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DE BELLO GALGCO, DB a. 15nor despiseos. Remember our ancient valor and the orme destructionis the Roman army, and domo persis in persecutin us With War, test his place hould acquire a name Domin disasteris the Roman people. LATl NE RESPONDE. IX. l. Sequanis inritis, cur Helvetii per eorum fines ire non poterant ' l. Qua de causa Dumuorix Helvetiis amicus erati X. 1. Quid Caesar populo Romano periculosum sutdrum esse intellegebat 3 2. Qui populi locis superioribus occupatis itinere Caesaris exercitum prohibere conati sunt 3 XL 1. Quid spectantes legati Aeduorum ad Caesarem Venerunt ' a. Eo tempore, qui duo populi legatos ad eum miserunt ρXII. 1. Quomodo Helvetii Ararim filimen transibant 3 2. Iuquot pagos omnis civitas Helvetia divisa est 3XIII. 1. Cur Caesar pontem in Arare faciendum curavit 3 2. In quam partem Divico Helvetios ire velle dixit γ
LATl NE LOQUERE. XI v. l. an lay aside the memor of the old insuit, orsorget ou recent injuries 7 2. Although these hings are so, yet Uam illincto mari pince With ou. 3. he Helvetians do no .is to apologige to the Allobroges sor the wrong theyhave brought upo them. XV. 1. Phave collected about Mur thousan cavati hom theastes os the Aeduans. 2. The Aedua cavati commence batile in a disinuantageous place an lost a se men. XVI. 1. he oldier demande os Caesar the rations hiehon his da ought to e meas in ut to them. 2. Liscus, thechie magistrate os the Aeduans, a severes blamed is Caesar cause he had abandone him. 3. Caesar is unWillincto turn his courae homine Saone, bemus heris solioWing the Helvetians. XVII. 1. There are ome Aeduans in have more influencemit the eopte than the magistrates haveJ. 2. I huom ithho great dangeres have announce this to Caesari
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. I. IXVIII. 1. Maeniumnorix bid 'um the revenues, heinys them at a mali price, Minus nobod dares totid against him. 2. he Aeduans had place Dumnorix iu command of the cavat whic the sent as an aid in Caesar. LATl NE SCRlBE. XIV. are astonished that yo have so long committed out-rages Wit impunity, ut the immorta god have granted ou prosperit in orde that ou may suffer more severet hom thechange os circumstances hen the shali punish yo sor ourgulit. XV. The Helvetians ere elate by this batile, and b an toprovohe Caesar' cavato; ut Caesar restriane his me hombatue, and thought it sussicient so the presen to mare so thath could se in hal directio the enem Were going. XVI. Minus the grai in theraeld was nodiripe, and the Vmas earint hand on hic rations hould e apportione to thearmy, Caesar continuali demande grai of the Aeduans, and reproached them severet Minus the didiot assis him as theyhad promised in the nam os in state in do. XVII. I have been silent a longin I could but influenced Myour speech, I Wil disclose hates have itherio hept secret.
eve is done in camp. B seditious an violent languam theypersuade the multitude to preser the government of the Gavis to that os the Bomans, and I cannot restrain them. XVIII. Dumnorix ad the Ughest expectation os obtaining the fovereignt unde the overnmen os the Helvetians, because he had tae a Wiserim them; ut is nothing should appen toste Romans, he thought that his power Wouldi Winhened, and despiared os the influende hic he had.
Ablativo Absoluto. Relative pronoun. Accusative of Specification ' arisiis L
18 IN LATINUM.LATl NE RESPONDE. XIV. l. Quare dii immortales interdum secundiores res his quos ulcisci velint concsidunt 8 2. Quomodo Divico Helvetios a maioribus suis instulltos esse dixit pXV. 1. Quo consilio Caesar suum equillitum praemisit 3 2. Quot equitibus Helvetii magnani multiindinem propulerunt 3 XVI. l. Qua de causa ramenta in agris matura non erant ρ2. Quem Aedui eum, qui summo magistratui praeerat, appella- runt ρXVII. 1. Plebs Aeduarasiditiosa oratione deterrebatur, ne quid saceret a. Quare Liscus Caesari haec enuntiavit ΘXVIII. 1. Quapropter Dumnorix magna apud plebem gratia erat ρ 2. Quid Caesar in quaerendo de proelio equestri adverso reperiebat Θ
2. Besoreae summone Divitiacus, he commande that the ordinar interpreter be removed. 3. In the presene os Divitiacus the mos certain sacra ad been adde to Caesar' ground of suspicion. XX. 1. Ι - very poWerses at home an he Wa very eah. 2. I console him an asis that he ould ah m hand. 3. I. shali place guaias ver o in lature, that ou may moid suspicion. XXI. .in the fame da the covis announce that theascent of the mountain Was asy. ..In the thies Walch he sentlamardi lius Considius to ascertain What Was tho planis the
XXII. 1. Late in the da Caesar ascertaine stat Considius hin been horoughi frightened. 2. Labienus as holdin theto of the Ountain, an expecting Caesar an his amy.
maud, ut even ithout his noWledge. Havin summo dDivitiacus, he reminde hi of What had been aid by ach ne separate. Whenae himself,as present. Divitiacus exhorte him notri command that the state punish Dumnorix. XX. Divitiacus eving, With many Word aised os Caesar thath Would no deciderio harshly in the case of his rother. Saldhe, dono these ining are true, and nobod seel more alii
batile unles he hoes se Considius and the cavati nev theenemy's camp. Caesar ound ut asteruatas hom the prisoners
that in Helvetians hadanow of nesther his approach nor that os Considius,aut stat Considius, strichen illi ante had reported What he hadiso Men ascisci ha been seen is him. An soLabienus abstained hom batile on that dv.
DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. I. 21XXIII. O the ex da Caesar thought that he ould turn his coisse hom the Helvetians and gorio Bibracte, because thererematne altogether Wo v besore e uis to ook ut sorsuppilas. hemelvetians ere confident that the eouid ut himorsrom in supplies, and the change thei plan and turne their
LATl NE RESPONDE. XIX. 1. Quid Caesar de Divitiam vereblitur' Cuius eum commonefecit 3 Quid ei ostendit Quid ab eo petivit 2. Quantum fidei Caesar Valerio h sibat 3 XX. 1. Quomodo Dumnorix suis opibus domi 1sus erat 3 2. Quo inductus Caesar Dumnorigis inittriam condonavit ΘXXI. 1. Qua de causa Caesar exploratores ad montem Isit 82. Quo itinere Caesar ad Labienum contenditi XXII. 1. Quid Considius Caesari dixit 3 Quid Caesar destis. Quo intervallo Caesar hostes sequetritur 3 XXIII. 1. Cur Caesar iter ab elusitiis avertit 2. Quid Hel in sacere coeperunt
anaitin his coming, he demande stat the see out an bring together in Verbigeni These either ad been thoroughlyhightene or had supposed that the eould concea thei flight; and so, influenced by the liope os suety the had goue ut os
the cam os the Helvetians. XXVIII. The facis aveo thei hostages, arms, an desertera Aster Caesar ad received them in surrender, he commande them to return to thei territories, an to rebuit thelowns hic ha been et on re is stem. Sine the Boii,ere known to e men os extraordinar valor, e grante to them permission to ros inis the territor of simul, and o beneighbors of the Roman province.
Aetivo voles Ablativo Absoluto. in inich place.
24 IN LATINUM.LATl NE RESPONDE. XXIV. 1. Quando Caesar copias suas in proximam collem subducit 3 Cur equitatum insit 3 2. Quo in loco veteranas legiones instruxit 3 Quo in loco auxilia collocavit 3 Quos adicinas mitrare iussit
XXV. 1. Quid Gallis magno impedΙmento erat Quando Helvetii pedem retulerunt Quo 2. Quid Boii et Tulingissicerunt Quomodo Romani signa intulerunt XXVI. 1. Quamdiu ad impedΙmenta pugnatum est Quo
qui superfuerunt sirunt 2. Quos nuntios Caesar ad Lingones insiti XXVII. 1. d Helvetii ad Caesarem legatos miserunt ρ Quid Caesar eos sacere iussit 8 2. Quare Verbigeni suam suam occultari posse existiniaverrunt quo contenderunt 3 XXVIII. 1. Quo Caesar Helvetios reverti iussit Caesar Allobrogibus, ut quid facerent, imperavit 3 2. Cli noluit Helvetium agrum a rire pXXIX. Quam multi Helvetiorum domum redierunt ρ