Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 503페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Distinctions and Exceptions a the Stabilityos Rules and Principies. E it again, haesit misead and wtestsMen' Mindq. eithe by the dis proportionor dissimilitude of Examples that I an'ttetici, et this I kno well, that i unsolds, and lays ope as etl the orce of Circumstanees, a the Error o Comparisons, and teaches ali the Cautions of Application , sothat in the whole it rectities Men' Mindamore than it perveris them And these Remedies earnin insinuates very here by the great orce an Vari et os Examples. Let aman weigh wel the Error o Clemenstitie VIIth, sociivel describ'd by Gmcciardine, that was a in os Domestic t hinari orthemavering of Cicero, ain texto the Lisub his own encit, in his Episties to Atticus , and he wil of aIl things huncinconstancy, and frequent mistin os Resolutions. Let hi in look in to the Error o Phocion, an he will rea Obstinacy, and illa l-ness. et hina read the able of Ixion, andit ili dispe excessive opes, and fuch like

Fumes an Misis. et hi in conside Cato the econd, and he wili neve go to the Antipodes, and trea opposite to the present Vorid.


vers pread the Mind with a sineet lumberos Repos and Retirement, the wili do a Miracle is the can prove That that hichaccus om the in to a perpetua Motlon, an Agitation is the Patrones of loth Whereas, o the Contrary, it a be trulyassirin 'd That nolind of Men Iove Businesse forBusiness-sake, but the Learned. orithe Perinsons love Asfair an diu siness,for the Pro fit, asHi reling the or for the wages : Others formonou , fur hile the are in Action, the live in the yes of en, an refrestitheir Reputation, hicli ould theraeis de-cay. Other for ille salie of Oaeer, and the rivi leges of Fortune, that the may beable to eruarytheirariends, an die reven g'do their ne mi es Others, that the may exercise so me peculiar acuit that the are fond of and in that respe osten congratu late an pleas them selves. Others, a stly. to obtain ther End of theirs. So that asit is at o Braggadocio's, that thei Ualo uris in the Lyes of the Spectator such Men' Diligence an Activit seem to imat his, either that other may applaud them, O that the may be delighte in ard ly inpleasin Conceits of them se lues, and theirorun Desiigns : Oni Learne Mencisve Bu- sines an Employment, as Actions agreeableto Nature, andio tessaealthful to the Mind, than Exercise is to the Body, havin an Lyeto the Thing only, ut the Prosit So that




ten the Manners, maia them tender, Obsequious, pliable, and ductile to the Commancio PONer , inhereas Ignorancein the therhand mahes them Contumacious, Refractory,


learned rude, an barbarous Times haveheen most subjecto Tumulis, Seditions, and Changes. Scio the Iudgmen o Cato the Censor, si much I saal say that he was vel punissala for his Blasphem against Learning

for he he was ast Threestore ear of Age, he was alien illi an extrem Desirer g to Schoo again, an to learn the Gree Tongue, in orde tu rea the Greest Authors , hicli demonstrates that his forme Censure of the Grecia Learning Wasrather an affecte Gravity than the inNara Sense of his N Opinion. S to Virgil's Verses, tho he ooh a fin-c to insul the Worid, in assertingeto the Ro-ν rans the Aris o Empire, and earing alithe rest to ther a popular and servile ; et so much is manifest, that the Roman nove ascende to the Pinnacle o Empire, illthe Time the had ascende to the Heighto Aris. For in the Time of the two rit sars, Me of the greatest Perfection in the

Art o Govern ment, there live Contem poraries the best Poet, Virgilius Maro thzbes Historian Titus Licitus , he est An liquary, Marcus Varro and the est, or L coiid ei Orator, Marcus Cicero the great est Me no dolabi, ach in thei Faculties, ibat to ud Memor o Man areanoWn.


Os ih Discredits of LEARNING,

fovi earne Menae Fortunes, Man-ners, and Nature of Studies. Da stigmentis Scientiarum. Ibid. O are e come to the Third sor os Discredit, that redo uniis to earn in fro in Learned Menthenaseives, an That common lyssiclis aster than the est That derive iis Origina ei ther frona thei Fortune, O thei Manners, o themature of thei Studies. The Firs of vhicli is ut O thei Poruer, the econdoccidental, and UO to the Purpos so that he hird n lyieem properi torial into Inquiry. et be- cause the Debat in and is no so much con Cerning the true eight of hings, aso iopular opinion, it illis ot be anals to insinuate umerulia also of the wo tuer. '



a sacro an venerable Thina overt it self


nish' with good Pressidentari or hich - arice an Excesse so late invades o Where in Poveri an Parsimon inere se greatly an si longion ured. In hori, the more' be Wanted the les the destressi MOREO UER, after the Roman State


- - is

Brutus, of hicli, o bein carried, a ma-Γy the were, at the Funera o Julia, Placitus salth, Eo ipso praes thebant, quod non visepantur , he out-ssione the est for this

vhich Age, iecauserit is the Age of east