장음표시 사용
LIB. II. Fand ali ou possessions himself an ali his possessions herseis an ali her possessions themselves audisti thei possessions. 3. The Remi entruste themselves and ali thei possession to the protectio audio eris Caesar. LV. 1. What states are in ams, and What in the do in
together an arm into ne place.
III. The ambassadors of the Remi said: have no combine Wit the res of the Belgae, nor conspiret against the
Roman eople. e re ready to commit urselves an allisur possession to our protection, o give hostages, an tota your commands. M the est os the Belgae are in arms, and we cannot resimi even the Suessiones, our hinsmen, rom combining
Wit them. IV. In Valor, influence, and numbers, the Bellovaci mere themost poWersul of the Belgae; ut, o account os the integrity and prudelicem Galba, hing of the Suessiones the conduci of the arWas by the consent of est, conferre&uponaim. LATl NE RESPONDE.
I. 1. Ubi Caesar in hibernis erat ρ 2. Qui contra populum Romanum ouilirabant ' a. Quid Galli moleste serebant Θ
46 IN LATINUM. ΙΙ. 1. Quando Caesar ad exercitum venit 3 2. Dat negotium Senonibus, ut quid facianti III. 1. Quos Remi ad Caesarem Magrunt 2. Qui sεssi cum Belgis eoniunxerant L a. Quibus legibus Suessiones diebantur ΘΙV. l. Unde serique Belgae orti sunt 3 2. Quos Belgae inusi nnes suos ingredi prohibueranti . Quam magnum imp rium Divitiaeus obtinuerat t
oppugnam. Gius both tho Goran and tho Gemindive construction. amore ut With tho Subiunctive.
the lieuienant, illi si cohoris, is guarding. I. Bemus Iccius, hocis in command of the tom, cannotholdiu an longer, he Will sen an ambassino to Caesar to an- nounc stat the Belgae are throWingratone and daris 'at the wall, and he wishes aid tot sent in him. VII. Sine the coming of the umidia an Cretan archer and the Baleario stingera murat in the Remi a gin sor figlitin Withthe ope os delance, the enem Wittare hom the toWn, and, 'harinilaid wast theraelds, marched throuo in territor of the Remi and pitched a cam 'neant Caesar' camp. VIII. here Was a placeractore the cam naturali convenientand fuit te sor draWing up a lineis batile. There Caesar commande that si legionsio marshallia in orderis batue, and that the two legions hic ha been las levis hecies in eamp inorde that, is there hout be need os authing, he ould e abla
LATi NE RESPONDE. V. 1. Quid Caesar sensitum sim6rum sacere iussit Quos obsides postulavit 3 δὲ 2. Quid Divitiacum sacere Caesar voluit 3 Quo Caesar exercitum suum ducere Etliravit 3 3. Quid Caesar Titurium sacere iussitqVI. 1. Ubi Bibrax erat Quid Belgae sacere coepεrunt 32. Quis oppido tum praefuerat' a. um in dro consistendi
potestas cuiquam erat Nonne Iccius ad Caesarem petens subsidium misit 8 VII. 1. Quando Caesar Iccio subsidium Isit Quos misit 32. Nonne eorum adventus Remis spem tulit Quomodo Belgae affecti sunt 3 3. Nonne Belgae discesserunt Z Ubi castra posuerunt 8 VIII. . um Caesar primo proelium commisit Quare 32. Ubi Caesar transversam lassam obduxit 3 Quae ad extremas fossas collocavit 3 3. Ubi sex legiones constituit Z Quid hostes fecerant Θ
at oviodunum a very Wide. 4. Caesar could o tis thelown by torm. 5. he Suessiones ere mago a the greatnessos Caesar' Works.
XII. Aster in Suessiones ad come into the o nis Novio . dunum, Caesar quichly commande stat the vineae bearought upto the tonn, amound e throm p an inuere bulli. Sine theenem ha neve seen nor hear of so great speed the Were greatly agitated. An so the sent ambasindor concerning surrender, and the Remi requestin that Caesar nould spare them,
the obtainincit. LATi NE RESPONDE. IX. 1. alus erat magna mi palus erat 2. Quid hostes exspect antri . ostri partiti in armis erant 3 Quo consilio 34. Quid hostes ad inmen fererunt 3 Num suas copias miscere lusirunt'
52 IN LATINUM. X. I. Quos Caesar pontem tradlici, Quo consiliori . Ubi nostri hostes aggressi sunt Quid vovit L 3. Quid hostes constituerunt lXI. 1. Quando hostes castra movErunt Id quiete secerunt 8 2. Quid Caesar fecitd Quare 3 3. Quid prima luce sedit ZQuos his praemeit 4. Quem subsequi iussit 5. Nostri multos interfecerunt pXII. 1. ostridia eius diei, quo Caesaravit 3 2. Quid conatus est Quid venit 3 3. Quid Suessiones petiεrunt Id impetraverunt 8
bellias of the Bellovaci 2. he eadem ne that he had Mought great' calamitympo the state. 3. he influenc os the Aedui Willae increased amon ad the Belgae. XV. I. ut os respect sor Divitiacus, Caesar preserve the Bellovaci 2. Caesar says that he has demanded si hundred hos-tages. Caesarisaid that he had demande si hundred hostages. 3. he Nervii permitio in to bearought into thei territo XVI. 1. Caesar is insomed by the prisoner that the Nervii
are amitin his coming. 2. Η Was informed that the werein i the oster fide os the rive Sambre. 3. he Wil persuade the Veromandui t try the fame sortune os War.
the conveye themselves and ali thei possession into a toWn. M the old me and the omen, havin accordin to thei cus-
Οὐ extende theis hand to Caesar, indicate by the volo that the fought pince hom him. XIV. ster Divitiacus had dismisse his sorces, he returne to Caesar. e says that in Bellovaci ere urged by their hie men to bring Warrapon the Romans that the instigator os that . plo have flexio Britain and that the Aedui ash, in behias of the Bellovaci, that Caesar illisse his customai clemenu toWards
XV. When Caesar had come to the territor os the Ambiani, nil the had Without dola surrendere themselves an ali their possessions, he inquire concerning the character an custom os Nervii. me a informe that the were a Moseis great brav ry, and that he had declare that the would not surrenderthemselves to Caesar, nor thromaside thei nationes murum.
XVI. Sine the Nervii have persuade the Atrebates and Vero- mandes o try the fame Ortune os War, the have ali stationedihemselves on the oster id of the Sambre me sordes of the Aduatuci are expected by them, and the women have ali been puttogether in one place. XVII. Prom early times the ervi have been ea in mairy, no do the ove attention to this even o. 'an so, in ordertha the may the more insit Under the aviar of those ho me to them so the sine os plander, the have ut an bent