장음표시 사용
XXXIV. Publius Crassus insomed Caesar that the Veneti and
Venelli are maritime states. XXXV. 1. hos nations hic dWest acros the Rhine sentambassadors to Caesar. 2. The legion mere te into inter
XXXII. Caesar replied I ill pare o Eoo surrenderbelare the altering ram has ouched the Wali; ut there is uocondition os surrender, excepi upo the desiver of the arms. They castis large quantityis thei arm into the rench, ut asCaesar asterWard discovered, the conceale anil retatue in thelown abori a thies pari. XXXIII. The townspeople belloed that Caesar ould dismisshis guards bemus a surrende had been made. heresore during the third Wato the made a sali ho the town Where the thought the ascent tomur sortifications a leas dissiculi. The signia Wasimmediatet oven by res an our soldiere an thither. heenem Dught very harpb since ali ope os silet depende lupo theis valor alone, but aboutive thousand of them ere lain. XXXV. Sine a h. opinionis thi War a spread among the barbarians, ambassadora came to Caesar homine nations hichdwel acros the Rhine. Because Caesar a letain his armyinto inter quarters, he ordere these ambassadors to ove hos-tages an to do his commandae hey, harin promised that theyWould return to him a the eginning of the nexi summer, pro-erede 'into German . LATl NE RESPONDE. XXXI. I. De qua Aduatuci ad Caesarem figatos 1ssirunt s. Quare Romanos cum ope divina bellum gerere existimarunt 33. Nonne nnitimi sunt inimici A. Num arma tradere voluerunt p
DE BELLO GALLICO, B. II. 67XXXII. 1. Num Caesar, quod petierunt, dedit 2. Quid pollicitus est se secturum 3. Quid Aduatuci dixerunt Numi secerunt 3 A. Quantum temporis pace usi sunt 3 XXXIII. 1. Quid sub vesperum Caesar iussit Quare id Reit 3 4. Nonne Aduatuci excursionem fecerunt Qua in parte 83. roelium fuit Qui victores fuerunt Quam iuvit hostium intersecti sunt 3 XXXIV. 1. Quis Venetos et alias vitates lait 8 2. Ubi
hae civitates susirunt ρ- XXXV. 1. Quae civitates legatos ad Caesarem miserunt 32. Quid legati polliciti sunt I. Quid Caesar eos sacere iussit 34. Quo properabat
What does this clauso sancit in vor is Indicativs 3 What, urit is Sub unetius Vide Pensum XXI. A.
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. ΙΙΙ. 69withdre hom the batile. d. Our soldier bore id to that pari, bemus it seeme to e hard pressed. V. 1. The enem are pressing on quite harp., an havebegu to filiis the renches. 2. he ni hope os silet consist ' in ahin a sali andri in the last resori. VI. . e thous d barbarians mere surrounde an Hain. 2. The were not permittexto hiat even pon theaigher places. LATl NE SCRlBE. I. II. When hostage had been give by the Nantuates, Veragri, and Seduni, Galba statione two cohoris among the Nantuates, an assigne to the remianin cohoris of the legion sor interingone pari os the villam os octodurus, hic is divide into tWo paris is a river. The Gaul thought that Galba Was attemptingtocioin these places to the Roman province so the sari os a e manent possession, and had persuade themselves that the legion, o account oscit se ness, asino abierio susini even their firstattach. An so the sorme a plan sor reneWing the War, and
the ounde os our men, could 'sor the sine δ' os recovering themselvesJ, leave in places here the stood. V. VI. ublius Sextius Baculus, ho a dis led by Woundsin the engagement Wit the ervii, howedria Galba that the obdier ouis to e permitte to recove hom satigue, an iner-Warda, hen the signat,a gium, to sali fori homine camp. An so, since the matter Was in a crisis, the soldier Were quichlyinstructed to discontinue the fight. he sali Was mades rom alline gales suddenly, and no opportuniu a lest to the enem tocollec thei senses. hus ortune a changed, and more hana this pari os thos Wh had entertiane the hope os gaining
possession Os the cam Were lain. Ο soldiers havin put ossiis the pani strichen remiander, Moo themselves tuto the sortiscations. LATl NE RESPONDE. L 1. Quo Galba missus est 2. Quid facere huic permissum est ρΙΙ. . Nonne invii legionem despiciebant 3 Quare 2. Clir Galli dolebant III. 1. Convocat obnsilio, quid Galba meit 3 2. Cuiusmodi
nonnullae sententiae escebantur 3. aiori parti placuit, quid interim sacere IV. 1. Quando hostes ex omnibus partibus ficucurrerunt ρ2. Quomota primo nostri repugnabant ΘV. 1. Quantum temporis pugnantur 2. Nonne extremum auxilium Romani experti sunt
VI. 1. Qui eventus Eruptionis est 3 2. Quam multi hostium intersecti sunt γ
N. Fit stieriphrastic Conjugatiou Α. 113, b, I, and Nola, and 12s;
72 IN LATINUM. X. 1. Although there ere diffinities of Wagin War, never-theles Caesar Was urged to the War. 2. Almost ali the aut areland of revolution and asit excite to ur. 3. At me arenaturali son os liberi, Allien hates a conditionis flave .XL 1. Titus Labienus a sent among the reveri, ho areneares the Rive Rhine. 2. Labienus ' must restres the Germans, ,ho are sal to have been summone by the Belgae. 3. e sent a many cohoris a possibi to tae care that stat
conspired, and a common embassy a sent to Crassus *to V
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. III. 73X. Caesar is incite to thi War by the outrage os retaining δ' the Romanonictis, the revolt, and the conspira . Andrio hethinks that besore more states hali conspire he must divide and more idely separate the M . XI. e therasore appotnis Publius Crassus ver the legionarycohoris and cavato Michae had ordered tot sent into Aquitania, and charges him to visit thos nations and to restrai them is theyshould attemptrio sen auxiliaries into Gaul. Η order Decimus Brutus to pro exas oon a possibi Wit the Gallic hips to the Veneti, an send Titus Labienus to take care stat the Remi and the other Belgae areaept in thei allegiance. LATi NE RESPONDE.
VII. 1. Quid Caesar de Gallia existimabat s. Quo inita hieme prosectus erat Quare a. Quid in Gallia coortum est 3VΙΙΙ. 1. Cuius civitatis omnis orae maritimae auctoritas
amplissima est 3 2. Quae huius rei causa prima est 3 Quae est secunda 3 erit 3 3. Qualia Gallorum consilia sunt 3 4. Quid Omnis Ora maritima fecit 3IX. 1. Quem his de rebus certi6rem Crassus fecit 3 2. Quid fac Caesar iubet 3 3. Quomodo haec administrata sunt 3 Quando Caesar ad exercitum contendit ' 4. Quid facere Veneti instituunt 3 X. 1. Quam multa Caesarem ad id bellum ilicitabant 2.Μemora' primum. Secundum Tertium. Quartum. 3. Quibus omnes fere Galli student Quid omnes homines oderunt 8XL 1. Quo itus Labienus missus est 3 ublius Crassus Quintus Titurius Sab1nus 3 2. Quibus Decimus Brutus praesectus est a. Quo eum proficisci Caesar iubet 3