving that this preface Was composed fore his time. A very similar phrase occurs in the preface sorSS. Cornelius and Cyprian P. IOS, ρ.ν. .

39ὶ Me have a very similar list sor July Io via. Felicis et misi i in Priscillae et in Iordanorum Martialis, Visalis, Alexandri es in Maximi Silani hunc Silanum mar Frem Novati furati sun ) ei in Prae ex auIanuarii. Delisle Μ m. sur 'anc. Sacr. p. 333 quotes stom the Kalendar of St. Vast and Corbie Xth cent.) the fame names MithMI,)ani sor Silani They were the seven sons of S. Felicitas who aresaid to have been martyred in the reign os Antoninus Pius about Iso A.D.) though there Was no officiat persecution in that reign, and their festival is generalty known as that of the seven brothers. The preface in Missa iii p. 32 is the only portion in this collection whichhas any species reserence to these martyre, and even that in Greg. 328Μur.) is assigneo to the SS. Μaccabees. l. et 3 exaudi SY. The collect in Greg. Ias Μur. sor S. Μain the Pope λ Τhis is a Kalendar printed by the Jesuit Aegidius Bucherius siue doctrina

iam rum c. xv pp. 266 sqq. AntW. I 63 3. D is a Work of Roman origindating stom a ut the middie of the th centuo, as appears stom the contenisas also hom the laci that it is included in the collection os Filocatus 35 A D. :cf. Dici. os Christian Antim. sub voce Calendarium.


Oct. 7 with interveniense beato Marco Confessore suo a que Ponti re instead of inclemen. Scis suis, su Iscationes sor the secono freces and inunde sor admiuein. In Rom. Μiss. sor sanae day it has been still

Secret, RS also here.



l. et et qui nos μου. The authorities mini out the reiterated reserence in this collection os orationes et 'reces Murnae to persones enemies cf. this preface, fimi and second prayer in Missa ii, preface in Missa iii, and prayer in Missa viii and preface in Μissa H). They suggest that the occasion Was probably one os the attacks that were made on someone os the Popes: inch has his oWn theory; Μuratori suggesis the schismos Ursicinus or Ursinus against Damasus in 367, or that os Eulalius against Boniface I in 4 I9, or the accusations of Bassus against Sixtus ΙΙΙin 433: the Ballerint preser the clerical rebellion against disimus in 4I8, Acamius tess plausibly suggesis the strurale of Leo I .ith the Manichees. Muratori very Sely remarks that no Pope in his senses would have finalty published or approved os a Sacramentary that contains such prolix and undignified allusions to personat memies, anclsor this among other reasons Considera our ΜS. to he merely a note- book preliminary to an authoritative Sacramentary, Which perhaps Wasneuer published aster ali, see Introduction, pp. xiii, xiv : at the fame time a reserence to the succreding notes Will shew that not a se. of theless offending sortiis are Mund scattered here and there in the other extant books.

Pentecost: in Rom. Μiss. contra seraecusores ecclesiae.



Rom. Μiss. contra fersecutores et male Venus.



ceruus speremus aeuma.

perhaps restore quaesumus besore ut in Our text.




13. 68 l. 6 intende -. In Greg. 262 Μur.) among orationes vespertinales seu


orationes vespertinales seu marutinatis.

omitted and mundemur sor emund.). l. et a. . oericulis exuamur. The Same phrase occurs in Gel. 385 Μur.




Sunclay, Rom. Μiss. sor 8th Sunday after Pent. in ali cases ut cuiussor et cuius .

noue sor es noctem: in Gel. with laude sor luce . l. I9 Romani nominis. Cf. p. 27 &c. l. et 3 qua . Dne 6r c. In Greg. 236 Μur.) among orationes vespertinales and curiousty enough 239 Μur. among orationes matutinales also. l. 29 adesso SV. This also is among orationes matutinales in Greg.

in Advent.



Pent. : in Eng. P. B. for I 4th Sunday aster Trin. p. 77 l. 6 Romanis frincipibus omana securitas. Cf. P. 27 &C. l. 9 nostris quaes. ωc. In Greg. Σ32 Μur.) among orationes cotidianae

aster Pent.

contra iurices male Venus: in Rom. Μlas. With inhaerenses asterre o contra fer c. ecia.

ali ut eorum for es eorum and mundemur sor emunae.).


l. io ' concede γω. Cf. Gel. 33o Μur.), where the secret for the Tuesdayaster sth Sunday in Lent is nearly the fame th quaes. sor m nosserisca 'furia sor scorum, abstinentiam sor observantiam). p. 8al. eto respice me dinc. Cf. the secret in Sacr. GaIL 948 Mur.) in a Missa cottidiana micalis, where the Ist phrase is the fame as here, though the rest Mars only a very generat resemblance. p. 8a l. ii ad aures SV. Cs the collect in Gel. 689 Μur.) pro aenicis diebus,

l. 28 Romani nominis mereor . Cf. pp. 7I &c. p. 8 l. et cotidianum Sacriscium. This phrase corresponds With the wotastae die in diem of the last prayer in this Μissa xliiii, which thus seems more suit te than most to the original heading oraciones ei fraces diurnae cotidianae r) under which it stanos. The last prayer is the only form in this Μissa that I have found in other books: see

in Passion week in each case with de die in diem and et mortali essectum omitted ano delectationibus for dilectionibus . p. 85 l. 7 NON. AUG. - Aug. 2. This is ordinarily the date of the commemoration of S. Stephen bishop of Rome 233-7 A.D. not of S. Stephen the protomartyr whose clay is Dec. 26, though the Rom. Kal. stili Meps Aug. 3 as his Invention.' The Gel. texi in Μuratori has no mention

commemorate the Protomartyr on Dec. 26. whether the ancient Rom.



l. et 'raeromatio. A post-classical Word meaning distribution,' cs. p. I 68 l. I 6: 'rorogare is also used in the Same sense cs. Ducange sub voci fraeromativa neut. pl. y on p. I 3o l. 3 has more os the classical sense, viz. privilege. l. 3I quam-coronam. Cf. the preface in Μissa vi p. 88 and the Missae for S. Felicitas pp. I 34, Iss). The playing on the name Was not an infrequent usage e.g. the whole service sor S. Clement in the Μogarabic

l. ao candida us. Cf. Te Deum: Ie mar Frum candidatus laudat exercitus. It seems almost as is the recurrence os the fame encling in Iasidarus and decoratus potnis to this preface being adapted stom Some hymn : and the antithesis belween Iasidatus es and lapis vivus, insigni decoratus vocatulo and corona mar Frii bears out this idea. p. 89 l. I Μissa vii is clearly appropriate to the ordinary place of S. Stephen's

Μ. Duchesne in a private letter informs me that la sele du 3 aosit est celle de la decouverte du tombeau et des reliques de St. sitienne en i5. Elle est marquee dans te martyrologe hieronymien. L'evenement qu'elle com-mεmore a eu lieu en hiver: la date du 3 aosit n'est donc pas celle de la