장음표시 사용
XXXI. 1. Although in mundit had been dismissed the chiessasked to reat it Caesar in secret. 2. Although the might obtain ha the Wished the Would 'be ut to the reatest torture. . tolli appen that the Arverni ill ali in Ariovistus and the Germans sor ire. . t appenin that these Wild an savam me berum enamored os the land of themavis. 5. Again and again the Germans had stragoed in arm Wit the duans and thei dependents. 6. Although the were noldesinted an thei senato an ali heir avia 'ad been lost.
26 IN LATINUM. 7. Divitiaeus alone had fled in the se te a Romerio as aid. 8. He is the oldy one os the Aeduana Who cannot be indueedio give his hildrenos hostages. LATi NE SCRlBE. XXX. 1. Thoughoo have inflicte punishment pon the Helvetians, et his circumstanc has appene nories to theaduantage of the Gavis than to that of the Romans; ecauseth Helvetians, although thei affaira ere mos fiourishing, est thei homes it the designis seigin the goverament of Gaul, and of holding the remalain states a tributaries. 2. Let itio permitte torus to ali a munci os ali Gaul sor a certain My, and to do his Mithoour consent, because e have some ining Which, vis to as o γα e hali ordia isoathisit ineli oster that o ne inali ake disclosures, exceptiu inose ho stat be directed by the generat counest XXXI. 1. Although the Sequani ere victorious, a Worsethin has appene to them than to the anquisilied, ecause twenty-Mur thousan os themarudes have rossed the Rhine andon that account Ariovistus has Hered the Sequania depari minthei territories. 2. At firs about fistren thousand of the Germans came into Gaul to fetue asterWard more merearought over. hese muted the Aeduans, and compelled them in ove thei children and hiet
men as hostages. Oreover, bemus Ariovistus as a barbamus,
passionale, an recties man, the Aeduans inred that he would visit pon them ver End of eruesty. 3. Pthes things are disclosia io Ariovistus, he,ill infliet themost severe punishment upo thos hostages Who are in his possessiona ut Caesar is able by his auctorit to proieci the peopleos Gaul hom the outrage of Ariovistus, an to prevent a greater number os Germans hom eluinii Gaul.
DE BELLO GALiaco, LIB. I. 27 LATi NE RESPONDE. XXX. 1. Quare principes mulitum Galliae ad Caesarem venerunt 8 2. Quare Caesar ab Helvsitiis poenas bello repetiverat ρ3. Quibus consiliis Helvsiti domos suas reliquerant 4. Quid commune concilium Gallorum iureiurando inter se sanxit XXXL 1. d Galli, ne ea, quae concilio dixissent, enunti ventur; laboraverunt 3 2. Qui principallis actionum duorum sita Lliae te gram 8 3. Divitiacus dixit, quam multi Germanorum in Gallia essent. 4. Cur Divitiacus Romam ad senatum auxilium postulatum sinerat 3 5. Quid Ariovistus post Admagetobrigae
proelium Reit 6. Qualis homo Ariovistus fuit Z
XXXIII. 1. V Caesar should reassure themiud os themavis With Wotas, this thing mul not be a care to them. 2. Isariovistus is influenred by hindness, he Williu an endrio his injuries. XXXIV. 1. Caesar ashed Ariovistus to choos a place hau Way betWeen them sor a conserenoe. 2. Ariovistus repties statis hemeed anythingis Caesar he wili comerio him. 3. Ariovistusasked Caesar What busines he had in Gaul. XXXV. 1. Is Ariovistus ad been assed hiniis the senate, he ould have been trinis Wit great Endness. 2. Is he houldbe annoyed When invite to comerio a conserence, Caesar mould demand certain things of him. 3. Dyou villio do these inings, Pshali not overtoo the wrong os the Aeduana. LATl NE SCRlBE. XXXII. Sine the Sequani continue silently in the sames ness, Divitiacus ansWered sor them rie tot of the Sequaniis more grievous stan that os the est, Meaus the shudde at the crueityis Ariovistus henae is absent. They alone dare notisshaid even in secret, emus thei toWns are ali in the poWer M
DE BELLO GALGCO, LIB. I. 29 XXXIII. 1. I promis that this affair hal be a care o me. have reat hope that Ariovistus Will e persuade by m hind- nescio ut an endri his rong-doings. ha the Aeduans, re- atem calle friend and Ensmen by the Roman eople, areheld in the strat dom and sWaros in Germans, is ver disgracesulto the republicu2. Is in Germans hould is degrees ecome accustome tocome into simul, it Wovidae tangemus to the Roman eople, particulari as the Rhine on. separates Gaul honi the Roma pro
ince, cause Wild an savage men oes no resti ain themselves hom marchin through the province into Italy. XXXIV. dare notis Without an arm into hos paris ossimul os,hitabo have possession, and I cannot collectis armyinto one place Without great expens and trouble. Oreover, this i m Gaul, hic Phave conquere in War anxit is strange tome hat busines either ou or the Roman eople have here a Q.
demand of you. Do no formi stat in the consulini os Messala and is the senate decreed that obod should provohe the Aeduans is utram nor bring War po them o thei assies. LATl NE RESPONDE. XXXII. 1. Quid Caesar de Sequanis animadvertit 8 2. Cursorilina eorum gravior miseriorque quam reliquorum sui, XXXIII. 1. Quid Caesar turpissimum esse sibi et rei publicae arbitrlibatur 2. Quid populo Romano esse periculosum videbat 33. Quare Ariovistus desserendus videbatur ZXXXIV. 1. Quo consilio Caesar legatos ad Ariovistum visit 82. Quid Ariovistus Caesarem sacere oportere dixit 3 XXXV. 1. Quando Ariovistus rex a sensitu appellatus erat 32. Quid primum Caesar ab Ariovisto postulavit 3 Deinde 3
io tribute. 3. Is the inuans abide by that hic has been
agreedispon, Dought notrio mae War po them. XXXVII. 1. Ambasindor came at the fame timerio complainbemus the 'Were not able in urchas pince 2. Caesar ill
XXXVII. Bemus the Harudes ere devastatin the territo os in Aeduans and the Suevi,ere attemptincto ros the Rhine, Ariovistus thought that he ought in hasten, o stat is his veteransorces hould e united Wit these ne-band the would e lesseasib resisted an soae pushed by larce marches in the anhos the Rhine. XXXVIII. he toWn is surrounde almos entiret by the riverioubs, jus ascisci hin been traced by assair os compasses,
and the remaining pace is hemmed in is a mountain f so greatheight that iis mot toue the anhs os the riveris eister fide. Because there a here the reates abundanc os ali hings, Caesar hastene hitheri force marches night an day. XXXIX. The centurions and those ho ere in command of the cavato eremo disturbed by the panic Whieli had seire thewhole army, and whic hin arisen hom the tribunes, holai nothave muta experience in militar affairs; ut the Wer ahaid, kon account os the narrownes of the oad and the fige of the forests, stat the oldier Would no obe When Caesar houldorde them to rea cam an to adrance.
Use adiectives. ' What conjunction ν Whyss
82 IN LATINUM. Tl NE RESPONDE. XXXVI. 1. Quid Ariovistus ills esse belli dixit 2. .
modo populus Romanus victis imperare cons runt 3 seu
modo Aedui Ariovisto supendiarii saeti sunt 3 4. Quomodo Caesar Ariovisto inciriam aes at XXXVII. 1. Quid questum Qui ad Caesarem Ungrunt Treveri 2. Qui Suevis praeerat 3 3. Quo Caesar magnis itineribus contendit XXXVIII. 1. Cum tridui viam processisset, quid ei nunti tum est 3 2. Quid Caesar sibi faciendum esse existimabat 3. Quomodo tamen libis oppidum Vesontionem cingit 3 XXXIX. 1. Quis timor de Germanis in Caesaris castris ortus est 3 2. Quid ex hoc ramore subito usinit 3 3. Ine, qui magnum in castris sum habebant, perturbabantur Quid nonnulli Caesari nuntiabant
and Teutons, didioth commander an arm deserve great presses 5. In the servile insurrectio it a see ho much Quantage firmnes possesses. 6. The Helvetians, horum no malch so the Romans have ery one conquere the Germans. 7. Although
the Were cattered, and conquere is stratagem and cunning 32. Lam persuade that Ariovistus, henaeiecomes acquainted with, demands, ill not berarive by age and adnes tobring War po the Roman army. Da tria of this enem hinno been recenti made, hen the were assiste by the experienceata trianing Whic the had received homos, e might des iros ou valor; ut We have ver osten engage Wit them, an have generali conquere them 'so there is no reason vis e s uid
3. There is no reason WhyIou hould ea that the soldier Willnotae obedient to the command and Qvance, bemus my integriuis seen in m Whole lise. Ushali rea cam during the so thWatch so that Lmayanomas oon a possibi Whether the wnthlegion alone Will solioW me or not. LATl NE RESPONDE. 1. Quos Caesar ad concilium adhibuit 2 Caesare consule, quid Ariovistus fecerat 3. Quis Cimbros et Teutones pepulerat 4. Qui eo tempore laudem meriti vid antur 5. Nonne Helvetii cum Germanis congressi sunt Qua sorinna 6 Ariovistusne n e Gallos supersiverat Qu6modd 7. Num pGravit Romanos eodem mod capi posse 8. Qui exercitui RomM6sramentum subministrebant' s. In quo statu hoc temporeismentum erat 10. n e Caesar de quarta vigilia motarus
erat 11. De quibus non dubitabat 7 12. Quid Caesar huic legidni meerat γε se a participio. Itaque rimu eat quia.