장음표시 사용
Adde mellis Anglici quantum sufficiat ut fiat electuarium. Adae iis mucis Eng Dis hon as maF be s isscie/at Io maste an
Electuarium ad myristicae nuclei magnitudinem Capiendum. A pisce Me sise of a m/ eg to be talen of Me electuarF. Electuarium ad nucis juglandis magnitudinem Capiatur. Let Me egenuas he rate=a mira a dose of the sise of a mainut. Electuarium, cujus dev6ret drachmam mane et vesperi. TZe eleuua , of misita DI Me patient) Iale de ovo one Da-sroo ut morning arid eventum Electuarium cujus sit dosis ad sabae magnitudinem. An electua , of ita let a fiere Me sise of a beau be the dose. Fiat electuarium molle, cujus sumatur magnitudo nucismoschatae indIes, vel quando opus Sit. Male a syr HeuuarT, Veto ita ter a pisce Me sise of a nu mex be Ialen Gib, or Nisen nec Sav. Misce intime pulveres, mel augendo usque ad electuarium sngendum. Mim Me somders in ima est, adding honeν untii an electua=Fis formed. Ne in loco calido Servetur. Let is nor be stest in a hor stare.
Novissima sunt suppositoria b glycerino facta. Gly certa sussosi ories are qui e recent. Simul contunde, donec corpuS unum Sit, et fiat maSsa pro suppositorio. Beat togetaer rmsit is is one uniform subsfairce, and be matae a suppositorF waSS.
18O DENTIFRICIA. . TOOTII-POWDERS. Leni calore liqua suppositoria, et semi sui da effunde in modulum politum bene refrigeratum. eu the suppositorias must gentis fleas, an four, Nissile sevi, fluid, into a mel cooledsolishes moui Suppositoria h modulo eXempta, SerVa. es Me suppositories when ta en frons Me mouid. Tere bene sine calore ut fiat massa pro suppositorio ; quam in partes aequales duodecim divide. Rub meia Iogether mi hout heat Io male a supposito mass, whion divide in o Doetve equat paris. Ulatur aeger suppositorio omni nocte. Let Me salient use a suffositor ' eperF nigra . Utatur suppositorio grana quindecim pendente, hujus sormae et magnitudini S. Let the fallent use a sussositor ' meigning Deu grains, of this form and Sige. Utendus sit modulus lini mento sap6nis illitus. Let Me mould be used smeares muri soas linimen .
DENTIFRICIA. TO OTH-ΡOUDERS. Adde olei menti, te piperitae guttas quasdam ad guStum. Add a feto some) Us of ou offersermini Io Iaste. Affricentur dentes omni mane dentifrIcio hujusmodi hora
Applicetur tinctura pro dentifricio donec assiciantur gingivae. Let the Doth tincture M a Ded untii Me g Dus are refctei Bene misceantur pulveres ut fiat denti fiscium Lel the forodens be Neu mised D maste a Dothsomae . Dens integer, a Sound Dora. t cari OSi, deca Ied.
x primores, noui Deth. Dentes mane vespereque affricandi. The Delis to te brushed mornmr anae epening. DentifrIcium e creta camphorata paratum utendum. Camphorased chara Dothsomder D be used. Doldre dentIum urgenti adde tincturae opii pauxillum. case of Do harae adii a finis tincture of υλm. Fiat syrupus, gingivis ope digiti applicandus. Male a orus, Io be a lita to the gums b the Der. In dispensatione adde boracis quantum sumesat in glyce rino soluti. In dispensing add a susscieno os loraa dissolves in glFceris. Misce bene terendo pulveres ut fiat dentissescium. Mix b ωHI tri rating the poete dens to male a Dothsoroder. Ne nimis amarum sit dentifrIcium. Let noin Me Dothsowder be Do bis eriodontalilIa, Do hacte. Persistat In usu tincturae, Odontalgia urgenti. Persevere in Me use of the uncture misen Moriblia mira Dora
CATAPLASMATA. POULTICES.Coquantur simul ut fiat Cataplasma. Le the intredienti) be boiled forether D ma e σ portuice. Non nisi ad dispensationem paretur. Les is oub be prepares mhen dissenser To be mari as required for use. Cataplasma Carbonis, Marcoal foui De. Panem prope ignem macera in aqua horae sextam partem dein misce, lini farinam gradatim addens inter agitati Jnem ut fiat cataplasma molle. Cataplasmate carbonis dimidium immisce et reliquum Supra ConSPerge. Macera e the bread in the mater for Ien minutes near fite fre, Meu mis and adae the Iisseed meat gradua EF, surring the in-goedienti, Mat a sos fouitice maF be formes Mim mith this haly the charcoal, and Urmige Me remain fer on the si face the sortifice. Lini sarina aquae prius addenda ut fiat cataplasma bene
The linuta nimi to be fruet added to Me wafer so thar a mell-mixedsouuice maF le mari. Sub forma lini menti spissiori S paretur CataplaSma. Let the fouifice be pressareae in the forna os a rauer Miciliniment. EPITHEMATA. EPITHEMS. Epithema regioni epigastri Cae admovendum. The epithem liquid or senti quid fouisice) D be placia on Vetu of the stomach. Sit pro epithemate et capiti applicetur. Let it be used for an epithem, and a Bed Io the head.
Ab igne remotum sedulo agitetur unguentum. Lu the oin ment, removes from Me re, te mesi stirreae ATricetur tumori fabae magnitudo. Ler a fiere the sise Ua bean be rubbed on the smel DICujus inungatur grustillum, frustulum, fruStum, smali pisce paululum, pauxillum, Vel SCrupuluS, or a Scrufle. Os Whicli let a sinali piece, or a scrupte, be uSed as an
Fiat massa densitatis unguenti. Male a mass of the consis ence of an Oin men Fiat unguentum p. a. a. parti asseCtae applicandum). aste an oin ment, D be a lita to the part asneue i.
Liques C ceram et CelaCeum : quibus oleum adjiCe. Meu Me et x anae sperniaceti; to . ita adae the oll. Mitte parassini duri et mollis partes aequales, ut fiat unguen tum idoneum. Put equat saris of hard and sos sarassu, Mat a sui able Oini ment vlv be nrade. Molle sit unguentUm. Lia is be a sos oin meIII.
UNGUENTA. OIN TMENTS. RecIpe unguenti hydrargyri fortis unciam: divIde massam in partes octo aequales, Singulas in Charta Cerata volvendaS. Ta eos strong mercurial oin ment, one ounce. Dipide the massinio eirris equassaris, sacri ro be rolied in mam saper. Semel in die utatur unguento. Lei Messalien0 vse Me o, timent once a d. . Tegatur unguentum olla fictIli. Let the omlnient be lest in a covere sol. Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis cum parassino molle diluendum.
7 e ni rara os mei cur ' oin enI Io be diis eae mira sospar n. Unguentum palpebris applicandum. The oin ment Io be applied to the Gestas. Unguentum parti dolenti adhIbendum. The oin ent to be a lita lo Me pati ut pari.
Unguentum partIbus assectis infricandum. The oin ment to be rubbed on the a reledraris. Unguentum tempori dextro nocte maneque m. d. V. more dicto utendum . The oiniment D be used as directed for the right temple, nigrizet id momisg. Utatur aeger unguento rasis prius Capillis. Let the patie=it use the oin ment, the hair hirping been preptousIF ShaPH. Vase vitreo bene obturlito servetur unguentum. Let Me oluiment be lesI in a Nubsti seres bosue.
When, in the Ablative CaSe. Horu long, or duration, in the Accusative. Sometimes With the preposition Per, Mimur', also in the Accusative. Abhinc, hom this time. Alias, at anoMer time. Aliquando, Somel ES. Alterna. quaque hora, Alternis horis, everF other hour. AnnuS, j. m. SubS., and deCL, a Iear annos natu S, set . A phrase.) Insanti annos sex nato,bra chita sim Fca Solae. Annos, nCCusative-ie., duration os time. Nato, participle, agreeing With the person. Ante, before, With aCCUS.
Bis, imice I bis die, bis de die, bis in die. Iroice a d. . CelerIter, cito, qui kθ.
diebus alternis, on alte=wate dux
inter diem, durinx Me dv. lper diem, raroughour Me div.
hebdomadi dat.) hebdomada anae hebdomadam accuS.ὶ, hebdomade abh), per hebdomada tor am), during a
per lidram, during one hour. per horas duas, for I o hours. Use in the singular. JHora secund1, tertia, quarta, quinta, Sexta, etc., in thesingular, mira omni or quaque, are translated, everF Se n Gird, Durra, s δε, stath hour. et C.
Horis Secundis, tertiis, quartis, quintis, sextis, etc., in the plural, mi hout omnibus or quibusque, are translated, ery imo, three, fur, sue, Sis is ura, etC. Illico, ins an θ, immedialeb. In promptu, on the instant. Indies, Gib. Interdiu, in the FIime.
Interdum, somesim . Invicem, b iurnS. Iterum, Mais. Iterum repetatur dosis, Let Me dose be once more resea ed
DE TEMPORE. TIME. Meridiano tempore, at noora time. Meridies, ei, na. SubS., 5 th deCL, Noon. Ante meridiem, he γου noctu. Post meridiem, affernoon ς pomeridianus, adi. IIIJ UtUm, i, D. SubS., 2l ad deCl. , a minure. Minuta, Plur. Minute time is thus expressed :-MInuta quinque, 5 minus Horae' pars Sexta, Io minu es. Horae parS quarta, 15 mmules, or a quar er of au hour. H6rse pars tertIa, 2 o misu S. MInuta quinque et viginti, 25 Ininu ex
Minuta quinque et triginta, 35 minutes. MInuta quadraginta, 4o minuus. M. quinquaginta, go Nunus . Hora, an nour; Le., divisional paris of an hour to beexpressed generalty by Pars; otherNise by Minuta. Ali Minute time in the Ablative, to mark time when 'in the Accusative, to marii duration. MOX, soon erutaris.) MOX Romam prosectu S est, mon Ira ma= ius he set out for Ronte. Natus, pari. , stom nascor, Io be bo' n. Used in a phrase to express age; the number Os years Le., duration os time, being in the accusative. Annos quinque et octoginta natus excessit d vita, ne diis agedestri F- e. Nocte, at =tig I. Nocte Sequenti, on rae DEowing non . Osten uni ted With mane, as: nocte maneque, nigrit ali i