Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


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Diet es anaccessos tibi Solis fila lucos rigiduo resonat cantu, tectisq; superbis

Urit odoratam nocturna in lumina cedrum, Argisto tenrte pri ceterrens pectin telaε. AEn. 7. II.


States men, Divines, and in these Aris et terseen than in their own Profession Norices this comerio passe, conceive, e cause asa certa in Deci lime agains Sciences object to


Bla me of Physicians than to thei Excuse. For the ought sto cast a Na Hope, uti putrio more Strength. For is a Maia ould aruake his Observation, and oui cibo ut a litile, he wil ea sit se in obvio us an familii In stances, hat a Command andri vere ignty the

Subrii ty and Sharpnes of the Under standingliath ver the Varie ty ei ther of Mettier orForm. Noth in more variable than the Faces and Counte nances of Mem; et the Memoryca reta in the infinite istinctions of heur. Nay, a Patrater illi a se ae helis of si Iurg, by the Bene fit of his Eye, the orce of hiqImagination, and the Steadines of his Haird, could imitate and describe illi his Penci tueFaces of ali, that are, ii sive been, and a V e,

is the were brought hesore hi m. Nothing

sit discern the Differen es of it in very particula Person : Nay, ou malliave ius Don o Pantomime imitate and express to the Lila a many as e lea seq. Noth in more variabie, than the dissering ound of Uord sq, 3 et Men have ound the way to reduce themto a feruiet ter of the Alphabet. So that itis ot ant of Subtilty or Capacit in the Mind of an, that reed these a Zes and In comprehension in Sciences, ut uiter theto remote placing of the object. For a thesense, fariis, is ut o mista Ling, but ruit hindue is lance, err no much , o scit os beUni istanding For Men are Ont O .ike


Et quoniam arrant Moria, arrabimus Artes , Mille mali species, mille salutis erunt. Ov. R. A. L. 2.WHICH they ought the atheroo O, hecause the Philosophi es them selves uponwhicli Physicians, hether the be Methodi sis, o Chymias, o ely an Medicine Plot gro unded pon Philosopli is a eah Thing, a re in deedi litile orth. Where- fore is to wide Generalities tho the weretrue have his Desect that the domo wel Ibring et Homerio Action certaint thereis greater ange in hos Genera is, hicliare in thenaseives salse, and instea os Di rect-


more professed than laboured, and et more Iaboured than ad vanced , ince the a in besto Oed thereon, have been rather in Circlethan in Progression Forci find much Iterationi Writer in it, but mali Addition. WE ill divide it in to threessaris, hi ch

to have achnoaeledged i as a principaliartifthei Profession, ut o have ingle and conseunde it Ignorantly nough with theother No. For the supposse, i Dis eas es erepelledies ore the invade, an die ured af re they have ei ged the Body that Pro longition fit se follow of Course. Whicli tho' it e so ithout ali question, et the aresaor in no discerning that both of the se be- long oni tomis eas es, an to that Prolongation of fe alone, hic licis morten 'd and intercepte bymis ea se gQ ut the EXtending the ver Threa of Lisse, and the Proroguing of Death ohicli insenti bly creeps pota S, by Natura Resolution, and the Consumption fAge sor an Time, is an Argument hi clinone os ille Physicians has orthily and d.


to much to the Qualit os ea is, an tuo litile to the Quantit thereos. An in the

Quantit it self, lihe ora Philosophers,

the have to much extolP. Moderation Wherea both Fastin g, an fulliat in g, inter-change ibi ut ed, and ad customary, aret et te Preservatives of Health than hos e fame moderate sages, hicli,eahen Nature, andrender her impatient of Exces and Hardiliis , is occasion mouldie. An for the Κind of LXercisse, contributin molito the Preservation


tionis Health thole omne of the Professionhath, et distinguim 'd or obserula , there be- in hardi an Disposition to a Dis ea se, whicli a noti corrected by sonae pro per Exercise Bowl in i good for the is ases of the Reins Sh0otin for thos of the Lungs, Walh in and Ridin for the Stomach, and the like But this Pari, o uching the Preservation o Health, havin been handled throughout to pursu lesie Delicidiaces, is notrio in present Purposse. A S so the Curem Dis ases, fiat indeedis a Partis Medicine, hereon much Labour has been besto Oed, ut illi mali Prosit. Itcontain the non leuge of Disenses, to hicli Man's Bod is subject together illi their Carses, Sympionis, an Cures. In his secondossice of Medicine, there are an Things deficient , Ofthese e stat propo und a se of the mos rema rhabie, hich e mali hin

sit to enumerate ithout an precise Orde or Method. Narrationales Medicimiles.

pocrates, hos Custo id a to compose a

Narrative of the speciat Cases of his Patienis; setting own themature of the Dis ea se the Method os Proceed in g, and the Event. Andhaving


havinis proper an illustrious a recedent of this hing in a Person that waci a mala ne held the ather of the Art, e hali notneed o gorio Foreig Aris sor an EXample , orto the is dona of the La yers, horare erycarefulcio take dorun more notable Cases, and ne Decision that the may be the et terprepared an furniste against future Cases. Wheresorem find wantin a Continuationis

he made so ample, as to tali in Vulgar, and Every-da Cases, for that were an infinite Work, andio to the Pur posse , nor again sostrait, a to admitarodigies and Onder on- lyci, a Thing hichias been donei seme. For many Things are ne in the Man=rer, and Cirerim lances, hicli are o ne in them,id And e thalaives his in to observe, ill meet illi man Things, even in vulgar atters, orth Observation. Anatomia Comparata. SO in L so mistion Anatomrcal, the man- ne is, That the Paris generalty incident toMan's Body, are mos diligent ly en qui red into, Ven to Curiossity, and in very the leali Potnt : ut a to the Varie , hi chris found in dioera Bodies, there the Dilige nce of Physicians fatis Any the resore a grant that simples


gure an Condition of thos faris in disserent Men the do not so et observe The Rea

be satisfied by the Vie of one or No Anatomi es , lut the alter, ein Comparative and Casual must aris from the attentive an de xam Consideration is many Besides, thetir si is in alter here in earne Men, in their relections and in the Companies of thos the re ad to, an et ut thenaseives to

Ad vantage L But the seconixis, That hi clican e acquire only by a thought DL and long Experieuce This, in the mean Time,

i here is no question of that the Figure and Structure of the In ward aris is a sulli Variet y that of the Mutinard and that Hearis, and LiverS, and Ventricles, a re sdifferent in Men, Mei ther Fore head S, or No-


of some Part. In the Cure of hicli Disca-ses, iis in vain t appi Alteratiet e Medicines because themas admit no of Asteration,9but the alter inu It e corrected, and accommodated, o palliated by Dieis, and Medicines familiar. LI KEIVISE, o Comparatiυ Analom apperta in accurate Observations as et ofali in os tumours, as of the oot seps and

Impression o Disesses, in Variet o Rodies

dissected For the Humour a re common lypassed ver in Analonites, a superfluou EX- cremenis, though iti mos necessar tu observe, o ,hat Nature, and what various

Lind thereae os disserinimmoreri notare ly- in herein to much pon the received Divisitons of them ,hichisa so metimesie found in the Bod of an , an in inhat avities, an Receptacles, achmum Our se for themost parto lod ge and est teri and with hat Ad vantage, o Prejudice, and the ille.

In like Manner the ootseps and Impressions of Difenses, and the Lymns and Deet a lations

ternatura Substances Dund in Man's Body, a S