In latinum. (Pensa in latinum sermonem vertenda). For academies and high schools

발행: 1890년

분량: 133페이지


분류: 미분류




Tho Gor Geonstructio includes tho erun and the nou Whichitinoveres; tho Gerundive constructio includes in Gerundius and thonon hie it limita momorun constructio taris the Gerund nos requiro caso, and the nou in tho eam hic the ver goveras; the Gerundive constructio inhos tho non in tho require case, an os Gerundiis in agmoment. Tho Gerundius construction is nove translatinlliterannant iam sis tho corresponding Gerund construction.


XLIV. 1. M the states os Gaulam comes to renounc thes endshipis Ariovistus. 2. Ariovistus mugiit ove a multitudeos Germans 'sor the purpos os attachin the Romans. 3. Pthinhthatoo have an arm in Gaul 'sor the purpos os crustin me. LATl NE SCRlBE. XLI. When the legions ad apologietexto Caesar, an he hadbeen informe that the orces of Ariovistus ere Went miles aWay, e sent Divitiacus omar to examine the Dad, and toinquire Whether the oldiers ere prepared a prosecut the war With ingemess. e reported that the miniis of the oldier hadbeen changed in a Wondersu manner, and the meates destres os prosecuting the waraad prung M. An so Caesar expresse aver favorabie opinionis his Miny, in hic he had the greatest confiden ce, in commande it to reis p cam and advance as

XLII. When Caesar promised that he ould come into a comsereiice, he thought that Ariovistus Would desist hominis obstina . Theresore ambassadora ere osten sent to and Do etWeen them, and the da so the conserenoe a named. Caesar aid that he

ΙΙΙ. Since there a quite a large mound of earthis an equa distance rom both camps, the came hister so the conserenoe. Caesar informe Ariovistus that there ere an iustground of intima aetWeen the Romans and the Aeduans, and that there had been assed in their savor man honorabie decrees' Gius both in Gerund and tho Gorandive construction.



of the senate. e also hoWin him that it was his custom to ishtha the allies of the Roman eople hould increas in dignity, influence, an honor, and demanded that he hould suffer no more Germans to ros the Rhiue an bring Warra iste Aeduans. XLIV. Ariovistus asserte many things concernin his oWnmerus: I rosse the Rhine heinus I as invite by the

Gavis. The Aeduans ad War po me and ere conquered,

Endnes to any nobles os the Roman rose, hos favor I canpurotas by ou death.'LATl NE RESPONDE. I. I. Hae nitione habita, quid actum est 2. Qui Caesari satisfacere voluerunt 3 3. Quo tempore Caesar e castris profecturus est De quo ab exploratoribus certior actus est 3XLIL 1. Cognito Caesaris adventu, quid Ariovistus secit 32. Quid Caesar de conditione arbitratur 3 3. Clis Ariovistus ne Caesar quem peditem ad colloquium adtaceret postulavit XLIII. 1. Quid Ariovistus de equitibus postulavit 3 2. Quid Caesar initio orationis commemoravit 3 3. Quid Caesar ab Ariovisto postulavit ΤXLIV. 1. Car Ariovistus msinum in Galliam transierat Θ2. Cli Ariovistus am1citiam populi Romani pessuerat 3 3. Nonne eam renuntiare volebat Qua conditione 3 4 Si Bomani liberam possessionem Galliae tradiderint, quid Ariovistus acietias se a participio.




XLVII. 1. In the case os alemus, the Germans ould haven temptation to do rong. 2. I hall. sent to hare the hospitalit os Caesar, on account of m knowledge os the Latin


DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. I. 39doned. Although, Id no reduce in Arverni and Ruteni into province yet the fovereigni os the Roman eos in Gaul ismos just, emus our arm conquere the Gaul in War. XLVI. Caesar did not Wishariovistus tot entrappe throughbelles in a conserenoe, an so' ordei ed his me no to throwbach an stones at ali; ut ecauseae in that Ariovistus Wasusing arrogance, and that an eligagement Wit the cavata nouldbe Without an tange to the tent legion hearohei the eo sereno anxius ed into the arm a destre sor fighting. XLVII. Although Ariovistus Mines me in appiant a durior a conserenoe, there does notis ea to me any good ream so conferring the more Minus I do not Mincio ex se myself again tothe Mages hoWever, a Valerius speis in Galli languagessuently Pshal sen him orandisut What Ariovistus has to say, and why the Germans cannoti prevented hom throWingratones. XLVIII. While Caesar a Masing ut his sorres besere thecamp and y girin Ariovistus an opportunit os contendin in Mule, he was moving his cam lamar an engagin in diabcavato hirmistes. scit ma necessam to advance sarther o toreueat more rapid. he had very Wis Mot oldiera, ho attendedine cavalrfiniatile, and prevented Caesar rom mahing an attach ο stem. XLIX. Sine Ariovistus as he in himself in ca , and Caesar did not Wis to e revente hom obtaining provisions, helareW his amni a triple line, an eam to a piam hic hehad chose a suit te sor a camp. men this cam Was sortissed, hedes a part of his arm there and led the est bachao ine larger

LATl NE RESPONDE. XLV. 1. Num Caesar se negotio dεsistere posse arbiis sit 'Quare 2 Arvernis superatis, quid populus Monus noctat 3. Quid sensitus de victis bello voluerat


40 IN LATIΝUM. XLVI. 1. In colloquio, quid Caesari nuntilitum est Quid Caesar ξεcit 3 2. Quare Caesar proelium committendum esse non putabat a. Quid in inlites eisitum est ' Quomodo movebantur pXLVII. 1. Quid biduo post Ariovistus est Quid legati petisirunt 2. Quos Caesar ad Ariovistum insit Quomodo accepti sunt XLVIII. 1. Quo consilio Ariovistus ultra Caesarem castra meit 3 2. Quoties Caesar pro castris suas copias produxit' Quid Evsinit 3 XLIX. 1. in Caesar castra minora diesvit 2. Quo consilio Ariovistus expeditos et equitatum eo misit 8






iovistus' 'to come ut.

LI. Aster the Germans hin place the omen o the chariolsandisagons, and te thei auxiliaries ut os camp, and dramum lineis batile, the omen epi an berae them to leave in campis guard Which seemeda be ussicient. LII. When Crassus observed that the batue had Men emnon the right Wing, and that the Germans, 'havin forme a phalanx, ere sustianing the attach os our Words, and that ursoldier Were te ingrapon the phalanxes and Wounding the enemysrom above, he commanded the cavatorio res hemilympo thelest,ingis the ene .

LIII. Although Ariovistus esca d, both his ives peris Lintheraiot, an one os his Moramghter Was stat in the batile.

Great pleasur Was Mought in Caesar, notiorem account os the

victor than Minus his tW hiends Caius Valerius Procillus and Marcus ettius, ere found andimurat baecto him. LATl NE RESPONDE. I. I. roximo die insuinto suo quid Caesar diti . Quo

consilio Ariovistus partem suarum copiisum insit 3. Quid sortes Germanis declaraverant ρLI. 1. Clu Caesar Marios in conspectu hostium constituit 32. Clu Germani omnem suam aciem redis et carris circumde-dεrunt 3. Mulieres Germanorum in proelium proficiscentes

quid implor ant


DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. I. 43LII. 1. Quos Caesar singulis legionibus praefecit 3 Quo consilio 2. Quid tum ipse Mit 3 3. Nonne Germani a dextro cornu Vehementer nostram aciem premebant Quid . Crassus tum metipLIII 1. Nonne Germani terga verisirunt 8 Quum sugere destiterunt 3 2. Quid uxoribus Ariovisti accidit oculus et Μettius ainci Caesaris, repertine sunt 3





i GRAMMATlol STUDE. A. Subjunctive vit verba os earing A. 331, J S. 492 G. 552;Η. 498 III. Note 1. B. blative os ause A. 245 S. 404 G. 407 Η. 416. Ablative os Specification videtensum I. A . C. Ablative it Comparatives A. 247 S. 416 G. 399 Η. 417. D. Dative of the Agent: A. 232 8 383 G. 352 and 353; H. 388. LATl NE LOQUERE. I. 1. Caesar is informinitabienusu Labienus is informe by Caesar Caesar informe him he was insormes Caesar Wil insor him he in e insormed Caesar has insorme him hehas Men insormed Caesar ad insorme him he had been in-sormed. 2. he letters os Labienus insorme Caesar that the Belgae ere conspiring. 3. The Belgae inred that ou amywouldie led against them. 4. The more powersul had the meanssor hiring men. II. 1. Caesar uill malamed by these rumor an messages.